
2012-01-24 Thread saimsg
Dharma is the code of conduct which will promote the ideals of each stage of man - learner, householder, earner, master, servant, Saadhaka, Sanyaasi, etc. When the code is distorted and man undermines his earthly career, forgetting the high purpose for which he has come, the Lord incarnates an

What to ask of God?- by Shri.B.Aravind

2012-01-24 Thread saimsg
What to ask of God?- by Shri.B.Aravind An unforgettable Trayee session with Sathya Sai Baba It was a cool summer evening in Bangalore in the year 2005. Swami had completed the evening darshan and bhajan session in the Sai Ramesh hall and had just moved into His residence in Trayee Brindavan. A

Wonderful Interview by Bhagawan

2012-01-24 Thread saimsg
Below are some Wonderful Excerpts of a Divine Interview given by Bhagawan in November 2009 to the Overseas devotees from New Zealand. Baba: " What's new? Ask questions." Devotee : " Baba, we come from such long distance, travelling thousands of miles to see you.Please bless us." Baba: " No

Let God Do It & Other Updates....

2012-01-24 Thread saimsg
Let God Do It… Sunday, December 18th, 2011 Bhagawan’s sayings on life, calling to play the game of life, meet the challenges in life mainly focus on one final step, Total Surrender to God. For the mortals Surrender is too big a term, theoretically okay to understand, but practically hard

What is meant by Personality ? - Bhagawan explains

2012-01-24 Thread saimsg
What is meant by personality? Does it mean height, weight, and a strong body? No, it is a mistake to think so. Undeterred by the sorrows and difficulties, one has to march forward with courage and adventure to attain God's love. That is the real meaning of personality. In fact, God has alread

Demanding free power for Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital, Prashantigram. & A Poem - Oh! Beloved India...

2012-01-25 Thread saimsg
Dear All, Sairam! I request you all to sign the petition. Please read below for details. Kindly also spread the word about this initiative. Lets get as many people as possible to make the effort a success! You might not be aware, the state government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to rescind

Bhagawan controls the elements.

2012-01-25 Thread saimsg
In the summer of 1965, which, to me, was the first of my sixteen spiritual summers, I was in Bangalore once to visit a friend. During an informal conversation one morning, my host asked me whether I would like to see Sri Sathya Sai, who was to address a meeting at Malleswaram, in the heart of Ban

Installation of Statues at 'Sai Prem' Ashram, Mumbai [1 Attachment]

2012-01-25 Thread saimsg
offering of multi- religious prayers at Sai Prem Ashram on December 14, 2011, at Vashi, Navi Mumbai. This function spread over three days, was organised under the auspices of the Sri Sathya Sai Institutions in Maharashtra and Goa. Sai Prem Ashram was formally inaugurated by Sri Sathya Sai Baba

I am I

2012-01-25 Thread saimsg
In recent weeks, the phrase "I am I" kept popping up frequently in my daily encounters, i.e., in our centre satsang, in songs of praise which I sang, in Swami's messages which I read, etc. Then, early in the morning of 13th December 2011, Swami came in my dream once again... In the dre

Video of Staphana of Idols at Sai Prem - Report & Update - Paschim Banga (West Bengal) Parthi Yatra

2012-01-25 Thread saimsg
Staphana of Idols of Shirdi Sai Baba & Sathya Sai Baba at Sai Prem on 14.12.2011 Direct Link: http://vimeo.com/33675266 New idol of Sri Sathya Sai Baba Installed in Sai Prem, Vashi, Navi Mumbai Sai Ram. Today, the 14th December 2011, was an auspicious day for sai devotees. The new Moorth

Dr. V Mohan conferred 'Padmashri' by the Government of India

2012-01-26 Thread saimsg
Dr. V Mohan conferred 'Padmashri' by the Government of India Dear all, Loving Sairam and Greetings on the auspicious Republic Day of India...! I am extremely delighted to inform all of you that today, on the 61st Republic Day of India, Dr. V Mohan, Convenor, Sri Sathya Sai Trust, Tamilna

A dialogue on Surrender with Swami - by B.Aravind

2012-01-26 Thread saimsg
It was a time when we were all having a discussion on surrender. The discussion had been sparked by a poem in the same name written by a brother. In the course of the sharing, one of my classmates recounted an amazing experience of his which brought finality to the discussion. This was dur

