Starting from Yesterday Swami announced that there will be vedam Teaching 
and Learning daily at 4 PM in the coming days in Kulwant  Hall. Swami also 
announced that all the 10th,11th and 12th Std Students of the Sri Sathya Sai 
Higher Secondary School, Prasanthi Nilayam and the Students of the University 
will have to learn the Rudram daily and also chant it to perfection. 

      Swami also wondrrfully selected 4 of His  students to teach in the 
Kulwant hall in the Divine Presence everyday. 

      Swami sat yesterday and listened to the teaching learning process of the 
Rudram. This exercise, as we all understand, is a preparation for the 
Celebrations of Sahara Chandra Darsanam in November 15-17th.

      It is a once in a Lifetime Blessing and Opportunity for the Students and 
Staff in Prasanthi Nilayam to learn and chant the Sri Rdram in the Divine 
presence of Our Divya Sai Shiva-Sakthi.

      Om Sai Ram 



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