Hello list,

i use now Samba 3.0.2 as PDC with LDAP backend on suse sles8. With the
other versions
of Samba3 I hade the same problems with the lpq command.
I use CUPS printing system with raw options. The clientdrivers
are installed on serverside.

my smb.conf in the global part

        printing = cups
        print command = lpr -r -oraw -P%p %s
        lpq command = lpq -P'%p'
        lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -P%p %j
        queuepause command = disable %p
        queueresume command = /usr/bin/enable %p

my printer part

        path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
        admin users = root
        read only = No
        create mask = 0664
        strict locking = No

        path = /tmp
        printable = Yes
        browseable = No

        path = /tmp
        read only = No
        printable = Yes
        printer name = IBVDM24HP5000N
        oplocks = No
        share modes = No

if I doubleclick the printer from a W2K(SP4) workstation,

i get :
Jobname  Status   Owner       Sites      Size               Queued
Testseite         root              75,0 KB
Samba Printer Port
Testseite         root              75,0 KB
Samba Printer Port
Testseite         rafii             75,0 KB           14:52:04 10.02.2004
      Samba Printer Port
Testseite         rafii             75,0 KB           14:52:04 10.02.2004
      Samba Printer Port
Testseite         hering                  75,0 KB
      Samba Printer Port
Testseite         hering                  75,0 KB
      Samba Printer Port
Testseite         gross             75,0 KB           14:52:04 10.02.2004
      Samba Printer Port
Testseite         rafii             75,0 KB           14:52:04 10.02.2004
      Samba Printer Port
Testseite         rafii             75,0 KB
Samba Printer Port
Testseite         hering                  75,0 KB
      Samba Printer Port
Testseite         hering                  75,0 KB
      Samba Printer Port

if execute lpq command lpq -PIBVDM24HP5000N

i get :

IBVDM24HP5000N is not ready
Rank    Owner           Job     File(s)
Total Size
1st         root              35      smbprn.00000012.XSimqp       76800
2nd         root              36      smbprn.00000013.GOsDhv
77824 bytes
3rd         rafii             37      smbprn.00000014.eyRjsZ
76800 bytes
4th         rafii             38      smbprn.00000015.MdwgTp
76800 bytes
5th         hering            39      smbprn.00000016.N4WVFJ
76800 bytes
6th         hering            40      smbprn.00000017.ezPqCJ
77824 bytes
7th         gritzman    41      smbprn.00000018.Vgj5XL             76800
8th         gritzman    42      smbprn.00000019.cuOBty             76800
9th         gross             43      smbprn.00000020.kxfbxO
76800 bytes
10th        rafii             46      smbprn.00000022.arSmxW
72704 bytes
11st        rafii             47      smbprn.00000023.2v8kLZ
72704 bytes
12nd        gritzman    48      smbprn.00000024.ct0Qsc             76800
13rd        gritzman    49      smbprn.00000025.BRVtv2             77824
14th        gritzman    50      smbprn.00000026.D0AjIP             76800
15th        gritzman    51      smbprn.00000027.k5rFx4             76800
16th        hering            52      smbprn.00000028.KYE9Qe
76800 bytes
17th        hering            53      smbprn.00000029.2yaby4
76800 bytes

That the printer is not ready is ok, because the printer is halted.
You can see that there are printjobs from user gritzmann wich are not
on the workstation. It doesen't matter if you are logged in root or as an
other normal
user. All useres are in the only group domain users. root is Domain admin.
User gritzmann can't see his own printjobs. He can see all other printjobs.
Why is there not for every jab a queue time, and why is; when there is, a
job queue time
which is for every job the same? I sure, they don't print all the testpages
at the same time.

What are I'm doing wrong? Can someone explain that to me please?

Thank you for your help!

MfG Stefan
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