Well for the recorder , there was after touch N controllerable goaly in
there last I looked ;)

Time for a phone call just to see what did happen to it pmsl

And compiler for Gba is a C one as well, and code was portable (ish), so
would have been easier, but again I didn't code the gba version either ,
so I refush to take any blame lmao


-- Sig On --
Ppps. I know i can't spell and all my grammer is wrong , so there's no
need to point it out :) 
-- Sig Off --

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Geoff Winkless
Sent: 07 January 2003 10:26
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Subject: OffTopic: PS1 Speedball (was Re Hi ho)

[ about me writing: ]
> > Actually it wasn't all that bad, I was just disappointed that
> > the gameplay didn't seem as good as the amiga version :(

Chris White wrote:
> Well game play should be identical , as it's the Amiga AI
> under the skin, converted from 68000 to C 

Ahh. I thought I might not make myself clear, oh well.

I didn't mean the play of the game, ie the computer's play, I meant
rather the gameplay as in the intuitiveness of the controls, the
learning curve etc.

Just silly things like not having the same after-touch mechanism on the
game pads (contrary to the words in the printed manual, incidentally) so
you need to use analog sticks which makes sending the ball in a straight
line nigh-on impossible.

And the goalie being computer controlled was a mistake. I understood why
the decision was taken: novices -always- send the goalie the wrong way
when control changes from a defender; but it just meant that I had less
control over the outcome of the game than I had before.

> Same core was taken across to Gba if my info is correct

That surprised me: given that it's an ARM chip, why not just use the
code from the Acorn conversion?

> And peeps are entitled to their opionion no matter what ;)

heh. Well I'm with you there.


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