Bhagawan materialises the Silver Map of India [1 Attachment]

2012-01-26 Thread saimsg
Today as our Wonderful Nation and the World's largest Democracy - India celebrates it's 63rd Republic Day, Let us read about the Divine Miracle when Bhagawan materialized the Silver Map of India. Attached is the Photo of Bhagawan holding the Silver Map of India : Shri.Al Drucker recollects the

Relevance of Swami’s Education in my life in the corporate world…

2012-01-27 Thread saimsg
Does being a student of Sri Sathya Sai make a big difference? The answer is a straight “Yes”. How does our Beloved Bhagawan inspire His students, molding them into individuals who can claim to be different from the big lot…? ... Read on C. Gopal Rao, an MBA from batch 1990 of SSSIHL, who shares

Public Day Concert by Delhi Mahila Youth - 108 Glimpses (photos) from 'Divine Grace & Other Updates

2012-01-27 Thread saimsg
Republic Day Concert by Delhi Mahila Youth Thursday, January 26th, 2012 Even as India looked towards Delhi to salute the President of India on the National Republic Day, delegates from Delhi made a pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam to pay homage to the President of the Heart, Bhagawan Sri Sathya

Face The Face In The Mirror......... & Christmas Eve 2011 Part 1 - 11 December 2011

2012-01-27 Thread saimsg
Face The Face In The Mirror… Monday, December 19th, 2011 To rectify the world and put it on the proper path, we have to first rectify our conduct and ourselves. ‘When transformation is gained, you will find that you have travelled only from yourself to yourself, with God all the while in you,

swami and Oman leader-Divine Grace.

2012-01-28 Thread saimsg

The Sermon on the Mount

2012-01-28 Thread saimsg
The Spiritual Significance of 'The Sermon on the Mount' Among the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Sermon on the Mount has been one of the most widely quoted elements of the Canonical Gospels. Probably because these eight seemingly simple statements contain in them the essence of what the

Chinese New Year by Zone 4 of SSSO...Videos & News Updates.....

2012-01-28 Thread saimsg
Chinese New Year by Zone 4 of SSSO… Saturday, January 28th, 2012 Hundreds of devotees from four Chinese speaking countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand joined together celebrating Chinese New Year in traditional style in the Holy Abode here in Prasanthi Nilayam. The highlight of

The Discipline of Bhajan Singers - Smt. Kamala Pandya (Video)

2012-01-29 Thread saimsg
Video link: http://vimeo.com/35806640 Venue: Dharmakshetra, Mumbai Date: 22nd January, 2012 Ocassion: Bhajan Sadhana Camp How to enforce discipline/guidelines during bhajans - Group Incharge – Mrs Kamla Pandya “Discipline and norms at Bhajans Centres" Bhajans is not a painful necessity but

The Captain Confirms.

2012-01-29 Thread saimsg
Human mind has a naive apprehension to rely on sheer faith than to go by its own logic which has often been mistaken to be 'Right'.Prof. N. Kasturi wote an article in contention to an incredible happening, that had an impact on His Divine Advent, which was recorded in the first volume of Sat

Bhagawan on Faith

2012-01-29 Thread saimsg
The Below Audio clip has been taken from the Wonderful Divine Discourse given by Bhagawan in Sai Kulwanth Hall on the 7th of July 1996. The duration of the clip is 2.40 minutes. Faith is of utmost important in Life: Faith is the life of every human. Without faith we cannot take even 10 steps fo

The Divine Power of Prayer - A Wonderful Miracle

2012-01-29 Thread saimsg
A devotee in the United States was not financially well off..But he was an ardent devotee of Bhagavan. He earned a meager amount and saved a part of it every month and bought a flight ticket to Prasanthi Nilayam . He kept it safely in his wallet. After a few days he went to a shopping mall and

I am the Whole Universe - Bhagawan

2012-01-29 Thread saimsg
Once Shri.Howard Murphet asked Bhagawan " Swami, You had incarnated as Shirdi Baba, and now you are the reincarnation of that deity eight years later. Swami, where were You in that short span of eight years ? Bhagawan replied : " I permeated the whole universe down to every single atom. The


2012-01-29 Thread saimsg
A famous Psychotherapist, Dr. Desiraj Dhairyam, whose Mental Institute and Clinic near Madras has achieved International reputation was the head of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, in Madras City. He attained His Feet at Madras on the 24th day of February, 1976. The day previous to

The Vision of the Jagadguru - Speech by Shri.Sanjay Sahani on May 4th 2011.

