On May 27, 5:53 pm, davedo2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ooops, color me red of face. The very slow time was for an install of
> under a VM module of Kubuntu that I had previously built. I just tried
> the SAGE
> VM module (not the latest) and it only took 50+ secs for the same
> image. I am
> still curious about Cygwin though...Dave

Cygwin support has been dropped since 2.5.1 or 2. The reason is that
many components do not build/work correctly on Cygwin. Up to 2.5.0
those have been not very essential to the normal SAGE user, but since
libSingular failed to run correctly on SAGE despite lots of work put
into it Cygwin support was dropped. SAGE under VMWare should run
faster compared to Cygwin, the only disadvantage is a somewhat bigger
download and also somewhat more of an effort to configure the
networking via VWMare.



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