The Late Mr. Cassiano C. da  Lima(1926-2004)—II.


For more than two months the late Mr.Cassiano.C.da Lima was interned in Boscio Hospital in Candolim. The cause of his death over there was liver cirrhosis. Earlier comforted by the Sacraments of Penance,,Holy Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick he left for his heavenly Home at twenty-two hours on 19th May,2004.His thoughts, during his ailment, must have been on his family members, Saligao villagers and others, not forgetting his never- to –be- forgotten -bicycle which  to-day stands in silence mourning the death of its master. Here is Cassiano’s “Ode to his Bicycle”.


                                 Is it time we bid Goodbye?                                 

                                 True , we have been long together

                                 In all shades of tropical weather:

                                 You served none else but me—

                                It may sound strange—

                                I too know not but you of your kind.


Companion of mine, 34 happy years !

Accept these petals one for one

Whatever little I achieved

Is due to you no mean measure;

When my friends, villagers see you

By my own name they greet you

This is your well merited honour.


                               You are not just a vehicle;

                               Willing co-operator, speedy inspirer

                               Some  people frowned at us

                               Because I still kept you company

                              Valueless, they know not

                              How precious you are to me


I am ever grateful to you…

Turn away for a moment, dear,

My eyes are moist, the tongue heavy:

How hard to say GOODBYE

 But it’s Master’s Call, I resign,

Leaving sweet memories behind.


               Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas

               Vasco da Gama, 30-05-2004.   

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