
Devotees' Experiences - 31
The Omnipresent Protector
How the Governor was saved mysteriously, twice!

Late Shri Burgula Ramakrishna Rao was the Chief Minister of the old Hyderbad 
state, and later Governor of Uttar Pradesh and Kerala. An ardent devotee of 
Bhagawan, he experienced Baba’s divinity on numerous occasions. The Governor 
shared with Howard Murphet some of his miraculous experiences and he has 
recorded them in his book "Sai Baba: Man of Miracles":

In 1961, when Dr. Ramakrishna Rao was Governor of Uttar Pradesh, his wife and 
he were travelling by fast train from Bareilly to Nainital in the 
Himalayas.They were the only occupants of their first-class carriage and the 
train had no corridor by which anyone could enter or leave their compartment. 

At about 11 p.m. the Governor noticed some sparks coming from the electric fan. 
These rapidly increased in number until he and his wife grew quite alarmed, 
thinking the compartment would catch fire any minute. He looked for a cord or 
bell by which he could sound the alarm and stop the train, but could find none. 

It began to look as if the Governor and his lady might be burned to death 
before anyone learned of their plight. There was nothing they could do but pray 
- which they did, wholeheartedly. Then there was a knock on one of the outer 

Very surprising this was, because the doors simply led to the open air through 
which the train was roaring at a good speed. Dr. Rao walked over and opened the 
door. In from the dark night stepped a man dressed in the khaki uniform of an 
electric wireman. 

Without a word this man went to work on the faulty fan from which the sparks 
were now flying "like chaff from a threshing floor''. About a quarter of an 
hour later the electrician said to them: "There's no danger now. You can go to 
bed and sleep." With this he sat down on the floor near the door.

The Governor's wife lay down on her bed and closed her eyes. But she kept half 
opening them to watch the man by the door because, as she told her husband 
later, she thought that anyone who risked his life to walk along the running 
board of a fast-moving train was probably a burglar who, when they were both 
asleep, would rob them. 

The Governor himself, with no such suspicions, was deeply engrossed in a book. 
Suddenly, he was startled to feel the touch of the workman's hand and hear his 
voice asking quietly if the doctor would mind closing the carriage door after 
him, because he was now leaving. 

The little doctor was astonished that the electrician did not wait until the 
next station before leaving, but before he could say anything the khaki-clad 
figure had opened the door, and the night air was whistling in to the carriage. 
Dr. Ramakrishna Rao jumped up, and stepped to the open doorway in time to see 
the man stand a moment on the running board, then vanish into the darkness.

It was all rather mystifying. How in the first place did he know that the fan 
was giving trouble? How did he get to the carriage and why did he choose to 
leave and make his way along the running board of this swaying, fast-moving 
express when he could have easily waited until the next stop? 

He either liked living dangerously or he was simply crazy, but in either case 
he must also be clairvoyant to know about the fault in the electric fan. With a 
mental shrug the little doctor lay down to sleep.

About a month after this incident the Governor was again travelling, this time 
by the aeroplane that was kept for his official use. With him on this occasion, 
besides his wife and the pilot, were his A.D.C, his personal assistant, and the 
pilot's wife. They were flying from Kanpur (the capital city of Uttar Pradesh) 
to Benares.

Above Benares the Governor noticed that they seemed to be circling a very long 
time over the airfield before landing. He asked if there was anything amiss and 
was informed that the under-carriage was stuck; the wheels would not come down. 
Furthermore, they were now almost out of fuel. 

With Dr.Rao's agreement, the pilot decided to attempt a crash-landing on the 
grass of the airfield. He signalled the ground to this effect. The fire-engines 
were brought out, and everything made ready for the attempt. All knew, of 
course, that it was a highly dangerous operation, and both the little doctor 
and his wife sent fervent prayers to their Gurudev, Sai Baba, for his 
much-needed protection.

Perhaps the A.D.C. was praying too, for he also was a devotee of Sai Baba. Like 
the doctor, he wore on his hand a talisman, a ring that had been materialised 
by Baba. The pilot knew this and, as a last resort before trying a 
crash-landing, asked the A.D.C. to try his hand at working the lever for 
releasing the jammed undercarriage. 

The A.D.C. placed his hand on the lever and pressed as directed. The 
undercarriage came down without any difficulty. They were able to make a normal 

The next day Mrs. Ramakrishna Rao, knowing that Baba was at Bangalore in the 
south, phoned Him from Benares in order to thank him for his grace and 
protection, which, she believed, had saved them from their perilous predicament 
in the plane. 

She found, not at all to her surprise, that He knew all about the event, and 
mentioned details. Then He remarked: "But you have said nothing about the train 

"What train incident, Swami?" she asked, for it had slipped from her mind.

"Why, when the fan was almost on fire and you thought I was a thief," Baba 

Dr. Ramakrishna Rao was sure the train story could not have reached Baba in the 
ordinary way because neither his wife nor he had talked to anyone about it. 
They had refrained from mentioning it on the following morning, not wanting to 
upset any of their staff; then the incident had faded into the background of 
their busy lives.

Nothing superhuman that Sai Baba did could ever surprise the little doctor; he 
had through the years seen and experienced so much.

Reference: "Sai Baba: Man of Miracles" by Mr. Howard Murphet. Page: 172-174 
(paperback edition, 1972). Published by Macmilan India Ltd.

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