I'm running samba 2.2.3a with winbind and pam on a red hat 7.2 system.  i've almost gotten this thing to sing.  domain users can log in to the console, windows style ACLs work and can be modified from a windows machine (inheritence is goofy, but that's a seperate issue).
When a user connects to this samba server, pam creates a home folder for the user if one doesn't already exist (session    required     /lib/security/pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel umask=0022).  That works fine.  What doesn't work is authentication to the home folders.  the normal shares i create show up, i can open them, the samba server sees me as <domain>+<user>, and all is good.   with a home folder, it's created and shows up properly, but i'm prompted for a username and password when i try to access it.  ownership on the home folder is correct for the user.  i haven't been able to find any login failures in the logs when i purposely give it a wrong username/password combination.  I'm pretty much clueless with this one.

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