

In  What Respects To The Budget Of The Timber(Roofing)

For the roofing of the Sanctuary which should be of two layers and covered =
with false-tiles will have the following materials:-

60 ‘maos’ girders of timber of mareta of 4 and 6 thumbs of thic=
kness @ 2 xerafins a mao=3D120 xerafins.

62 beams of timber each one of 8 ‘maos’ of length and of 3 or 4=
 thumbs of thickness @ 1 xerafim a ‘mao’=3D496 xerafins.

31 beams of timber each one of 5 maos of length and one of said thickness @=
 of three tangas a ‘mao’=3D93 xerafins.

100 ‘maos’ of thin timber planks fillings and over it wooden pl=
anks of 5 thumbs of  breadth @ 15 xerafins a hundred=3D15 xerafins.

3.000 small beams ‘ kami’ @ 8 xerafins a thousand=3D240 xerafin=

12.000 false tiles of big dimention @ 10 xerafins a thousand=3D120 xerafins=

1 =BD moios of chunam for the peaks, water
channels and moulding( patnam) @ of 25 xerafins a moy =3D37 xerafins, 2 tan=
gas and 30 reis.

100 baskets of sweet sand @ 3 xerafins a hundred=3D3 xerafins.

For Carpentry work=3D100 xerafins.

The same for ‘oleiros’ persons that place the tiles, mouldings(=
 patnam) etc.=3D60 xerafins..

For the Roofing of the Church by gothic system which has to be fixed on mas=
ter beams and covered with false tiles- the following amount will be spent.

12 tin boxes of seasoned teak, each piece of 14 ‘maos’ of lengt=
h and 6 to 8 thumbs of thickness, 6 master beams@ 42 xerafins each =3D504 x=

350 tin boxes of equal timber and thickness for plumes, arcks and other inc=
linations that should reinforce the beams @ 2 =BD xerafins a ‘mao&#82=
17;=3D900 xerafins.

36 curves of the same timber each one of 5’maos’ of length whic=
h after chiseling remains 6 and 8 thumbs of thickness @ 2 xerafins a &#8216=
;mao’=3D360 xerafins.

5 small beams of 11 ‘maos’ of length each and 5 and 7 thumbs of=
 thickness for the peak @ 22 xerafins each=3D 110 xerafins, 2 tangas and 30=

120 ‘maos’ traverse of 5 and 7 thumbs of thickness @ 2 =BD xera=
fins a ‘mao’=3D300 xerafins.

40 water channels ‘ aguaneiras’ each one of 11 maos of length a=
nd 4 and 6 thumbs  thickness for the 8 orders of frames ‘ fieira&#821=
7; or ‘ moldos madres’ @ 2 xerafins a ‘ mao’ =3D 88=
0 xerafins.

68 teak( mareta) for 34 scissor-shaped(tesoura), each one of 15 ‘maos=
’ of length and 3 =BD and 5 thumbs of thickness @ 1 =BD xerafim a &#8=
216; mao’=3D 1.530 xerafins.

34 teak beams for ‘ oliveis’ idem=3D 408 xerafins.

3.800 ‘ maos’ of teak for the laths( ripa) of 3 thumbs of lengt=
h and one of thickness, 25 xerafins a hundred=3D950 xerafins.

2.700 ‘ maos’ of Champo of 10 thumbs of length 30 xerafins a hu=
ndred=3D810 xerafins.
24 bolts of iron( cavilha de ferro) to bolt the master beams @ 3 xerafins e=
ach=3D72 xerafins.

14 ‘ maos’ of big nails of teak( pregos grandes aguaeiros) @ 6 =
=BD xerafins a ‘ mao’ =3D 91 xerafins.

10=09‘maos’ of nails with head( pregos da cabeca) for the laths=
 @ 10 xerafins a ‘ mao’ =3D100 xerafins.
5.000 big iron nails @ 4 xerafins a thousand=3D20 xerafins.

30.00 big false tiles @ 10 xerafins a thousand=3D300 xerafins.

12 black stones each one of 4 ‘maos’ in length to be placed und=
er the big  ‘cachorros’ in which the bases of the master teak s=
hould remain firm @ 6 xerafins each stone=3D72 xerafins.

6 mounds of chunnam( mois de cal) for the top and water-channels( algerozos=
), to equip( guarnecer) and fix the tiles with mortar( argamassa) by a syst=
em of pipes( canudo) @ 25 xerafins a moy=3D150 xerafins.

400 baskets of mud of stones @ 3 xerafins a hundred=3D 12 xerafins.

4 ‘ maos’ of coconut jaggery @ 6 xerafins a ‘ mao’=
=3D 24 xerafins.

1 that of catho @ 15 xerafins  a ‘ mao’=3D15 xerafins.

For the work of Carpentry , for the perfect execution of all this construct=
ion=3D 1.500 xerafins. The same for blacksmiths in the form mentioned=3D 30=
0 xerafins.

To construct the wooden frames of the sacristy and corridor with tiles of o=
ne water-channel( uma agua) and false tiles  will consist of the following =

164 ‘maos’ of traverses(frechas) of 4 and 6 thumbs of thickness=
 according to the  price indicated above=3D328 xerafins.

One architrave( tirante) of 7 to 9 thumbs thickness of 16 ‘ maos&#821=
7; of length @ 4 xerafins a ‘ mao’.=3D 64 xerafins.

Two teak beams each of them 14 ‘maos’ in length and 3 =BD and 5=
 thumbs thickness for the sticks of the frames( para paus de fieira) @ 1 =
=BD xerafim a ‘mao’=3D42 xerafins.

31 of the same, each one of 15 ‘ maos’ of length and 3 =BD and =
4 thumbs of thickness @ 6 tangas a ‘mao’=3D620 xerafins.

18 ‘ maos’ of cross-bars( travetas) of 6 and 7 thumbs of thickn=
ess for the 12 ‘ cachorros’ @ 1 =BD xerafins a ‘mao&#8217=
;=3D27 xerafins.

3.000 large laths( covado de ripas largas) @ of 80 xerafins a thousand=3D21=
0 xerafins.

19.000 false-tiles of big dimension (mark) @ 10 xerafins, 2 tangas and 30 r=

100 baskets of sweet sand @ 3 xerafins a hundr4ed=3D3 xerafins.

For the carpentry work=3D100 xerafins.
For the same work by blacksmith( oleiros)=3D 50 serafins.

For the construction of the floor of the choir of the church( soalho do cor=
o da Igreja) and its staircase which should be of turned balusters.(balustr=
es torneadas)This will require the following material:

11=09traverses each of two ‘maos’ of length and 6 to 8 thumbs o=
f thickness @ 36 xerafins each=3D432 xerafins.
450 ‘ maos’ of planks(taboas) of 9 thumbs of length and 4 tanga=
s a ‘ mao’=3D13 xerafins.

For the railings( gradaria) of the choir with timber and pattern=3D175 xera=

For the construction of 9 doors of framework ( caixilho) of different large=
ness and thickness, being four of these with big moulds and panels( mouldur=
as e almofadas em relevo), all of good and solid teak -wood  with iron fitt=
ings( ferragem)could cost with the pattern( feitio) and fixing in their pro=
per places=3D785 xerafins).

TOTAL AMOUNT. The total amount of the budget is 52.802 xerafins, 2 tangas a=
nd 30 reis in two parts in silver and the  third in copper which all reduce=
d to silver coinage is equal to 49,869 xerafins and 8 reis in silver. This =
amount approximately correspond to the funds destined by the mentioned Comu=

Headquarters( Quartel) of Nova Goa, 8th April, 1866.
The Major Engineer,
                       Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.
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