2012-01-29 Thread saimsg
THE VISION OF THE JAGADGURU : - Speech by Mr. Sanjay Sahani on May 4, 2011 (Aradhana Mahotsavam Day) in Sai Kulwant Hall. On the morning of May 4, 2011, a special Aradhana Mahatsovam – a ceremony of Prayer beseeching Lord Sai to incarnate again was conducted in the Sai Kulwant Hall; it was

Perfectly Polished by Sai - Wonderful Conversation with a Devotee from Poland

2012-01-29 Thread saimsg
PERFECTLY 'POLISH'ED BY Sai Below is a Wonderful Conversation on Radio Sai with Mr. Yarosiaw Rynkiewicz, a devotee from Poland When Yarosiaw Rynkiewicz's life at Poland changed dramatically in early nineties, he hadn’t seen Baba physically yet. All he had seen of the Avatar was a few pictu

Bhagawan's Divine Grace

2012-01-30 Thread saimsg
This incident happened in the very early 80's in Prasanthi Nilayam. A student's Mother was to have a major surgery and the High school boy wanted to go home, He sat in the front in the old and wonderful Prasanthi Mandir Portico, Swami did not take his letter nor seemingly look at him. Two

God is never far away from you - Bhagawan

2012-01-30 Thread saimsg
A person who is standing close to me may be thinking that Swami is far away from him. We can examine this statement on the basis of the laws of physics. If the distance from a person to me is small, the distance from me to that person cannot be different and larger. Similarly if I hit a piece

Wonderful Video of Bhagawan

2012-01-30 Thread saimsg
Below is the Link given to a Wonderful Video posted by Radio Sai today. The Highlight of this Wonderful Video is the Beautiful Smile of Bhagawan at the 0.33 second of the Video. The Youtube Link for the Video is : http://youtu.be/9bZ_qaeCBds The Original Radio Sai link for this Video is :

Divine words of the Divine Avatar

2012-01-30 Thread saimsg
Seven days before the disappearance of Dwaraka and the extinction of the Yadhava race, Lord Sri Krishna summons Uddhava and says, " Uddhava, seven days from now, all the Yadhavas including Me would have left this world." Even as Uddhava breaks down sobbing, Krishna continues, But you have

Glimpses of India today Special Issue on Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Life and Message.

2012-01-30 Thread saimsg
Below is the Link for a Glimpse of the 120 page India today Special Issue on Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Life and Message titled " “Divine Grace – Sathya Sai Baba" : https://plus.google.com/photos/100860782297591785368/albums/570138649445489?banner=pwa&gpsrc=pwrd1#photos/10086078229759178

This Empty Hand holds everything - Bhagawan

2012-01-30 Thread saimsg
Once Swami was conversing with devotees in His interview room. He showed then, His palm and asked what was there in it. Somebody answered that there was nothing there. But Baba said in all serenity, "This empty hands holds everything". When He closed it and opened it a moment later, there was a

Sathya Sai Baba 1926 - 2011 - By Shri.B.Aravind

2012-01-30 Thread saimsg
The detractors say that ‘sleight of hand’ and ‘magic tricks’ won him followers who were gullible and naive. The devotees say that ‘physical manifestations’ earned him die-hard critics who were so blind and hard-hearted that they refused to see the millions of lives he positively affected. The li

Prasanthi Pilgrimage of Delhi Youth 2012 [2 Attachments]

2012-01-30 Thread saimsg
Prasanthi Pilgrimage of Delhi Youth 2012 Sunday, January 29th, 2012 Select Youth from Delhi, many for the first time, arrived for a four day spiritual retreat to Prasanthi Nilayam on 26 Jan 2012. Apart from visiting the many places of interest, the youth also arranged Blood Donation Camps and


2012-01-30 Thread saimsg
BHAGAWAN'S VIBUTHI MIRACLE FROM JAN 4TH 2012 At AMBATTUR SAMITHI. Sri Sathya Sai Samithi, Shoba Nagar, Ambattur, Chennai - 600053. India. __._,_.___ 10 of 37 Photo(s) (View all Photos) PicturePicturePicturePicturePicturePicturePicturePicturePicturePicture

