On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 7:57 AM, Francisco Botana <fbot...@uvigo.es> wrote:

> My question was (and is): is it possible to simultaneously send multiple
> commands to the simple server? That is, instead of setting, for instance, a
> to 2 and b to 3 with two distinct http requests, is it possible to send
> a=2;b=3 through the same request?

Yes, it should be. (Been a long time since I've looked at that code.)

> A similar question: sending a request as "if True: a=5", 5 is assigned to a.
> But I get nothing with "if False: a=5; else: b=3" and get
> NameError: name 'b' is not defined
> when asking about b.
> My goal is using Sage as a remote mathematical service for adding symbolic
> abilities to dynamic geometry environments such as GeoGebra.
> Any idea?
> Thanks in advance

Try inserting some newlines (and indentation). Newlines can be
inserted into a url with "if True:%0a  a=5%0aelse:%0a   b=3" (though
typically you'd use a library call to do this).

- Robert

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