Divine Messages

2015-01-20 Thread saimsg
In the darkness of the night, In a very dense forest, A tiger strides, stealthily, stalking its prey. He hides and waits. And at the most unexpected moment, Leaps and victimizes the prey. Do not be a victim. Do not be the prey. Be alert, at all times! The tiger is nothing but your own

Divine Messages

2014-02-01 Thread saimsg
Join your hands and pray to Me, Pray to Me that I am always there. When life takes its course of its ups and downs, Pray to Me that I am always there. When you are lost and there seems no way, Pray to Me that I am always there. Listen to your footsteps as you walk. You will hear a footstep closel

Divine Messages

2014-01-30 Thread saimsg
I stay awake when you are asleep. I watch over you and make sure That you are protected. Then with a smile on My face And My hands on your brow, I wake you up as a loving mother wakes her baby. I make sure that your eyes are open And your senses are stable. Once I am sure you are "widely awakened",

Divine Messages

2014-01-26 Thread saimsg
Your love for Me makes your life complete. My mission successful, Our goal is the same. So shed those tears for Me, And cleanse yourself. Break the “I” and bend it, And end this life with Me. From: Sai Darshan by Seema Dewan January 26 Be always saturated with prema: do not use poisonous wo

Divine Messages

2014-01-26 Thread saimsg
Do not dwell as to what has happened in the past, And worry about the future. Concentrate on the present and dedicate to Me. With such constant spiritual sadhana, Your past karmas get negated Or lessened with My grace, And the future is automatically taken care of. The present moment, ever

Divine Messages

2014-01-25 Thread saimsg
I become inseparable from you When you yearn for Me constantly. From: Sai Darshan by Seema Dewan It is the code of conduct which is responsible for the organisation moving forward growing from strength to strength. The office-bearers should exercise maximum care to see that the code of c

Divine Messages

2014-01-24 Thread saimsg
On seeing Your earnest readings of your Gurucharitra, I Myself have come to instruct you. I have come To explain the importance of a Guru in life. No readings without understanding, And put into practice are of any use. You have sat here week after week at My feet, And made a sincere effort. It

Divine Messages

2014-01-20 Thread saimsg
Come to Me as an innocent newborn child, Accept Me truly as your mother. Bring with you purity and sincerity To learn from Me. I in turn will teach a life, A life beyond, In which you and I travel together, Towards a light, In which you and I merge as one. From: Sai Darshan by Seema De

Divine Messages

2013-11-16 Thread saimsg
When I speak soft sweet words of praise to you, These are the words, Of encouragement you want to hear from Me. When I say harsh words of criticism to you, Those are the words, Of improvement you want Me to point to you. I only utter, that what you expect Me to. I am your thoughts, The thoughts

Divine Messages

2013-11-14 Thread saimsg
Science is the study of laws of nature. It is a limited study of limited applications. Science makes you recognize the laws of nature. But does it explain what lies behind these forces? Can God be explained by Science? In science the same experiment Repeated by various scientists Have the

Divine Messages for 11-12-2013 and Sai Teachings for Every Day

2013-11-12 Thread saimsg
To you, one devotee may appear More superior than another. But to Me all are equal, all are God. The difference only lies In the level of realizing the self. All knowledge lays within you. The more the devotion The more the self starts to reveal itself. Right and wrongs Automatically

Divine Messages

2013-11-11 Thread saimsg
Today you celebrate "Akhanda Bhajan Day" You celebrate with great enthusiasm. Because you think I have declared this day. But to Me, You must celebrate Akhanda Bhajan everyday. The Ananda you gather today, By the constant repetition of The Lord's name, Must be an everyday practice. Thi

Divine Messages

2013-10-26 Thread saimsg
I do not want you to prostrate before Me. Or My picture, or any shrine, Or place of worship of Mine, If you are not able to humbly bow down, Before My decisions I make for your life. Your prostrating before My statue is meaningless, If there is no surrender from you, If there is no acceptance of

Divine Messages

2013-10-24 Thread saimsg
I have come to remove your ignorance. Wisdom or your true reality cannot be taught. It dawns on you, Only when ignorance is completely removed. You and I are both universal consciousness. We are aware of each other and of all, at all times. There is only one difference being, I have

