[sage-support] Re: Some bugs and some wishes

2012-02-18 Thread emil

On 16 Feb., 10:43, Manuel Kauers man...@kauers.de wrote:
 Hi there,

 here are some bugs which may or may not be already known. If they are
 new, could you please file them wherever such bugs need to be filed? Or
 if they are not bugs but wrong usage, could you explain to me what I
 should type instead?

 I am still working with version 4.7.1, so some remarks might be obsolete
 already. (Sorry about that.)

 1.  When I have rational functions over a field [or over an integral
 domain], I expect that the denominator is made monic [or the content of
 numerator and denominator coprime]. This is not always happening. For

 sage: R.x = QQ[]
 sage: (2*x+4)/(4*x-8)
 (2*x + 4)/(4*x - 8)  # bad
 sage: R.x = ZZ[]
 sage: (2*x+4)/(4*x-8)
 (x + 2)/(2*x - 4)  # good

 Although mathematically correct, I consider this as a bug, because not
 bringing rational functions to normal form can easily lead to ridiculous
 expression swell. For example:

 sage: R1.x = QQ[]
 sage: R2.y = R1.fraction_field()[]
 sage: K = R2.fraction_field()

 sage: def canonic(rat):
      num, den = rat.numerator(), rat.denominator()
      clear = lcm(num.denominator(), den.denominator())
      num, den = num*clear, den*clear
      clear = map(lambda p: p.numerator().coeffs(), \
                  num.coeffs() + den.coeffs())
      clear = lcm([a.denominator() for b in clear for a in b])
      num, den = num*clear, den*clear
      x = rat.parent().gen()
      t = rat.parent().base_ring().gen()
      return rat.parent()(ZZ[t,x](num)/ZZ[t,x](den))

 sage: d = K.random_element().derivative(y).derivative(x);
 sage: len(str(d))
 sage: len(str(canonic(d)))

 2.  A coercion problem?

 sage: K = QQ[x].fraction_field()
 sage: R.y = K[]
 sage: S = QuotientRing(R, R.ideal(y^2-(x^2+1)))
 sage: ybar = S.gen()
 sage: S(y) # works
 sage: 1/ybar # works
 (-1/(-x^2 - 1))*ybar
 sage: S(1/y) # doesn't work
 *** output flushed ***
 TypeError: denominator must be a unit

 3.  Another coercion problem?

 sage: R0 = QQ['t'].fraction_field(); t = R0.gen()
 sage: R1 = R0['x'].fraction_field(); x = R1.gen()
 sage: R2 = R1['y']; y = R2.gen()
 sage: R = QuotientRing(R2, R2.ideal(y^2-(x+t)))
 sage: ybar = R.gen()
 sage: ybar^2 # works
 x + t
 sage: ybar + x # works
 ybar + x
 sage: ybar * x # doesn't work
 *** output flushed ***
 sage: ybar*R(x) # works

 4.  A bug in LCM:

 sage: u = QQ['u'].gen(); v = QQ[u].fraction_field()['v'].gen()
 sage: pol = ((u^2 - u - 1)/(-1/5*u^2 - u - 1))*v^2 + ((4/9*u^2 -
 1/2)/(1/2*u - 2))*v + (2*u^2 - 1/2*u - 1/3)/(-2*u^2 - 5*u - 1/2)
 sage: lcm(pol, 1)
 *** output flushed ***
 TypeError: denominator must be a unit

 5.  The universe of a factorization cannot be changed if the
 factorization happens to be empty.

 sage: factor(2).base_change(ZZ['t','x']).universe()
 Multivariate Polynomial Ring in t, x over Integer Ring # correct
 sage: factor(1).base_change(ZZ['t','x']).universe()
 Integer Ring # incorrect

 6.  Resultants for elements of Quot(ZZ[t])[x,y] crash.

 sage: K = ZZ['t'].fraction_field(); t = K.gen()
 sage: R = K['x', 'y']; x,y = R.gens()
 sage: R.random_element().resultant(R.random_element(), y)
 *** Output flushed ***
 TypeError: denominator must be a unit

 7.  Nullspace for matrices over finite fields is unreasonably slow

 sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(2^31-1), 1000, 1001).random_element();
 sage: %time M.right_kernel();
 CPU times: user 165.71 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 165.73 s
 Wall time: 166.20 s

 Mathematica does this almost 20 times as fast:

 In[5]:= mat = Table[RandomInteger[{0,2^31-1}], {n,0,1000},{k,0,1001}];
 In[6]:= Timing[NullSpace[mat, Modulus - 2^31-1];]
 Out[6]= {8.98856, Null}

 And here is a wish list of some things that I would find convenient to
 have, but didn't find.

