----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Marcel Vasak wrote:
> > Zhani plne zdrojaky tech programu abych je mohl upravit na
> > Atom HDD interface pripadne na H-DOS interface.Prominte ze
> > pisu Cesky ale jsem cech a Anglictin stezi ctu nato v ni
> > pisi. Taky se omlouvam za pravopis.
> Can anyone translate?  (Aley?)
> Si

Yes, I can translate :-) But I assume those two (Marcel Vasak and Marian
Krivos, the author of discussed software) will discuss this topic off the
list, because they can understand to each other (they are Czech and Slovak).

I search for the source code of those programs (C, ZEUS, EDIPRO, SAM
VISION). I want to make them compatible with Atom HDD and eventually also
with H-DOS interface.
Please excuse me for writing in Czech. It's because I am Czech and I don't
speak English.


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