Re: Christmas Greetings from all at PERSONA FRED.

1998-12-24 Thread PersonaHQ
To all SAM users, all over the World, no matter who you are. MERRY CHRISTMAS. AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. From all at PERSONA FRED.

Re: Christmas Present from Sad Snail Productions.reply

1998-12-22 Thread PersonaHQ
How about a Chrissy present from PERSONA! We have a brand spanking new game for the SAM! written by Chris Pile of Digital Reality, `DEFENDER` this is a pixel pefect conversion of the Arcade classic, plus on the disk are two other games from Digital Reality free, just like all good sale`s talk, buy

Re: IDSA/SimCoupe

1998-12-22 Thread PersonaHQ
So no pirated images on Sim-Coupe! Hmmm. Well I guess your right, I have not seen any myself, but the real SAM has pirated software all over the place, I know because it affects myself and programmers. One thing about the new Digital Reality game `DEFENDER` it will not work on Sim-Coupe, thus

Re: Looked into it yet Mr Bob?

1998-12-10 Thread PersonaHQ
Gavin, don`t be such an egotist, it could also be me or Robert v d veeke, or Dave Hooper ect ect..(the list goes on) M.D.L.M

Re: about that planned elite conversion

1998-12-10 Thread PersonaHQ
If anyone is realy interested in doing a version of ELITE for the SAM, then send me a private e-mail, and I will put you in touch with the man who may be able to help you. M.D.L.M

Re: Missing disk error.

1998-12-01 Thread PersonaHQ
If the DPU does not work, Why do people who buy them never have any more trouble with their disk drives, MUST BE JUST LUCK THEN I SUPPOSE! M.D.L.M

Re: dave Ledbury off line

1998-11-20 Thread PersonaHQ
Nick wrote, isnt that ilegal in some countries. I don`t know ( how do you know?) Moving on: my wife say`s I love my computer more than I love her, all I know is that it`s gone down on me more than she has.

dave Ledbury off line

1998-11-19 Thread PersonaHQ
Just informing, Anyone who wants to contact Dave, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dave has manage to blow his computer! I will pass on any messages. Thanks Malcolm.

Re: SAM projects and things SA

1998-11-02 Thread PersonaHQ
OK! OK! I SPELT IT WRONG! I had drunk about ten bottles and two cans of lager, it was late and I missed the bloody `H` key! Malcolm (sober) Mackenzie. PS. I was going to write `pissed` instead of drunk, but I am told that I should not swear in E-mails.

Re: SAM projects and things SAM related

1998-11-01 Thread PersonaHQ
First, this is said with the full knowledge of Colin MacDonald, FRED is now run by George Boyle, and from the start George has had countless problems, what with the FRED stuff going to Alan Clarkeson first, then via him to George, and still not all of the material relating to FRED has reached

Re: SAM projects?

1998-10-30 Thread PersonaHQ
Statues of ice has been cancelled due to GLOBAL WARMING. Maria, why did you not bring this chocolate mouse to my 50th birthday party, all we did was sit drinking lager and playing about with the SAM (not covered in chocolate). M.D.L.M

Re: Back on the net...

1998-10-19 Thread PersonaHQ
Nice to have someone with a BRAIN back on the mailing list. Welcome back COLIN. Message to DAVID, talk to LEN, he has done what you want to do. M.D.L.M

Fwd: info views

1998-10-12 Thread PersonaHQ
---BeginMessage--- Hello to you all, The recent debate about ELITE is a little bit confusing! If any one had a legitimate gripe about it I`m sure they would have done something about it by now (asuming they could afford it that is), as far as I`m concerned the game would benifit very little from


1998-10-10 Thread PersonaHQ