Sri Kasturi

How Kasturi received his name

(From the book "Loving God" by Kasturi)

'On the twelfth morning of my life, a label was attached to me amidst a great 
deal of religious noise. My father saw me for the first time only then, when he 
came to name me. The name which has stuck to me ever since was an ancient one, 
much the brighter, because it was borne by a series of grandfathers. The rule 
was that the first son must be named by the father after his own father. So, I 
was given by father the name his father bore .... My first son was named 
Narayana by me, because that was the name my father had .... Father took me 
from mother's hands and sat on the floor facing the family shrine with me on 
his lap. He prayed to God to bless the name and help me to add some more 
fragrance to it. The he raised me by the shoulders to his face and whispered 
thrice in my right ear a long string of strange sounds, by which I was to be 
known thereafter. It was a nine-syllabled rodomontade (ranting talk). I had 
tumbled into the Brahmin caste and so, the last two syllables had to be Sharma, 
symbolising that status. The rest of the name, Kasturiranganatha indicated, 
neither the God idolised in my village nor the God installed on the Seven 
Hills. It denoted God, as adored by millions in Tamilnadu, installed in a 
reclining posture, on a multi-hooded many coiled serpent and described by that 
name as "musk-dot adorned". Kasturi means 'musk', 'ranga' means 'stage', and 
'natha' means 'director' or 'master'. The temple of "Ranganatha with the 
Kasturi dot" is situated on an island, called Sri Ranga (The Stage), in the 
Kaveri River, formed by it while half-way from the Mysore Plateau to the Bay of 

  ... The substance called musk is valued as a precious perfume. Since it is 
also dark in color, a dot of musk between the brows serves to ward off the evil 
eye. It was preferred by nobles and princesses over cheaper contrivances. The 
brow of the idol at Srirangam was marked with the Kasturi dot, for nothing less 
could satisfy the devout worshippers. The name "Director of the Stage" reminds 
us that 'All the world is a stage'. God directs the cosmic play, unaffected 
Himself. he reclines magnificently on terror and poison, with His head on a 
pillow of calm. His will achieves and motivates. The Katha Upanishad declares, 
"Seated, He journeys; reclining, He is everywhere".

Kasturi Ranganatha Sharma was too long a word to be uttered in full, every time 
I was spoken of or to. The caste symbol 'Sharma' could be painlessly amputated. 
The rest symbol too had to be curtailed, but, the problem was, head or tail? My 
grandfather was accosted and referred to, by all who had to deal with him, only 
as Ranganatha, and for the daughter-in-law (my mother) to mouth the name of the 
father-in-law was taboo! So, the second half had to be jettisoned. The result 
was, I came to be known as the fragrant animal substance used for 'dotting' the 
Divine Brow.

  I could stand with folded hands in the presence of the "Kasturi Ranganatha" 
only in my 70th year! It came about through Baba's Grace. Friends invited me to 
a town called Tirupur to speak on Baba, on the 24th day of December. And Baba 
directed me to go. But, I longed to spend Christmas Day with Baba, since it 
reminded me of my entry into the world stage. I asked permission to go over 
from Tirupur to Srirangam and worship Him in the Ranganatha, reclining on the 
serpent. The serpent, Baba says, is symbolic of pollution, poison and death and 
God is pictured as overwhelming, quietening and mastering these evil traits. 
Baba said, "Yes. Go to Sri Rangam and eat your fill of sweet rice". The 
reference to sweet rice did not surprise me. Years previous, when we were 
proceeding to Madras, Baba, as was his wont, asked every single person in the 
car to sing for Him a song. My genes had no music among their components but I 
had to obey, nevertheless. Memory brought up for me a song I had heard a clown 
sing during a play I chanced to attend while at school. it was a prayer to 
Shiva for a morsel of sweet rice, wrung out of a hungry onlooker at a feast 
conspicuously consumed by the rich. Baba must have discovered that my 
subconscious had hooked up this particular lilt, for the reason, that I myself 
had an unfulfilled hunger for this dish, deep within me! He decided to remove 
that pang at Srirangam on my 70th birthday.

I was thrilled when I stood before the shrine and filled my eyes and heart with 
the entrancing vision of the 20 foot idol, stretched on the coils of a 
seven-hooded serpent excluding captivating icono-charm. To my eyes, the Feet, 
the upraised soles were not of dark green stone as the rest of the Divine Body 
was. They were alabaster with a shade of blue. They were soft, tender, fair, 
familiar, alive; they were Baba's! I removed myself away from the portals of 
the shrine with great reluctance. Sweet rice was, I believed, the routine 
offering at Ranganatha shrine but that day, we were given only laddus and 

We had one more temple to visit on that holy island - a famous Shiva temple 
with the sacred Jambu Tree. When we moved out of that temple, the priest ran 
behind us, to announce that it was specially sacred day when "Sweet rice was 
offered to the deity." This was welcome news indeed. He insisted on our turning 
back into the temple. He made us squat on the clean floor to the right of the 
shrine; he spread banana leaves before us and served sizable heaps of the dish 
Baba had asked me to 'eat my fill'.'

Reminiscence of Professor Kasturi

Sri Kasturi was born on Christmas Day 1897. Swami jokingly called him 'the 97 
model'. Naming the year of production was the way antique automobiles were 
identified. He passed away on 14 August 1987 and was cremated on the banks of 
Chitravathi on the 15th. He was 90. He had made it easy for us to remember by 
coming among us on a Christmas Day and leaving us on India's Independence Day 
anniversary (India attained Independence at midnight on 14-15 August 1947). 
Kasturi served Swami for 40 years and lived those 40 years in Independent India.

