As a representative of "the rest of thw world" I vote for (a), since I
only use (b)when using Magma!

To keep everyone happy could we have both A.left_eigenspace() and
A.right_eigenspace(), with A.eigenspace() bound to one of these by
default?  But the left e-space would be a space of row vectors while
the right one would be a space of column vectors...

While I'm here, I was surprised to see that there's no A.eigenvalues().


On 26/10/2007, David Joyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> I've forgotten the detals but I vaguely remember a discussion of
> how we want to consider eigenspaces. There are two flavors for
> the defn of eigenvalues/eigenvectors:
> (a) A*v=lambda*v (which is common in the US) and
> (b) v*A = lambda*v (which is common in other parts or the world).
> Currently, it seems that eigenspaces uses (b). I wonder if there is any
> support for adding an option to eigenspaces to use (a).
> - David Joyner
> >

John Cremona

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