 1.  a method .derivative for quotient ring elements, with which
 algebraic functions can be differentiated.

 2.  a method Factorization.square_free_part

 3.  a possibility to specify a variable in the method .minpoly for
 quotient ring elements. It is confusing that this method takes 'x' as
 variable for the minimal polynomial even if there is already an 'x' in
 the ground field.

 Thanks  best regards,


I some of those are real bugs I could copy over these examples to
tickets on Sage Trac. Or do you want to create an account and file
those tickets yourself which would be preferable?.

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[sage-support] Re: Reserved words (Sage + Cython)

2012-02-18 Thread Simon King
Hi Oleksandr,

On 17 Feb., 21:52, Oleksandr Kazymyrov vrona.aka.ham...@gmail.com
 Can anyone reproduce the same bug on Ubuntu?

The situation somehow reminds me a problem that I once had with a
wrapper of the C-MeatAxe (an implementation of matrices that I use it
in an optional Sage package). There was a C-function (I think it was
called matid), but in order to make it work on Solaris, I had to
rename the function. It turned out that the linker was mistaking the
function with another function of the same name in a totally different
package. So, that should probably be called a Solaris bug, not a Sage

If a similar thing is happening here as well, I suggest to be
practical: Rename it, if that solves the problem.


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[sage-support] Re: Reserved words (Sage + Cython)

2012-02-18 Thread Oleksandr Kazymyrov
Hi Simon,

 Rename it, if that solves the problem. 

I have done it. But I wonder why has that happened after upgrade from 4.7.2 
to 4.8 (5.0beta4)?

Best regards,

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[sage-support] Re: finding a p-cycle of a real function

2012-02-18 Thread Avril Coghlan
Thank you very much to both of you for your help with this, that is
great, I appreciate it a lot.

On Feb 11, 9:43 pm, John Cremona john.crem...@gmail.com wrote:
 Numerical precision issues would make it preferable (surely?) to use
 exact arithmetic by replacing 1.76 by 176/100.

 Do you know the standard trick (as used for instance in the Pollard
 rho method of factorization) which avoids storing lots of terms of the
 sequence and instead runs two variables through the sequence
 simultaneously, starting at the same point, but with one sequence
 applying the iteration twice?  then you just have to check when the
 two values coincide.

 Details left to the reader, or 


 On 11 February 2012 20:34, D. S. McNeil dsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  Warning: I haven't thought this through, but the ideas might be useful.

  It looks like you'd call something a 3-cycle if for some x_0 we had
  f(f(f(x_0))) == x_0, right?  Then we should be able to do this
  numerically, with some caveats:

  # can't remember the slick way, so brute force
  def iter_apply(f0, n):
     fs = [f0()]
     for i in xrange(n-1):
         last = fs[-1]
     return fs

  def find_pcycles(f0, n):
     fs = iter_apply(f0, n)
     req = fs[-1] == x # defining equation of the cycle
     roots = req.roots(ring=RR)
     for root, mult in roots:
         yield [fi(x=root) for fi in fs]

  which gives

  sage: f(x) = x^2-1.76
  sage: p1 = list(find_pcycles(f, 1))
  sage: p1
  [[-0.917744687875782], [1.91774468787578]]
  sage: f(p1[0][0])
  sage: f(p1[1][0])
  sage: list(find_pcycles(f, 2))
  [[0.504987562112089, -1.50498756211209], [-0.917744687875783,
  -0.917744687875782], [-1.50498756211209, 0.504987562112089],
  [1.91774468787578, 1.91774468787578]]
  sage: list(find_pcycles(f, 3))
  [[1.33560128916886, 0.0238308036295167, -1.75943209279837],
  [1.27545967679486, -0.133202612870350, -1.74225706392451],
  [-0.917744687875783, -0.917744687875782, -0.917744687875783],
  [-1.74225706392451, 1.27545967679486, -0.133202612870348],
  [-1.75943209279837, 1.33560128916886, 0.0238308036295143],
  [-0.133202612870349, -1.74225706392451, 1.27545967679486],
  [0.0238308036295150, -1.75943209279837, 1.33560128916886],
  [1.91774468787578, 1.91774468787578, 1.91774468787578]]

  Note that this says [-0.917744687875783, -0.917744687875782,
  -0.917744687875783] is a 3-cycle, which it kind of is..

  Anyway, maybe playing off of something like that would help?


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[sage-support] colouring documents about SAGE, written using sphinx

2012-02-18 Thread Avril Coghlan
Dear all,

I'd like to write a little document about using SAGE, using sphinx to write
it, and host my document at readthedocs.org

I'm wondering how can I get the beautiful colouring of sphinx documentation
on SAGE, which I see at http://www.sagemath.org/doc/ ?