Talking about Kasturi, I told V.K. Narasimhan (Kasturi's deputy editor and 
later the editor of Sanathana Sarathi) that Kasturi was Swami's Hanuman. VKN 
corrected me, 'No. No. You are wrong. Kasturi was Swami's Vyasa'. VKN told me 
that Swami asked him to write a tribute on Kasturi in SS (see below) - a rare 
expression of Swami's Grace. Apart from Swami rushing to Kasturi's hospital 
bedside at the time of his last moments and giving him vibhuthi, another rare 
blessing was Swami getting Kasturi to write his autobiography 'Loving God' and 
Swami launching it on Christmas Day 1982, in his presence, on his 85th 
birthday, 5 years before his death . On that occasion, without prior notice, 
Swami had asked VKN to speak on Kasturi. VKN spoke for 5 minutes, after that 
Swami had whispered into VKN's ears, 'Very good, very good'. In that day's 
Christmas discourse Swami said, "Whom does God seek? He looks for a sincere, 
selfless, steady devotee. Besides, He seeks an ideal son who can be held before 
mankind as an example and an inspiration. Such persons have become extremely 
rare nowadays" (SSS vol. XV, ch. 59). I like to think that Swami found that 
'rare person' in Kasturi.

'Loving God' is not only Kasturi's life story. It is the story of God and jiva, 
Guru and sadhaka, the story of Swami making Kasturi an exemplary instrument in 
His avataric mission, an inspiration to humankind. It is a message for all. 
That is probably why Swami got Kasturi to write it. 

In my monologues with Swami, I thanked Him several times for Kasturi's 
multi-facetted seva, for Him and for us. Today again, I join GR to think kindly 
of Kasturi. May he be Well and Happy, at His Feet or wherever he is! Loka(s) 
Samastha(s) Sukhino Bhavanthu! - May all the beings in all the worlds be happy.

Please see his photo taken by GR and posted in the Files area of Sai 
Discourses. Swami also took Kasturi's photo once. It is a very funny story and 
one, as is usual with Swami, with a very profound spiritual message. I leave 
you to read it in Kasturi's own inimitable language in 'Loving God' and 
learn/re-learn the message that Swami conveyed to us at Kasturi's expense. 
Before that see the Appreciation written by late V.K. Narasimhan (Editor) and 
published in Sanathana Sarathi, September 1987, p. 260.

Unto Sai a Witness

"Death is the denouement of the drama of life," wrote Prof. Kasturi in 1981. 
That denouement came to him on August 14 at noon, a few minutes after Bhagavan 
Baba saw him in the Sathya Sai Hospital at Prasanthi Nilayam. He was 90.

Bhagavan Baba, who was overseeing a students' rehearsal in the College 
Auditorium, abruptly stopped it at 11.30 a.m. and went straight to the 
Hospital. Reaching the bedside of Prof. Kasturi, Swami called him: "Kasturi!". 
Prof. Kasturi opened his eyes for a moment and looked at the Lord. Bhagavan 
materialized vibhuti and placed it in Kasturi's mouth. Kasturi closed his eyes 
and a serene peace enveloped him. Swami told those at the bedside to do 
Namasmarana. An hour later his spirit merged in the Lotus Feet of the Lord. 
Streams of devotees paid their last respects to him at the hospital.

The next morning his mortal remains were cremated on the bed of the Chitravathi 

For over forty years he rendered devoted service to Bhagavan as writer, editor, 
companion and tireless propagator of Swami's life and message. Millions of 
devotees all over the world got acquainted with Bhagavan's life and teachings 
through the four volumes of "Sathyam Sivam Sundaram" (on the life of Bhagavan) 
and the 11 volumes of "Sathya Sai Speaks", besides the Vahini series.

Prof. Kasturi was a witness to the innumerable miracles of Swami and he could 
bear authentic testimony to the glory and magnificence of the Avatar as few 
others could. He had traveled with Bhagavan all over India. Vivid accounts of 
his intimate experiences with Swami are given in his autobiography, "Loving 
God," which was released by Swami on Christmas day in 1982.

Kasturi continued to work right upto his last illness, giving of his best to 
"Sanathana Sarathi," which Swami launched in 1957 with Kasturi as Editor.

After 1982 Kasturi brought out two books, one on the Lord's mother 
"Easwaramma," and the other on the essence of Swami's message in a book 
entitled "Prasanthi". 

It could be truly said of Kasturi: "Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven". - Editor.

August 14 to be understood as August 14, 1987.

Collection of photo's gathered by N. Kasturi
out of his book "Loving God" - Eighty five years under the Watchful Eye of The 

'My Mother at 75'  

'Myself and Wife Anointing Avatar on Advent Day'  

'Carrying Sunshade over 'Sun' '  

'With the Lord on Kashmir Hills' 

'Holding beholding Vibhuthi Wonder' 

'Holding beholding Vibhuthi Wonder' 

'The Translator stands corrected' 

'Sand as Srî Krishna'

'Bhâgavatam Recital - Kerala'

'Portrait Unveiling' - at Bukkapatnam'

'Each hair can bear a nation's woe' - Poet's Meet - 1964
I'm reading the above line'

'Toward Badrinath - 1961'

'When He first drew me to Himself - 1948'

'He looks at His own Portrait - 1967

'He clicked at His empty chair'


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