
I am hoping that someone can shed some light on this error that is
constantly filling up my syslog.

This is the error:

ar 29 17:39:24 spev smbd[616]:   Can't become connected user!
Mar 29 17:39:24 spev smbd[616]: [2005/03/29 17:39:24, 0]

The error constantly appears in the syslog as people access the server. 
Access to it works completely fine, but it would be nice to know why this
error is always coming up.

OS: Slackware 10.0
Samba version: 3.0.10

Here is my smb.conf file:
        workgroup = SERVERS
        server string = Samba Fileserver
        valid users = @techstaff, @childstaff
        hosts allow =,
        hosts deny =
        security = user
        log level = 2
        log file = /var/log/samba.log
        max log size = 50
        debug timestamp = yes
        comment = Techcenter files
        path = /fileserver/techcenter
        read only = No
        force user = techshare
        force group = techstaff

        comment = Gateplex
        path = /fileserver/gateplex
        read only = No
        force user = techshare
        force group = techstaff

        comment = Childrens files
        path = /fileserver/childrens
        read only = No
        force user = childshare
        force group = childstaff

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

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