Re: Pro-DOS 8-bit charset?

2014-06-11 Thread Chris Pile

[I already sent this reply to the list - but it didn't appear.  So sent again]
Hi Marcos,

On 08/06/2014 14:57, Marcos Cruz wrote:
Well, I think there's still an option to get some non-English letters:
overwrite the definition of some ASCII chars not used in the texts of
the program. I suppose Pro-DOS uses its own charset, not the SAM's
charset in ROM. Could it be modified by a CP/M program?
Pro-DOS uses its own charset.  Initially it starts life as a standard 8x8 pixel (bit-per-pixel) font, with

the characters being no more than six pixels wide for the 80 (actually 85) 
column screen.  So, character
"A", for example, is designed like this (which will look wrong if you're not 
using a fixed-width font)
Row 0

..###... "  1
.#...#.. "  2
.#...#.. "  3
.#.. "  4
.#...#.. "  5
.#...#.. "  6
 "  7
But the characters are actually stored interleaved, so the above character "A" is stored:
Row 0

.#...#..Row 2
.#..Row 4
.#...#..Row 6
Row 7
.#...#..Row 5
.#...#..Row 3
..###...Row 1
This charset occupies 768-bytes and contains ASCII characters 32-127 in that order.  However, the character set

in this format is not used by Pro-DOS once the program is up and running at the 
space it occupied gets reused for
other stuff.  During initial boot-up Pro-DOS constructs four versions of this 
charset in the spare 8k of space
below the 24k Mode 3 screen.  These versions are expanded bitwise by taking 
each single bit in the initial 768-byte
charset and expanding it to a pair of bits in the constructed (in screen) 
versions to make dumping to the Mode 3
screen faster.  The four expanded versions are stored at the following 
addresses (assuming the screen is paged in
at address &):
&6000-Expanded charset for characters printed on EVEN screen addresses

&6600-Expanded charset for characters printed on ODD screen addresses
&6C00-Expanded charset for INVERSE characters printed on EVEN screen 
&7200-Expanded charset for INVERSE characters printed on ODD screen 
The four expanded charsets take up 6k in the spare 8k after the screen.  They are also stored in the same row

interleave order shown above.  Also note, the remaining 2k of space is *not* 
free space!  It contains code and
buffers used by the system.  It is *not* safe to write to the area &7800 to 
&7FFF in the screen pages.
Also note, the expanded data for ASCII 32 (space) is not used by Pro-DOS - so there are 16-bytes of "spare"

space at the start of each 1536-byte expanded charset.  Pro-DOS uses a separate 
(faster) routine to print the
space character due to many CP/M programs using the printing of spaces to clear 
areas of the screen.  This gave a
nice (almost free) speed boost to a number of programs!
You asked if it is possible to modify the charset by a CP/M program.  The answer is yes, but there are a number

of caveats which must be observed.  Firstly, the screen page(s) differ 
depending on whether Pro-DOS is currently
running on a 256k or 512k SAM.  The base page for the screen on each SAM is:

256k SAM-Screen page(s) = &0E and &0F

512k SAM-Screen page(s) = &1E and &1F
Your program is free to page in the screen but you *must* remember to restore the original LMPR (or HMPR) page

when you are finished.  It is easier to page the screen to address & (LMPR) 
as the system uses IM2 interrupts
for keyboard scanning and these are vectored/run in the top 32k (HMPR).  Of 
course, you are free to DI should you
wish to page the screen at address &8000 but remember to EI (and restore the 
original HMPR pages!!) otherwise you
will lose keyboard input.
Once the screen is paged in your code is free to patch/alter any of the bytes within the area used by the charsets,

as detailed above.  Just to reiterate, you should *not* write any bytes to the 
last 2k of the second screen page.
At best strange things will happen and at worse you'll crash the SAM.
An alternative way to expand the character set would be to write a small resident (TSR) program that copies itself

to the area just below the system entry point (&F806) and alters the JP address at 
address &0006 to trap each system
function call.  Then your TSR could trap the functions that output ASCII to the 
screen, test if the ASCII character
has BIT 7 set and if so it could strip BIT 7 and patch the resulting charset 
data to equal the expanded character.
Then pass the character (BIT 7 stripped) to the system, which would then dump 
the patched character.  On return you
would have to restore the original character data over the patched data.  Your 
code would need to scan any strings
passed to the string output function (function 9) for expanded chars too.
The disadvantage here would be performance, as you would have to patch and restore each expanded character in all

four character sets (a total of 64-bytes (o

Re: Pro-DOS 8-bit charset?

