" Afterwards the angel appeared to Anna his wife saying; fear not, neither think that which you see is a spirit.

‘ For I am that angel who hath offered up your prayers and alms before God, and am now sent to you, that I may inform you, that a daughter will be born unto you, who shall be called Mary, and shall be blessed above all women.

" She shall be, immediately upon her birth, full of the grace of the Lord, and shall continue during the three years of her weaning in her father’s house, and afterwards, being devoted to the service of the Lord, shall not depart from the temple, till she arrives to years of discretion.

‘ In a word, she shall there serve the Lord night and day in fasting and prayer, shall abstain from every unclean thing, and never know any man;

" But being an unparalleled instance without any pollutions or defilement, and a virgin not knowing any man, shall bring forth a son, and a maid shall bring forth the Lord, who both by his grace and name and works, shall be the Saviour of the world.

" Arise therefore, and go up to Jerusalem, and when you shall come to that which is called the golden gate( because it is gilt with gold), as a sign of what I have told you, you shall meet your husband, for whose safety you have been so very much concerned.

" When therefore you find these things thus accomplished, believe that all the rest which I have told you, shall also undoubtedly be accomplished.

" According therefore to the command of the angel, both of them left the places where they were, and when they came to the place specified in the angel’s prediction, they met each other.

" Then, rejoicing at each other’s vision, and being fully satisfied in the promise of a child, they gave due thanks to the Lord, who exalts the humble.

" After having praised the Lord, they returned home, and lived in a cheerful and assured expectation of the promise of God.

" So Anna conceived, and brought forth a daughter, and, according to the angel’s command, the parents did call her the name Mary."

N.B. This is the story of the Virgin’s conception and birth as it appears in the Gospel of the Birth of Mary; There is a story of this birth which appears in the Protevangelium, which we shall deal some other time.( Vide, KEYES, Frances Parkinson, in "St. Anne Grandmother of Our Saviour",1955, pp.46-51, McClelland & Stewart, Ltd., 25 Hollinger Road, Toronto 16,, Canada. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 55-10544 .)

Sources: " St. Anne Grandmother of Our Saviour" by Frances Parkinson Keyes, with Nihil Obstat John J.Foley, Censor Deputatus; Imprimatur +Matthew F. Brady, Bishop of Manchester.

( The Nihil obtat and imprimatur are official declarations that a book or pamphlet is free of doctrinal or moral error. No implication is contained therein that those who have granted the nihil obstat and imprimatur, agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.)

Compiled by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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