On May 9, 8:46 am, Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the download page for the source code [1] it would be useful if, next
> to each link, there was a link to an md5sum (or sha1sum, etc) of the
> tarball. I know we've seen some corrupted downloads, and if an md5sum
> link is easy to find, it might encourage people to use it.


> (Similar md5sum files might be useful on the binary download pages, too
> -- I notice there's one for the FC8 binary [2], but not for any of the
> other Linux binaries.)

I created those md5sums when creating the binaries on some remote
computer. Since I wanted to make sure they were not corrupted in the
process I also copied them over to sagemath.org and verified the

We should open a ticket so that -sdist and -bdist automatically create
md5sums of the archives.

> Thanks!
> Dan


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