Prasanthi Bulletin 

            Thursday, October 30, 2008 

            Bhagawan came for evening darshan in His chair at 5.10, and ten 
minutes later was onstage for the presentation of the day, a drama 'Vision of 
the Divine' by Gujarat youth, themed on the cataract surgery seva activities 
done in Navsari district of Gujarat. When the half-hour drama concluded, 
Bhagawan blessed one of the participants with a chain. Sri Devesh Dave then 
presented half an hour of popular songs before Swami accepted Arati just before 
6.30 pm. After blessing the participants in the programme, Swami returned to 
His residence in the chair, interacting with some devotees on the way. 

            Wednesday, October 29, 2008 

            This evening, the Gujarat devotees sang group songs welcoming 
Bhagawan to their New Year celebrations and presented a drama on the Prema 
Jyoti exhibition and its impact. Swami came onstage to begin the programme 
after His darshan round in the chair at ten minutes to five. Ten minutes of 
songs were followed by the 40 minute drama by the Sai youth. Swami sent watches 
for the participants after blessing them with group photographs. Smt. Piu 
Sarkhel then presented Hindustani classical songs and bhajans onstage for half 
an hour. Swami blessed her and her group with clothes and photographs, and 
Bhajans by the devotees commenced at six o'clock. Ten minutes later, Swami 
asked the students to sing the 'Allah ho Akbar' bhajan with alap, following 
with He accepted Arati and returned to His residence. 

            Tuesday, October 28, 2008 

            This evening, the devotees from Gujarat presented a programme 
celebrating Deepavali and their New Year. Bhagawan went to the stadium after a 
darshan round in the car, moving out from the East Prasanthi Gate. He returned 
to His residence after half an hour coming onstage at Sai Kulwant Hall at five 
o'clock to begin the programme. A short drama on the Ramayana of Kaliyuga, 
comparing the missions of Sri Rama and Sai Rama, was followed by a skit 'The 
Great Souls Meet'. Bhagawan blessed the Balvikas children by coming down from 
the stage for group photographs with them. Bhajans by the devotees began at six 
o'clock and Bhagawan accepted Arati to return to His residence fifteen minutes 
later. Near Yajur Mandir, students from the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary 
school were ready with lamps and fireworks. Swami graciously sat there for 
around ten minutes while they set off the fireworks with His permission. 



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