As far as I can see, there is no specific 'sage' formatting available in
sphinx (like there is for R, python, and many other languages), is that

By the way, I wasn't sure if this query should go to the SAGE 'edu' mailing
list, I hope I haven't sent it to the wrong one.

Kind Regards,

Avril Coghlan
Cork, Ireland

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[sage-support] Re: How-to change the size of ticks ? ( use of graphs for presentations )

2012-02-18 Thread Goebbe
The following might be useful for somebody who want to get larger
I discovered, that this works for sage graphs, too - when adapting
defaults for a histogram (which requires to call matplotlib directly).

Put the following at the start of the Notebook:

thickN = 3  #line thickness
fontN = 16  #default fontsize
import matplotlib
from pylab import figure, show
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'lines.linewidth':thickN })
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'axes.linewidth':thickN })
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'xtick.major.size':6})  #length of
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'lines.markeredgewidth':2}) #width of
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'lines.markersize':6})  #size of ticks
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'patch.linewidth':thickN }) #linewidth of
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontN})#fontsize of

Put the rest of your code, here.

It seems that most of the defaults are overwritten by Sage plots.
However Sage does not cover ticks yet, and it seems that the defaults
from matplotlib are used for the ticks. (That is my interpretation)

Obviously, some of the parameters above are not required for the
ticks, but I
post this here anyway, since it could be useful for somebody else.

Is there a similar method to change the defaults for Sage plot?
This would make my code much clearer.


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[sage-support] polygon graph is too small (wrong scale)

2012-02-18 Thread Goebbe
Using sage 4.8 in the notebook environment I have problems to scale

For example, the following code generates a graphs that seems to be to
small (not high enough):

polygon2d([[0,0],[0,1],[-1,0]], rgbcolor=(1,0,1),xmin=-4, xmax=4,
ymin=0, ymax=1)

The final goal is to fill (non trivial) areas in plots, but when
trying this the plots are much too small.
here is the large example:
signi = 0.1
lu = NV01.cum_distribution_function_inv(signi/2)
lo = NV01.distribution_function(lu)
ru = NV01.cum_distribution_function_inv(1-(signi/2))
ro = NV01.distribution_function(ru)
p = NV01.plot((x,-4,4), fill='axis',fillcolor='blue',fillalpha='0.2')
p += polygon([(lu,0),(lu,NV01.distribution_function(lu))] +
[(x,NV01.distribution_function(x)) for x in [lu-0.1,lu-0.2,..,-2]] +
[(-4,0),(lu,0)], rgbcolor=(1,0,0), alpha=0.3)
p += polygon([(ru,0),(ru,NV01.distribution_function(ru))] +
[(x,NV01.distribution_function(x)) for x in [ru+0.1,ru+0.2,..,2 ]] +
[ (4,0),(ru,0)], rgbcolor=(1,0,0), alpha=0.3)

Is this a bug?
Does anybody know a workaround?

Thanks in advance

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[sage-support] Re: Simplification Issue Implicates Canonical Form

2012-02-18 Thread Mark Rahner
I appreciate that background info.  I hadn't tried invoking maxima
because I read somewhere that simplify() used maxima.  I must've been
reading outdated material.  As you stated, maxima does the correct
thing.  Because Sage can invoke maxima, perhaps I have a work around.
You're right that this issue should be considered in the context of
powers.  In that context, I think it is even more clear that
5^(-1/2) is simpler than (1/5) * 5^(1/2).  Leaving the additional
term doesn't seem like a big deal, but by preventing subsequent
simplifications, and by combining and recombining with other large
expressions, it can have highly undesirable effects.
I took a quick look at ginsh, the GiNaC interactive shell.  It
converts 1/sqrt(5) to 1/5*sqrt(5) so I suspect that this issue can be
traced to the GiNaC canonical form.  I'm not a CAS expert but I know a
fair amount about computer system interfaces and I'm sure this issue
adversely impacts the user experience.  Nobody would select equation
obfuscation mode given the choice.
I think this issue should be taken up with the GiNaC folks.  Do they
hang out in this group?

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[sage-support] full_output.txt

2012-02-18 Thread rych
How do I make the cell output, for example from 'print', to go
_always_ in a separate document as in WARNING: Output truncated!
full_output.txt? How do I make that file automatically displayed/
refreshed in a pop-up browser window?

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[sage-support] Question about rdtsc()

2012-02-18 Thread juaninf
Dear members

Exist any function in SAGE with same goal of rdtsc() in C?.

For example:

tmp_ini = rdtsc()
instructions ..
tmp_dec = rdtsc() - tmp_ini;

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