
I am using Samba 2.2.8a with 2.6.6 CIFS Linux clients and I've got problems with symbolic links : I can't make them point outside the share.

I understand that it is a security feature if the server resolves the link. But, in my case, I'd like Samba to serve link files *as is*, so that the Unix clients resolve the link.

Symlinks are an important filesystem feature and their lack breaks many software, especially when using home directories exported from Samba shares. OpenOffice for example, which makes a shorcut from '/usr/lib/ooo-1.1/program/soffice' to '~/.rhopenoffice-1.1/soffice', and refuses to start if it can't :(

I've seen previous discussions on this topic, but found no solution.
Cf. <http://groups.google.fr/groups?th=16eee5a8241654f1> and <http://groups.google.fr/groups?th=44b101ab6fdb7541>.

Thanks a lot,


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