Divine Messages

2013-10-23 Thread saimsg
Do not tell Me that you cannot help it. I can help only if you can help yourselves. I have the formula, But it is you who has to apply it. I have all the answers, But you need to start to ask the questions. I am here to give love, But it is you that has to win it with your devotion. Do not tell M

Divine Messages

2013-10-22 Thread saimsg
You cannot own Me or possess Me. You may dislike one or hate another, But My love for all remains the same. My ways to correct each one of you may differ, But I do not harm One devotee’s welfare for another. I have taken this form to teach you of love, To show you by example as to how to love. Lo

Divine Messages

2013-10-18 Thread saimsg
Make repetition of My name A constant practice of your life. Let it be as automatic as your breathing. As enjoyable as being with your loved ones, As peaceful as your uninterrupted sleep. Start by making Me a part of your life, And end by making Me your life. Let no change in life detach you from

Divine Messages

2013-10-17 Thread saimsg
Know that I am here, To fulfill all that you wish for. I always bless those Who wish for the welfare of others Who pray for the unfortunate and the needy, Who cry those tears of sorrow for those who suffer, Who give away their all to those who need. Even if you are not in a position To share your

Swami's Divine Messages

2012-06-06 Thread saimsg
Swami's Divine Messages : PUTTAPARTHI : When visiting the ashram to see Baba, He tells us that if we leave our ego's behind and come with open hearts, He can fill them with love He has come to give. So when visiting Puttaparthi we should PUT APART THE I. PROPERTIES : are

3 Divine Messages by Bhagawan

2011-12-26 Thread saimsg
Q : Is there no escape from human misery? Swami : It is all karma. The need is to adopt the path of righteousness. One should surrender oneself to the Almighty. Q : Why do you perform miracles like materialising a ring, a medallion, a necklace, vibhuti and other objects? What are you try

Divine Messages for 09-27-11

2011-09-27 Thread saimsg
2.39 My biggest cure for those who are sick, Is the love I pour on them. This love is the most powerful antidote. It heals and it soothes. It strengthens your will power to face it. It even cures instantaneously Due to your faith in My love for you. Have compassion to those who need. People today

Divine Messages for 09-25-11

2011-09-25 Thread saimsg
2.37 Make service a part of your life. A part of you, as if it were your breath to live. A part of you, as if it was your food to nourish. A part of you, as if it was your daily hygiene To cleanse you. A part of you, as if it were your rest, to relax you. Service is something not done for others.

Divine Messages for 09-24-11

2011-09-24 Thread saimsg
2.36 One mind, several thoughts. One tongue, several languages. One pair of hands, continual action. One pair of eyes, a lot of dreams. One pair of ears, different kinds of music. One pair of feet, several paths. One heart, various forms of love. One God, present in each and every one. >From S

Divine Messages for 09-22-11

2011-09-22 Thread rainand
2.34 You and I are constantly engaged In a wrestling match within. I wrestle with your senses. I wrestle with your desires. At times I am able to conquer them, And establish My victory. At other times Maya entices, And I stay defeated. Take the reins of your control over them, And hand them over t

Divine Messages for 09-21-11

2011-09-21 Thread saimsg
2.33 Wipe away your sins and earn My grace by: 1. Treating animals and birds with love. 2. Protecting the helpless. 3. Taking pity and forgiving the wicked. 4. Compassion for the physically sick and handicapped. 5. Not talking ill of others in their absence. 6. Welcoming the most unwelcome and rec

Divine Messages for 09-18-11 and 09-19-11

2011-09-18 Thread saimsg
2.30 There are two sets of eyes. The outer eyes, the inner eyes. The outer eyes are merely a tool, For you to see things as they appear. They are fooled by the outward shine They can be diseased and have a cataract. They lose their vision with age. They become blurry and unreliable. Try to see f

Divine Messages

2011-08-19 Thread saimsg
Me and it is your duty to develop this relationship that you have achieved by sheer good fortune. In four or five years time, you will see Yogis and Maharishis and Munis crowding here and you may not have such chances of asking Me questions and getting the answers, or approaching Me and direc

Divine Messages

2011-08-19 Thread saimsg
Me and it is your duty to develop this relationship that you have achieved by sheer good fortune. In four or five years time, you will see Yogis and Maharishis and Munis crowding here and you may not have such chances of asking Me questions and getting the answers, or approaching Me and direc

2 Divine Messages

2011-08-05 Thread saimsg
serve God? Bhagawan : Serve the poor, the weak, the downtrodden and the underprivileged. There is divinity in each of us, hence love and serve fellow human beings selflessly. Give those around you pure love. Religion can be best pursued through the axiom "Dil mein Ram, Haath mein Kaam."