Pray before Bhagawan's Maha Samadhi [5 Attachments]

2012-01-31 Thread saimsg
Why should I go to Prashanthi Nilayam? What is it that I am going to see there? Who is there to care for me? Who is there to shower love on me? Is there anyone to show equal concern as before? What is it that I get there?. What is Samadhi? Why should I see it? Is it necessary to see it morni

Free Radio Sai App for iPhone, iPad and Android Phones

2012-01-31 Thread saimsg
One can download the free apps from the Below links to listen live streams of Radiosai on iPhone, iPad and Android phones. iPhone / iPad: http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/radiosailive/id487215525?mt=8 Android: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.radiosailive.yakshna&feature=search_resul

Bhagawan's Divine Letter [1 Attachment]

2012-01-31 Thread saimsg
A Wonderful, Previously, Unpublished, Original, Handwritten Letter by Swami which was Publicly released on Bhagawan's 86th Birthday by His Students. In the letter Bhagawan expresses His wish as to How he wants His Devotees to conduct themselves. This Wonderful Letter was shared by Shri.Mayur Pan

You will have to sacrifice a great deal, if Dharma must be born in your heart - Bhagawan

2012-01-31 Thread saimsg
You will have to sacrifice a great deal, if Dharma must be born in your heart. That is why Dhasharatha had to do the Puthrakaameshtiyaaga (a great sacrifice for obtaining sons). The divine is the very embodiment of Dharma and it is only by means of Dharma that He can be worshipped. And Dhar

Dharma will always wins at all times - Bhagawan

2012-01-31 Thread saimsg
It is the adherence to Dharma that ensured the victory for the Pandavas.Or else, was there any one on earth at that time who could force the redoubtable Bhishma to lay down his arms? Could any one excel Dhrona in archery? The Kauravas, whom Bhishma and Dhrona sought to support were defeated be

Story behind this Photo - 46 (Sai Premi Sathabhishekam)

2012-01-31 Thread saimsg
Dr. Balakrishan, affectionately known as “Sai Premi”, is my long time colleague on my spiritual sai path. We had been associating ourselves together in various sai missions. One of the biggest event was the recording of the video “Jhoola Songs. He had rendered wonderful Laali songs. Sri S

The Divine Prema Lingam [1 Attachment]

2012-02-01 Thread saimsg
Some years ago Baba gave me a special gift, in a highly unusual way; I think you’ll agree the story lends weight to my assertion of Baba’s divinity. A man named Rouf (pronounced “Roof”), who owns one of the shops near Baba's ashram, saw me on the street one day and told me he'd had a “Baba drea

The Swami in our Hearts - By Vishwanathan Anand

2012-02-01 Thread saimsg
Viswanathan Anand - Chess Grandmaster, the Current World Chess Champion, and currently the Fourth highest Chess Rated player in the world. An excerpt from his article in 'Divine Grace - Sathya Sai Baba" - An India Today Impact Presentation We used to visit Sundaram (Swami's Residence in Chennai

Bhagawan's Divine Love

2012-02-01 Thread saimsg
This Wonderful Incident described below is also a proof of Baba’s words of the utter catastrophy of events that could occur in case we do not follow his command. Baba on his return from Brindavan to Puttparthy on 12th December had announced to the students that the Sports Meet (which were hel

Tell Me about Sai Baba...At His Lotus Feet & Other Updates

2012-02-01 Thread saimsg
Tell me about Sai Baba… Wednesday, February 1st, 2012 “Amma, Who is He?” If your little ward had posed this question unto the mother in you, how would you have responded answering the little one? It is in fact, a mother’s biggest puzzle and rarest privilege; puzzle to make her way through to

He showed them His form...

