Yes, it is possible with pam_mkhomedir

For example, that configurations works very well:

auth required /lib/security/
auth sufficient /lib/security/
auth sufficient /lib/security/ likeauth nullok use_first_pass
auth required /lib/security/

account     sufficient    /lib/security/
account     required      /lib/security/

password required /lib/security/ retry=3 minlen=2 dcredit=0 ucredit=0
password sufficient /lib/security/ nullok use_authtok md5 shadow
password required /lib/security/

session required /lib/security/ skel=/etc/skel/ umask=0022
session required /lib/security/
session required /lib/security/


Hello all,

I've installed samba-3.0.1 on a linux machine that has a role of
in an NT domain.
What I would like is that there would be nothing to do on the linux
machine when adding a user in teh NT domain.
For that I have started and configured winbind that works fine.
But I want to create a share for each user on the NT domain. I have in my smb.conf a [homes] share, but when a user is added to the
domain, the directory of his share is not created automatically.
I presume it's normal, but it's reducing to 0 the role of winbind,
because I have to create a directory on the linux machine each time a
user is added to the domain, so a script creating the user at the smae
time as the share could do the work. So with or without winbind I have an operation to do on the linux
machine while I would like to have no operation to do.
Is there a way to do that? A possibility to execute a script
automatically where a user is created on the domain or anything, but
the template homedir parameter doesn't seem to do this.

Thank you


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