Mr. Eutropio Pinto whom I had a chance to meet and talk frequently at his residence opposite Peggy’s corner, in Arrarim de Saligao ,was a good cricketer in his hay days in Uganda and cognoscente of sports and its various disciplines. He highlights the sporting activity of Saligao Sportmen of his times in his article, which was published in the Souvenir of the Mae de Deus Church during its centenary in 1973 . I felt it gives sufficient exposure to the talent prevalent in Saligao then , and elsewhere, and I hope our sportmen of to-day will make an effort to know their contribution to the game and emulate their example. This is how Mr. Eutropio Pinto begins his article.

"The days have passed into weeks, weeks have elapsed into months, months have rolled into years, and we have come to the centenary year of our Church of Mae de Deus from 1873 to 1973.

Apart from producing eminent sons, in politics, journalism, medicine, ophthalmology, law, commerce etc. the village has not lagged behind in all kinds of sports. We have had a galaxy of sportsmen spread through out the world whose performance are greatly admired by the leading sportsmen in the world and whose names have been recorded in the newspapers and sports magazines. The giant performances of a few top players were near international standard and one did reach that pinnacle in Hockey, and their skill and ability in the games they played were widely publicized.

It would be tedious if I attempted to mention all the sportsmen who have brought laurels to the village. On the other hand, should I fail to name a few of the very best quality, then I should not be doing justice to their memory. Therefore I have decided to mention their names at the end of this article.

The cream of Saligao sporstmen was mainly concentrated in the big cities of India and East Africa, where they had brilliant sporting activity. At one time we could raise independent sides at cricket and hockey, at different stations, and play other communities, combined or singly. Wherever Saligao eleven played, they always commanded respect and admiration and rarely tested defeat. When we played European clubs we were entertained lavishly and treated with dignity as real sportsmen, both on and off the fields. Our conduct and mannerism were greatly appreciated and lauded by the host teams.

About 40 years ago, there was no organised form of sports in the village and present day opportunities and facilities were non-existent but the flame of enthusiasm and love for sports grew brighter and brighter in spite of the difficulties surrounding us, chiefly of proper equipment, transport and playing grounds.

We used wooden planks or branches of oak-trees for bats, twine ball and bamboo sticks for wickets, and any piece of ground for pitch. We had the batting gloves or pads. So when the twine ball hit you on the skin, the fearful pain lasted for days and days.---Footbal---Once the bladder was spoiled , we used to fill the leather case with hey, drum-sticks, palm-leaves etc. We had to repeat this process once or twice a week, as the ball used to go soft after about 22 players kicking the ball towards one goal, with two backs and a goalkeeper against them. But when migrated to countries outside India, we had the proper equipment and other facilities at our disposal, we developed our natural aptitude fast enough to take command of the game we played"………… be continued.

Compiled by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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