2014-06-11 Thread Marcos Cruz
En/Je/On 2014-06-09 15:22, Chris Pile escribió / skribis / wrote :
> Hope that info gives you something to experiment with?

Indeed. Thank you so much for all the needed details. It's not trivial,
as you said. I would rather that poor 7th bit untouched and some X*8
free bytes at the end of the character set! :)

Marcos Cruz

Re: Pro-DOS 8-bit charset?

2014-06-11 Thread Marcos Cruz
En/Je/On 2014-06-10 21:58, Marcos Cruz escribió / skribis / wrote :
> poor 7th bit 

8th bit. But 7th too :)

Marcos Cruz

Re: Pro-DOS 8-bit charset?

2014-06-10 Thread Chris Pile

Hi Marcos,

On 08/06/2014 14:57, Marcos Cruz wrote:
Well, I think there's still an option to get some non-English letters:
overwrite the definition of some ASCII chars not used in the texts of
the program. I suppose Pro-DOS uses its own charset, not the SAM's
charset in ROM. Could it be modified by a CP/M program?
Pro-DOS uses its own charset.  Initially it starts life as a standard 8x8 pixel (bit-per-pixel) font, with

the characters being no more than six pixels wide for the 80 (actually 85) 
column screen.  So, character
"A", for example, is designed like this (which will look wrong if you're not 
using a fixed-width font)
	Row 0

..###... "  1
.#...#.. "  2
.#...#.. "  3
.#.. "  4
.#...#.. "  5
.#...#.. "  6
 "  7
But the characters are actually stored interleaved, so the above character "A" is stored:
	Row 0

.#...#..Row 2
.#..Row 4
.#...#..Row 6
Row 7
.#...#..Row 5
.#...#..Row 3
..###...Row 1
This charset occupies 768-bytes and contains ASCII characters 32-127 in that order.  However, the character set

in this format is not used by Pro-DOS once the program is up and running at the 
space it occupied gets reused for
other stuff.  During initial boot-up Pro-DOS constructs four versions of this 
charset in the spare 8k of space
below the 24k Mode 3 screen.  These versions are expanded bitwise by taking 
each single bit in the initial 768-byte
charset and expanding it to a pair of bits in the constructed (in screen) 
versions to make dumping to the Mode 3
screen faster.  The four expanded versions are stored at the following 
addresses (assuming the screen is paged in
at address &):
&6000	-	Expanded charset for characters printed on EVEN screen addresses

&6600   -   Expanded charset for characters printed on ODD screen 
&6C00   -   Expanded charset for INVERSE characters printed on EVEN 
screen addresses
&7200   -   Expanded charset for INVERSE characters printed on ODD 
screen addresses
The four expanded charsets take up 6k in the spare 8k after the screen.  They are also stored in the same row

interleave order shown above.  Also note, the remaining 2k of space is *not* 
free space!  It contains code and
buffers used by the system.  It is *not* safe to write to the area &7800 to 
&7FFF in the screen pages.
Also note, the expanded data for ASCII 32 (space) is not used by Pro-DOS - so there are 16-bytes of "spare"

space at the start of each 1536-byte expanded charset.  Pro-DOS uses a separate 
(faster) routine to print the
space character due to many CP/M programs using the printing of spaces to clear 
areas of the screen.  This gave a
nice (almost free) speed boost to a number of programs!
You asked if it is possible to modify the charset by a CP/M program.  The answer is yes, but there are a number

of caveats which must be observed.  Firstly, the screen page(s) differ 
depending on whether Pro-DOS is currently
running on a 256k or 512k SAM.  The base page for the screen on each SAM is:

