The following earlier and later giants who have made headlines and gained glorious fame in sports activities, which are hard to beat are the following; according to Mr. Eutropio Pinto.

" CRICKET.".---The Gama brothers, Humberto, Carlito and Fancu--- tall, upright, elegant and very fine cricketers. Played free and aggressive cricket and played strokes all round the wickets with grace and ease. They were a powerful force in village eleven, which was more than a match for any other village team.

Anthony S. de Mello---described as the " Grand Mogul of Sports,the doyen of sports administrator, a fast bowler. He converted the cricket Quadrangular Tournament of Bombay into a Pentangular Tournament by forming a " Rest" team which he himself captained. He was responsible for putting India on the Cricket Map of the World.

Antonio Joao D’ Mello( " pitis")---A mighty hitter at cricket. Perhaps the greatest Saligao has ever produced.

Graciano D’Souza---Fast bowler;

Ozoline D’Souza—Spinner of high quality;

A.P. D’Mello---A cricketer of repute—created sensation as a batsman at Nairobi, Kenya..

Eutropio Pinto, has two following records to his credit in the principal tournament at Uganda known as Triangular and Quadrangular Cricket Tournament. He took 8 wickets for 16 runs against Indians. In Quadrangular Tournament he took 6 wickets for 21 runs against Europeans. In this regard I quote from " Uganda Cricket" written by J.V.Wild, a cricketer of repute and a critic, and also the man who bowled Don Bradman early in his innings in 1936---" E. Pinto and Leo Gama in cricket and hockey have been outstanding during the year. I do not use superlatives, but Pinto’s 64 against us was a rare innings, judging from certainty, range and power of stroke.".

Dionizio D,Souza—A big and powerful hitter at cricket. Had good wrists and good swing, and was a good asset to the Goan side.

Charlie D’Souza—A brilliant young cricketer. Captained Uganda Goans in the Pentangular Tournaments. On the Inauguration of inter-territorial Test cricket in 1951, between Uganda, Kenya and Tanganyika( Tanzania) Charlie scored two centuries against Kenya and repeated the performance against Tanzania in the following year. He was also medium fast swing bowler.

Lawrence D,Souza—A fine cricketer, a dependable opening batsman and accurate spin bowler,. He was also an out standing all rounder.

Americo Coelho—a fast bowler and excellent fielder..

Henry D’Souza Figueiredo—A promising young batsman, had played good cricket and captained many teams in Uganda. On my transfer from Kampala I lost sight of his progress.

By Mr. Eutropio Pinto.

Compiled by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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