2012-02-01 Thread saimsg
Shri.Suresh Wadkar is a playback singer who has sung in both Hindi and Marathi films and has also sung numerous devotional songs in various languages. He also runs music schools in Mumbai and New Jersey. An excerpt from his article in 'Divine Grace - Sathya Sai Baba" - An India Today Impact P

The Benevolent Care Giver - By Shri.Suresh Wadkar

2012-02-01 Thread saimsg
Shri.Suresh Wadkar is a playback singer who has sung in both Hindi and Marathi films and has also sung numerous devotional songs in various languages. He also runs music schools in Mumbai and New Jersey. An excerpt from his article in 'Divine Grace - Sathya Sai Baba" - An India Today Impact P

The Power of the Divine Avatar

2012-02-01 Thread saimsg
Many years ago, Swami took a small group to the forest in Bandipur, not far from the hill-station Ooty. The group consisted mostly of students, but a few elders also were there in the party. It was a lovely outing, one grand picnic with the Lord. The boys had their full - games, sightseeing, lo

Satyameva Jayate - Truth alone triumphs - by Shri.B.Aravind

2012-02-02 Thread saimsg
A very interesting episode occurred during my school days. Today, when I look back on it in retrospect, I see that it shows the immaturity of a child’s thinking and the maturity of Swami’s love! This happened when I was in my 11th standard (1998) when I had taken the combination BPC ( Bio Scie

Sai Maa – The Akhanda Jyothi of my life…

2012-02-02 Thread saimsg
With silent messages and simple gazes when Beloved Bhagawan sets human values ablaze in many a heart, of the Balvikas cadre, it turns out to be an epochal happening where human hearts are lit with the effulgent eternal flame of His all-conquering love, resulting in blossoming human excellence…Ther

The Significance of Vibuthi Prasadam

2012-02-02 Thread saimsg
- The Significance of Vibuthi Prasadam A Student of the Institute once asked in the Old Prasanthi Mandir Portico Swami about the Significance of Vibuthi Prasadam, To that Swami Wonderfully said "When I give anyone Vibuthi or any other thing, Iam giving a part of me to them and to everyone so


2012-02-02 Thread saimsg
- Original Message - From: saimsg To: saimsg Sent: January 16, 2012 10:38 AM Subject: THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 17.01.12 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today Virtuous character is found

Beautiful Video on Bhagawan titled " Kanula Mundara".

2012-02-02 Thread saimsg
Below is the Video link for a Wonderful Video made by Bhagawan's Students in 2003. The Video titled " Sathya Sai Baba - Kanula Mundara " is one of the most viewed Videos of Bhagawan on the net. http://vimeo.com/35791942 This video was made during Bhagawan's visit to the Sri Satya Sai Hostel in th

Bhagawan's Divine energy cloud

2012-02-04 Thread saimsg
- Ori The Above photograph was taken in December, 1978, by Dr. Gersten.This photograph was taken from a hill overlooking Prasanthi Nilayam. The Mysterious Dark oval spot floating in the sky, just to the right of center, is hovering over the Prasanthi Mandir. Some Ameri

India Today Special Magazine on Bhagawan is the Largest ever Special Edition sold.

2012-02-04 Thread saimsg
Prof A. Anantharaman - Media Coordinator, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust writes : "I have just finished talking to the production people at the Press.The second print order of 1,00,000 copies, after the first print of 30,000 is just about complete. After binding tonight the distribution will comme

The Olden Golden Days of Ooty. [6 Attachments]

2012-02-04 Thread saimsg
The Olden Golden Days of Ooty. Those who studied in Bhagavan's school in Ooty (Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Nandanvanam, Ootacamund) have had the rare privilege of experiencing William Wordsworth’s famous words, "Blessed it was in that dawn to be alive and to be young was very heaven." Imagine,

The Akhanda Jyot of my Life & other updates

2012-02-04 Thread saimsg
Sai Maa – The Akhanda Jyothi of my life… Thursday, February 2nd, 2012 With silent messages and simple gazes when Beloved Bhagawan sets human values ablaze in many a heart, of the Balvikas cadre, it turns out to be an epochal happening where human hearts are lit with the effulgent eternal f

Bhagawan's Wonderful Interview to Mumbai Journalists.