256k SAM-   Screen page(s) = &0E and &0F
512k SAM-   Screen page(s) = &1E and &1F
Your program is free to page in the screen but you *must* remember to restore the original LMPR (or HMPR) page

when you are finished.  It is easier to page the screen to address & (LMPR) 
as the system uses IM2 interrupts
for keyboard scanning and these are vectored/run in the top 32k (HMPR).  Of 
course, you are free to DI should you
wish to page the screen at address &8000 but remember to EI (and restore the 
original HMPR pages!!) otherwise you
will lose keyboard input.
Once the screen is paged in your code is free to patch/alter any of the bytes within the area used by the charsets,

as detailed above.  Just to reiterate, you should *not* write any bytes to the 
last 2k of the second screen page.
At best strange things will happen and at worse you'll crash the SAM.
An alternative way to expand the character set would be to write a small resident (TSR) program that copies itself

to the area just below the system entry point (&F806) and alters the JP address at 
address &0006 to trap each system
function call.  Then your TSR could trap the functions that output ASCII to the 
screen, test if the ASCII character
has BIT 7 set and if so it could strip BIT 7 and patch the resulting charset 
data to equal the expanded character.
Then pass the character (BIT 7 stripped) to the system, which would then dump 
the patched character.  On return you
would have to restore the original character data over the patched data.  Your 
code would need to scan any strings
passed to the string output function (function 9) for expanded chars too.
The disadvantage here would be performance, as you would have to patch and restore each expanded character in all

four character sets (a total of 64-bytes (or

Re: Pro-DOS 8-bit charset?

2014-06-09 Thread Marcos Cruz
En/Je/On 2014-06-02 17:00, Chris Pile escribió / skribis / wrote :

> Pro-DOS strips BIT-7 prior to calculating the character data pointer. 

Well, I think there's still an option to get some non-English letters:
overwrite the definition of some ASCII chars not used in the texts of
the program. I suppose Pro-DOS uses its own charset, not the SAM's
charset in ROM. Could it be modified by a CP/M program?

Thank you.

Marcos Cruz

Re: Pro-DOS 8-bit charset?

2014-06-02 Thread Chris Pile

Hi Marcos,
On 01/06/2014 21:45, Marcos Cruz wrote: [For Chris Pile]

I see chars 128-255 are printed like chars 0-127; it seems bit 7 is
reset before printing on the screen.
AFAIK CP/M used 7-bit ASCII, and only certain versions of CP/M 3 (e.g.
the one by Amstrad) used a kind of CP/M standard 8-bit charset.

Yes, you're correct. CP/M 2.x uses 7-bit ASCII codes.  Pro-DOS strips BIT-7 
prior to calculating the
character data pointer.  The only time BIT-7 is not stripped is when CP/M 
programs send data to the
printer via the LIST_OUTPUT function - system function 5 - and these are sent 

Is there any way to configure or hack Pro-DOS in order to use an 8-bit
charset (and define the chars above 127)? This would let to write
programs in other languages than English, with a modern encoding.

Put simply - no, not really.  Well, certainly not easily.  It would have been 
pretty easy to do under
version 1.9 with very few changes to the code.  But version 2.0 is a different 
animal when it comes to
handling the dumping of on-screen characters.  Code-space is very tight - there 
are just 13-bytes free
in the OS's main 16k page.

Pro-DOS 8-bit charset?

2014-06-01 Thread Marcos Cruz

[For Chris Pile]

I see chars 128-255 are printed like chars 0-127; it seems bit 7 is
reset before printing on the screen.

AFAIK CP/M used 7-bit ASCII, and only certain versions of CP/M 3 (e.g.
the one by Amstrad) used a kind of CP/M standard 8-bit charset.

Is there any way to configure or hack Pro-DOS in order to use an 8-bit
charset (and define the chars above 127)? This would let to write
programs in other languages than English, with a modern encoding.

Thank you.

Marcos Cruz