Humble pranams at the Divine lotus Feet Of our ever Present beloved
Bhagawan Baba,

Benefits of Bhakthi

The basic principle of living condition is that we have a general
propensity to love someone.No one can live without loving someone
else.This propensity is present in every living being.Even an animal
like a tiger has this loving propensity at least in a dormant stage,and
it is certainly present in the human beings.The missing point how
ever,is where to repose our love so that everyone can become happy.At
the present moment the human society teached one to love his country or
family or his personal self,but there is no information where to repose
the loving propensity so that every one become happy.That missing point
is Krsna ,and The Nectar Of Devotion teaches us how to stimulate our
original Love for krsna and how to be situated in that position where
we can enjoy our blissful life.

In the Primary stage a child loves his parents,then his brothers and
sisters,and as he daily grows up he begins to love his
family,society,community,country,nation,or even the whole human
society.But the loving propensity is not satisfied even by loving all
human society ;That loving propensity remains imperfectly fulfilled
until we know who is Supreme beloved.Our love can be fully satisfied
only when it is reposed in Krsna.This theme is the usm and substance of
The Nectar Of Devotion,which teaches us how to Love Krsna in five
transcedental mellows.

To be contd.....

Om Sri Sai Ram.

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