2012-02-04 Thread saimsg
Bhagawan's Interview to a Group of Journalists from Mumbai and Published in The Times Of India dated 12th March, 1999) Q : How do you relate yourself to Saibaba of Shirdi? Bhagawan : This body has not seen him. Q : Indians are increasingly turning to godmen and godwomen. Is this a sign of grow


2012-02-04 Thread saimsg
Dharmasamsthaapana.. Dharma is the code of conduct which will promote the ideals of each stage of man - learner, householder, earner, master, servant, Saadhaka, Sanyaasi, etc. When the code is distorted and man undermines his earthly career, forgetting the high purpose for which he has come, the

2 Truths to be accepted by every Devotee

2012-02-05 Thread saimsg
2 Truths to be accepted by every Devotee There are two truths that must be accepted by every pilgrim or devotee: 1. Devotion has to be full, free and comprehensive. 2. Divinity must be conceived as full, free and comprehensive. You turn to God and pray for His grace; but when you are hap

Narayana Seva At Dharmasala, Puttaparthi

2012-02-05 Thread saimsg
Sree Parthi Sai Dharmasala is situated opposite the Super Specialist Hospital in Puttaparthi. It is a place where the families of patients can find room and food at reasonable prices. The public who wished to make donations for Narayana Seva (Food Donation) are allowed to do so only on

India Today's Special Magazine on Bhagawan

2012-02-05 Thread saimsg
I managed to get a copy of the India Today's Special Magazine on Bhagawan titled " Divine Grace - Sathya Sai Baba ". At 120 pages and with wonderful articles and Pictures it is a wonderful read. Brings back wonderful and Divine Memories of Bhagawan in the past many years. A Wonderful Book to Che

Divine Graphics : Love All

2012-02-05 Thread saimsg
We are the children of Sai... let us BE His Light to the world. Love All, Serve All

You do my work....I will do your work... - Eternal Sai & Latest Video Update

2012-02-06 Thread saimsg
“You Do My Work…I Will Do Your Work” While at a time when the youth belonging to the “Sai Fraternity” are awakened in body, mind and spirit to engage in relentless service activities around the world taking inspiration from Bhagawan’s Teachings, here comes a role-model story from the i

Divine Photograph....

2012-02-06 Thread saimsg
Many of the people who were sitting around Swami in the above Photograph wanted a Photo with Swami very badly, Bhagawan kept saying a Strict "No" for some reason, After a lot of persuasion, Bhagawan told Kasturi to get up and take a Photograph, When Kasturi said "Ready, Swami", Bhagawan told him t

Indonesian Delegation at SSSIHL - A Report.

2012-02-06 Thread saimsg
n September 2010, a Peer team from the NAAC (National assessment and Accreditation Council of India) visited the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning for assessment and re-accreditation. The NAAC team were accompanied by couple of observers from the Indonesian Govt to oversee the procedu

Link to view the pictures of Eid celebrations at Dharmakshetra & Other Updates

2012-02-06 Thread saimsg
SaiRam, To mark today's occasion, Bandra Samithi celebrated the birthday of Prophet Mohammed, Eid E Milad at Dharamkshetra. Vibrant bhajans by the Sai youth started the Id celebrations at Dharmakshetra followed by , Smt Sabiha Khan who in her melodious voice gave a wonderful performance by s

Being a Sai Student. - By Shri.B.Aravind

2012-02-06 Thread saimsg
Being a student of the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher learning, I have always called myself a Sai student. I have some expectations of a Sai Student. I know what the society expects of a Sai Student. But what does Swami expect of a Sai Student? Who is a Sai Student? This was shared to me by

Truth always moves majestically forward - Bhagawan

2012-02-06 Thread saimsg
My activities are not for publicity or propaganda or even to confer joy on others! They are for conferring joy primarily on Me! I have no need to please others and to earn approval or appreciation. For, I and you are not distinct entities; you are I and I am you. I am the current that flows

Divine Message for 2-7-12

2012-02-07 Thread saimsg
3.61 As pride grows, it peaks to a big mountain, Blocking the winds of spirituality to pass by. Pride brings an end to your life with God. Humility and love are the beginning steps, For you to recognize God. Remember, When you are at the top of this mountain, You will only be left in the coldness

A Divine expereince in Swami's Sannithi

2012-02-07 Thread saimsg
Sai Ram, Everybody! Back in Mumbai after spending two days in Prashanthi Nilayam. Felt like searching for something precious which I had lost. My wife is visiting Puttaparthi first time after Swami had left us. We had been blessed on earlier occasion to sit on either sides of Bhagava

Miracle at Sai Dham Canada

2012-02-07 Thread saimsg
Jai Sai Ram On February 4, 2012, the members of Sai Dham Canada, a religious institution located at 7140 Goreway Drive, Mississauga, Ontario witnessed a beautiful miracle. With a focus of spreading love and happiness, members of Sai Dham meet every Thursday and Saturday evening to celebr

