Re: [sage-support] How should I determine if two strongly regular graphs are isomorphic?

2016-08-23 Thread Jori Mäntysalo

On Tue, 23 Aug 2016, Paul Leopardi wrote:

Do you have the package bliss or nauty installed?

sage: is_package_installed('bliss')

That explains it. canonical_label() uses Bliss by default if it is 
installed. Setting algorithm='sage' will override this (and slow down 
computation). So we should just expose more Bliss and Nauty features to 

Jori Mäntysalo

Re: [sage-support] How should I determine if two strongly regular graphs are isomorphic?

2016-08-23 Thread Paul Leopardi

On Wednesday, 24 August 2016 00:14:10 UTC+10, vdelecroix wrote:
> Do you have the package bliss or nauty installed? 

sage: is_package_installed('bliss')
sage: is_package_installed('nauty')

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[sage-support] How should I determine if two strongly regular graphs are isomorphic?

2016-08-23 Thread Dima Pasechnik
In this case your graphs give rise to Hadamard matrices (take Seidel adjacency 
matrix), so if you get nonisomorphic Hadamard matrices then you get 
nonisomorphic graphs, but not the other way around, generally speaking.
Although isomorphism of Hadamard matrices is probably harder...

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Re: [sage-support] How should I determine if two strongly regular graphs are isomorphic?

2016-08-23 Thread Vincent Delecroix

Do you have the package bliss or nauty installed?

On 23/08/16 10:53, Paul Leopardi wrote:

Hi all,
I am currently trying to use Sage to classify bent functions by their
Cayley graphs.

I have attached an example where I have two (256, 120, 56, 56) strongly
regular graphs, g and h, which are also canonical labels, such that g does
not equal h, and so g and h are not isomorphic.
It takes a relatively short time to produce the canonical labels, 38.8s to
run h.is_isomorphic(g), and g.is_isomorphic(h) is still running.

The example includes the Sage code that I used to generate the graphs, as
well as a transcript of my Sage session, including the graph6_string() of
each of the two graphs.

I would like some advice on how I should proceed with the classification,
given that I want to compare about 2^(16) such graphs to a small number of
representative graphs (about 6).

I have done other tests with graphs of this size that show that usually
g.is_isomorphic(h) is faster than comparing g.automorphism_group().order()
with h.automorphism_group().order(), which is faster than comparing
g.canonical_label() with h.canonical_label().
It's just that occasionally I have found cases where g.is_isomorphic(h) is
extremely slow.

I'm thinking of using threading and a timeout of (e.g.) 5 seconds, so that
my search first tries to use g.is_isomorphic(h), and if this times out, it
then compares the automorphism group orders, and only if they are equal,
does it then compute the canonical label.

What are other people doing?
All the best, Paul

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[sage-support] How should I determine if two strongly regular graphs are isomorphic?

2016-08-23 Thread Paul Leopardi
Hi all,
I am currently trying to use Sage to classify bent functions by their 
Cayley graphs.

I have attached an example where I have two (256, 120, 56, 56) strongly 
regular graphs, g and h, which are also canonical labels, such that g does 
not equal h, and so g and h are not isomorphic.
It takes a relatively short time to produce the canonical labels, 38.8s to 
run h.is_isomorphic(g), and g.is_isomorphic(h) is still running.

The example includes the Sage code that I used to generate the graphs, as 
well as a transcript of my Sage session, including the graph6_string() of 
each of the two graphs.

I would like some advice on how I should proceed with the classification, 
given that I want to compare about 2^(16) such graphs to a small number of 
representative graphs (about 6).

I have done other tests with graphs of this size that show that usually 
g.is_isomorphic(h) is faster than comparing g.automorphism_group().order() 
with h.automorphism_group().order(), which is faster than comparing 
g.canonical_label() with h.canonical_label().
It's just that occasionally I have found cases where g.is_isomorphic(h) is 
extremely slow.

I'm thinking of using threading and a timeout of (e.g.) 5 seconds, so that 
my search first tries to use g.is_isomorphic(h), and if this times out, it 
then compares the automorphism group orders, and only if they are equal, 
does it then compute the canonical label.

What are other people doing?
All the best, Paul

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sage: from sage.crypto.boolean_function import BooleanFunction
sage: R. = BooleanPolynomialRing(8)
sage: fg=BooleanFunction(x1*x2*x3 + x1*x4 + x2*x5 + x3*x6 + x7*x8 + x1 + x2 + 
sage: fh=BooleanFunction(x1*x2*x3 + x1*x4 + x2*x5 + x3*x6 + x7*x8 + x4)
sage: load("boolean_cayley_graph.sage")
sage: bg=boolean_function_cayley_graph(fg)
sage: bh=boolean_function_cayley_graph(fh)
sage: %time g=bg.canonical_label()
CPU times: user 80 ms, sys: 4 ms, total: 84 ms
Wall time: 78.1 ms
sage: %time h=bh.canonical_label()
CPU times: user 188 ms, sys: 4 ms, total: 192 ms
Wall time: 189 ms
sage: print g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(256, 120, 56, 56)
sage: print h.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(256, 120, 56, 56)
sage: %time g == h
CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 913 µs
sage: gs=g.graph6_string()
sage: hs=h.graph6_string()
sage: len(gs)
sage: len(hs)
sage: print gs