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Hi folks,

I run a notebook server for one of the classes I'm teaching.  It works
fine with sage-2.10.2, but I have trouble with more recent versions.  It
might have something to do with the new version of twistd, but I really
don't know anything about this.

So here's what happens.  Under sage-2.10.2, I get

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| SAGE Version 2.10.2, Release Date: 2008-02-22                      |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

sage: notebook(directory='/home/ghitza/notebooks/ma311/',
address='bayes.colby.edu', accounts=False, open_viewer=False)
The notebook files are stored in: /home/ghitza/notebooks/ma311
*                                                        *
* Open your web browser to https://bayes.colby.edu:8000  *
*                                                        *
There is an admin account.  If you do not remember the password,
quit the notebook and type notebook(reset=True).
Removing stale pidfile /home/ghitza/notebooks/ma311/twistd.pd
2008/04/16 09:19 -0400 [-] Log opened.
2008/04/16 09:19 -0400 [-] twistd 2.5.0
(/opt/sage-2.10.2-linux-32bit-debian-i686-Linux/local/bin/python 2.5.1)
starting up
2008/04/16 09:19 -0400 [-] reactor class: <class
2008/04/16 09:19 -0400 [-] Loading ma311/twistedconf.tac...
2008/04/16 09:19 -0400 [-] Loaded.
2008/04/16 09:19 -0400 [-] twisted.web2.channel.http.HTTPFactory
starting on 8000
2008/04/16 09:19 -0400 [-] Starting factory
<twisted.web2.channel.http.HTTPFactory instance at 0x941fc0c>

And then if I go to https://bayes.colby.edu:8000/ I see the login page.
~ Everything is great.  Now if I try the same thing, say with

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| SAGE Version 3.0.alpha5, Release Date: 2008-04-15                  |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

sage: notebook(directory='/home/ghitza/notebooks/ma311/',
address='bayes.colby.edu', accounts=False, open_viewer=False)
The notebook files are stored in: /home/ghitza/notebooks/ma311
*                                                        *
* Open your web browser to https://bayes.colby.edu:8000  *
*                                                        *
There is an admin account.  If you do not remember the password,
quit the notebook and type notebook(reset=True).
Removing stale pidfile /home/ghitza/notebooks/ma311/twistd.pd
2008-04-16 09:27:24-0400 [-] Log opened.
2008-04-16 09:27:24-0400 [-] twistd 8.0.1
(/opt/sage-3.0.alpha5/local/bin/python 2.5.1) starting up
2008-04-16 09:27:24-0400 [-] reactor class: <class
2008-04-16 09:27:24-0400 [-] twisted.web2.channel.http.HTTPFactory
starting on 8000
2008-04-16 09:27:24-0400 [-] Starting factory
<twisted.web2.channel.http.HTTPFactory instance at 0x92edd6c>

I now try https://bayes.colby.edu:8000 and get "refused the connection"
with Epiphany and "unable to connect, can't establish a connection" with
Firefox.  I have no idea what's wrong.  One clear difference that I
notice is that in the working version there are two lines saying

2008/04/16 09:19 -0400 [-] Loading ma311/twistedconf.tac...
2008/04/16 09:19 -0400 [-] Loaded.

and this is missing in the non-working version.

By the way, the machine's specs are
Linux bayes 2.6.22-gentoo-r5 #1 SMP Tue Aug 28 21:27:16 UTC 2007 i686
Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux


- --
Alexandru Ghitza
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Colby College
Waterville, ME 04901
Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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