Bhagawan's Divine Letter

2012-02-07 Thread saimsg
Prema Dhara - Volume 3 contains letters and messages from Bhagawan.The Unique part of this Book is that it contains scanned copies of actual letters many of which are in Bhagawan's own handwriting Below is the Website to get the book : http://srisathyasaipublications.org/ Attached is a Let

A Wonderful Experience of Divine Love

2012-02-07 Thread saimsg
Send love to them" Baba told Mrs. Phyllis Krystal, one of the hostages of the 1975 plane hijacking. Read below the Wonderful Experience of Divine Love : It was the worst nightmare anyone midair could ever go through. With the most menacing looking hijackers staring down at them, the horrified

Develop love of God and fear of sin - Bhagawan

2012-02-07 Thread saimsg
God is not poor and so people created by Him cannot also be poor. It is man who makes beggars out of his fellowmen and ill-treats them. Such low and mean practices should be given up. Some people think that Lord Venkateswara is in need of money. They think He would do their work and fulfil the

Sanathana Sarathi for iPad, android and allied devices

2012-02-09 Thread saimsg
Sanathana Sarathi for iPad, android and allied devices Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 Started in 1958, Sanathana Sarathi [www.sanathanasarathi.org] is a monthly magazine devoted to Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Righteousness), Shanti (Peace) and Prema (Love) – the four cardinal principles of Bhagawan

Fw: [saidevotees_worldnet] Fw: Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - February 09, 2012

2012-02-09 Thread saimsg
The best way to get rid of desire, anger and hatred is to strike at the very taproot of the tree - the mistaken belief that you are the body, with this name and form, senses, intelligence and mind. This is the luggage you are carrying. Don't you say, my nose, my book, my umbrella? Who is this

Sai Divine Graphics : Love

2012-02-09 Thread saimsg
"Love is the magnet that attracts everybody. Love is the cause of attraction between us. This magnet of love is present in each one of you. It is because of love that you have come here to see me and I have come to see you." ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

God is ready to offer you anything you want, but you must be eligible to receive it - Bhagawan

2012-02-09 Thread saimsg
God is ready to offer you anything you want, but you must be eligible to receive it - just as a depositor can withdraw money up to the amount of his deposit. The same rule applies to what you can receive from God. It depends on the size of your deposit with the Divine. Then the cheque of your

The Presence…

2012-02-09 Thread saimsg
His Presence is The Presence…The Presence that the entire creation is indebted to…The Presence that is the source of our life and sustenance…The Presence that is the Final Destination of everything…Students are the special lot, special pick, who were given the boon to draw the best out of His ph

When the heart melts at the sight of a suffering being, that itself becomes a sacrifice - Bhagawan

2012-02-09 Thread saimsg
Everyone seeks benefits, but is not prepared to make any sacrifice. What is the sacrifice that is to be made to God? First of all, your bad qualities. Acquire good qualities. Shed your narrow outlook. Cultivate a broad vision. Today the foremost need is to develop the spirit of sacrifice. You

"You Do My Work.I Will Do Your Work" - Baba

2012-02-09 Thread saimsg
While at a time when the youth belonging to the "Sai Fraternity" are awakened in body, mind and spirit to engage in relentless service activities around the world taking inspiration from Bhagawan's Teachings, here comes a role-model story from the illustrious "Hyderabad Youth" group. Hyderabad

Sai Divine Graphics : Expansion

2012-02-10 Thread saimsg
We are the children of Sai... let us BE His Light to the world. Love All, Serve All

Atma is permanent - Bhagawan

2012-02-10 Thread saimsg
Atma is permanent. No one can suppress this permanent Atma. No one can destroy this Atma. There is no death or destruction for Atma. As one changes a worn out garment for a new one, also when the body is worn out, the Atma will get into another body. - From Bhagawan's Discourse in Brindavan,

Divine Declaration - Christmas 1972.

