Pranams to all

Wish you a very happy World Water day.

What is the value of water to you?

We drink it.  We bathe and swim in it.   We cook with it. But, have
you thought about how much water is part of your daily life? Water is
used in almost every manufacturing process from clothes to cars to
food to computers.  In fact, almost everything we touch every day has
been made with water.

Did you know?

It takes 1,500 gallons to process one barrel of beer.
It takes 101 gallons to make one pound of wool or cotton.
It takes 1,851 gallons to refine one barrel of crude oil.
It takes 62,600 gallons to produce one ton of steel.

The United Nations estimates about half the world's population –
potentially more than three billion people - may suffer from water
shortages by the year 2025.

As population grows, the demand on our water resources is challenged
to keep up.  In the US, the infrastructure is outdated. In developing
countries, infrastructure is needed.

Did you know?

Although a person can live without food for more than a month, a
person can only live without water for approximately one week.

To maintain health, a person should consume 2.5 quarts of water from
all sources per day.

Only 1% of the earth's water is suitable for drinking water.

Water is the most common substance found on earth.

70% of an elephant is water.

66% of the human body is water.

The average person in the United States uses 80 to 100 gallons of
water each day.

During medieval times a person used only 5 gallons per day

So, on this World Water Day, March 22, take a moment to reflect about
the importance of water in your daily life.  A liquid we can’t live

For your ready reference i US gallon = 3.7854 Litres.

Please also find attached a PDF file with very informative facts.

Best regards


Attachment: Water%20trivia%20(EPA).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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