Divine Messages

2011-05-26 Thread saimsg
“ Never even try to hate even a Single person . If you hate anyone you are only trying to kill the Divine Goodness in you. Hatred or ill feeIings only make the Divine within you to go further away from you" . “If you meet and discuss the faults of everyone else, then How can you


2011-01-08 Thread saimsg
DEAR DIVINE DIDI AND DEVOTEES, 1)Devotion eradicates fears. 2)Ignorance is the cause of fear. 3)Spiritual master is a small window into the infinite. 4)For treading devotional path one needs only love. 5)It is possible to see GOD dwells in every being. 6)Piety is not weakness but strength.

Divine Messages

2010-06-11 Thread saimsg
Swami says : There are three things which are immensely pleasing to to the Lord: 1. A tongue that never indulges in falsehood. 2. A body that is not tainted by causing harm to others. 3. A mind that is free from attachment and hatred. These three constitute the Triple Purity(Thrika

Divine Messages

2010-05-02 Thread rainand
The Divine Mother Once Easwaramma came to Me and requested "Swami! Several poor mothers have come here alongwith their children. They have no food to eat. Kindly bless them.." Then I rendered them proper help and thus fulfilled Easwaramma's wish. On another day, she came to Me and expressed her

Divine Messages - Santhosham

2010-04-08 Thread rainand
Why does Swami say "Santhosham " or Iam happy ? Several devotees come to Me and complain, "Lord! I am suffering from this problem", "I am suffering from some headache", "I am suffering from stomach ache". I give all of them the same reply, "Santhosham" (I am happy), to every one. When a bereave

Divine Messages

2010-04-07 Thread sairam2u
Sharanaagathi or Total Surrender Sharanaagathi (total surrender), leaving everything to His will, is the highest form of Bhakthi . Once a Brahmin was crossing a river bed near which some men were washing clothes. Finding a nice new silk shawl on his shoulder, they fell upon him in a gro

Divine Messages

2010-04-06 Thread rainand
If you live in love constantly,you will not find anger in others - Swami You say that Swami appeared in your dream last night. This is not correct. I do not appear in anybody's dream. When you intensely desire that Swami must appear in your dream and constantly think of the same, that inte

Divine Messages

2010-04-04 Thread rainand
Forbearance The foremost quality expected of a devotee is forbearance. What is Bhakti ? Several people are under the mistaken notion that worshipping some idols, observing certain vows and performing some rituals is Bhakti. It is not as simple as that. The foremost duty of a devotee, especially

Divine Messages

2010-04-03 Thread rainand
Faith in the God will never ever put you to harm - Swami If you have self-confidence everything will turn out to be good for you. Devotees like Dhruva, Prahlada and Radha led their lives with sacred feelings. Everything became good for them because they had good thoughts. Wicked Hiranyakasipu s

Divine Messages

2009-12-12 Thread saimsg
Mr G S Srirangarajan was a former student and currently The Controller of Examinations in the Sri Sathya Sai University. He spoke in the Divine Presence in Prasanthi Nilayam on August 23, 2007 1. This happened in the Brindavan Campus college auditorium. Swami had just completed

Bhagawan's Divine Messages

2009-04-28 Thread saimsg
ABC Always Be Careful Always Be Cheerful Always Be Calm Always Be Charitable Always Be Courteous Always Be Considerate Always Be Cooperative Avoid Bad Company Accept Benign Company Three C's Contructive Thoughts Con

Bhagawan's Divine Messages

2009-04-19 Thread saimsg
"Why get agitated? Let Me take care of your business. I shall be the One who will think about them. I am waiting for nothing else than your surrender to Me. I intervene only when you know how to completely surrender to Me, then you do not have to worry anymore about anything. Say Farewell to all

Divine Messages

2009-04-10 Thread saimsg

Divine Messages

2008-11-01 Thread saimsg
" When a plane takes off, It checks for enough fuel, To complete its journey, Or else it crash lands. You too must equip yourselves With sufficient fuel, The fuel of faith and spiritual determination. To reach Me,Or else you too will crash land ". " What is the root of worr