The idea to have ‘ The Saligao Union’ appears to have been given considerable thought as can be seen from the fact that Augusto Saldanha made certain suggestions in his speech as to what the aims and objects of the suggested Union might be, adding that a public meeting of ‘ Saligonenses" in Bombay would have to be conveyed in order to give proper shape to the proposed Union.

Apparently Augusto Saldanha and his dedicated Committee paved the way for the ultimate formation of the Union. Augusto Saldanha was in his early sixties when the Social Committee was formed and appears to have been a man of imposing appearance endowed with foresight and organising ability which he put to good advantage in promoting the legitimate interests of Catholics in Santa Cruz, Bombay, among whom he thereby earned a sobriquet of " Governor Saldanha".

  • A Notable Event.

The idea of forming an Union had been conceived and suggestions made as to how best that object could be achieved. But the significant step to give the idea a concrete shape and make it a reality was taken only in 1936. It was widely publicised that a mass meeting of Saligaocars would be held for the purpose of considering the need to form an Union to represent them and promote their welfare and accordingly the meeting took place on June 7, 1936 in the St. Sebastian Goan High School Hall in Dabul. The man who guided the proceedings with great tact and confidence and instilled in the gathering hopes of success in the venture they were about to undertake was Octavius Gomes, M.B.E. who became the first President of the Saligao Union.

It is worth recounting the aims and objects of the Union as they appeared in the Constitution adopted at that time:-

1.To offer a Mass in Bombay on the first Sunday of May every year in honour of Nossa Senhora Mae de Deus.

2. To promote the moral, social, intellectual and material welfare of the people of Saligao, wherever residing.

3. To hold the Annual Social Gathering.

4. To afford relief to destitute people of Saligao resident in Bombay.

5.To afford educational facilities whenever possible, to poor and deserving students from Saligao.

By Mr.Alfred J. D’ Souza

Compiled by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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