2012-02-10 Thread saimsg
At the moment when Jesus was merging in the supreme principle of divinity, he communicated some news to his followers, which has been interpreted in a variety of ways by commentators and those who relish the piling of writings on writings and meanings upon meanings, until it all swells up into a

What is Vaikunta ?. Bhagawan explains beautifully :

2012-02-10 Thread saimsg
What is Vaikunta ?. Bhagawan explains beautifully : Vaikuntha means, without any trace of grief or pain; the place where perfect peace reigns, and there is no flutter of fear. Ekaadhashi means the eleventh day of the lunar fortnight. The phases of the moon are numbered, and the day after the

Cancer Cancelled - Radical cure through faith therapy!- by Shri.B.Aravind

2012-02-10 Thread saimsg
Faith works miracles. This is a cliched statement for the theist and atheist alike. While one lives on it, the other cannot get its irritating ring away from the ears. But innumerable are the instances that have been recorded where people’s faith in Bhagawan has cured cancer. Let me quote one

Divine Message for 2-9-12

2012-02-10 Thread saimsg
3.63 Break these bonds of weaknesses. With the power of your strength you develop. Break the chains of wants and desires, And learn to give. Give away all with the sweetness of selflessness. Root your feet firmly to the ground. Do not be even slightly swayed, By the winds of your senses. Focus

Sai Divine Graphics : Dear To Me

2012-02-11 Thread saimsg
We are the children of Sai... let us BE His Light to the world. Love All, Serve All

God is like your bodyguard; He is inside you, in front of you, around you and behind you - Bhagawan

2012-02-11 Thread saimsg
Karma yoga means dedicating all your good work believing it to be God's work. You must pray with the full knowledge that God is, everywhere asking Him, "Are you listening to my prayers and seeing my misery?." Then we would feel His Presence and find His two lotus Eyes. God is like your bodyg

Your work is God's work because you too are God - Bhagawan

2012-02-11 Thread saimsg
Do not distinguish between your work and God's work. Your work is God's work because you too are God. It is a mistake to think that all that you do in the prayer hall is God's work and outside it is your work. You should not entertain such feelings of separateness. Consider that your heart is

Balarama and Krishna - The Ideal Students

2012-02-11 Thread saimsg
Balarama and Krishna studied under Guru Saandeepini, offering him the tribute of love and reverence. Giving joy to the teacher, studying well what has been taught, avoiding the pursuit of sensory pleasure and devoting oneself solely for the pursuit of knowledge - they lived by these guidelines

Prasanthi Update - Tamil Nadu Pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam

2012-02-11 Thread saimsg
Over thousand devotees from Tamil Nadu are arriving in Prasanthi Nilayam in two contingents in the next two days to pay obeisance to Bhagawan. The first contingent of 300 Village leaders, devotees, balvikas children, parents and gurus from Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu are arriving at Prasanth

Controlling Anger

2012-02-11 Thread saimsg
Sai Ram All, Anger can be very damaging to health, environment and also to our near and dear ones. Anger is caused when you cant achieve what you may want to achieve at the Body level. But anger devastates the body. Baba says the one moment of anger consumes energy equivalent to three day

isaac20121000 sent you a video: ""Only love" By Anita Bacha"

2012-02-12 Thread saimsg
isaac20121000 sent you a video: ""Only love" By Anita Bacha" isaac20121000 has shared a video with you on YouTube: "Only love" By Anita Bacha

Updates from Sai's World & Telugu Drama by Ooty

2012-02-12 Thread saimsg
Parthi News Feb 2012 (Updated on 11.02.2012) Love and Light : February 2012 Issue- Online Love and Light : February 2012 Issue - Pdf Download National SSE Conference 2011 - Talk by Mrs Kamala Pandya (Video) National SSE Conference 2011 - Talk by Mr Nimish Pandya (Video) Mridang gets off to a wond

The Greatest Truths told in the most simple way by Bhagawan

2012-02-12 Thread saimsg
In one of the Interviews to the Students in Prasanthi Nilayam, Swami was asked the following questions, the Answers were great truths told in the most simple manner possible : Swami what is Creation ? "Never comprehend Creation, It is something Divine and cannot be comp

Why Do people Suffer?

2012-02-12 Thread saimsg
Why Do people Suffer ?, Why Does not Swami do anything for them ?, Why Does God make people Suffer ?. These are some of the questions which everyone must have asked ourselves and to others at some point in our lives. A long time back in the early 1980's Swami gave an interview to th

Sai Divine Graphics : Put Into Practice

2012-02-13 Thread saimsg
We are the children of Sai... Be Happy Always... Be His Light to the world... Love All, Serve All

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