I have a Windows NT 4.0 SP4 Server as Domain controller, also, I have a
RedHat 8.0 (no ACL) server with Samba+winbind(tested with rpm
I'd joined the linux server to the NT domain without problems,I can see
the Samba server and the shares,
but when try to access to the Samba resources from others Windows
The things I can do are:
 - obtain a domain user or group list: wbinfo -u/-g
 - obtain an entire list of the users or groups (Unix+Domain): getent
passwd/group - access from linux 
I have also this strange error message in log.smbd
[[2003/12/05 14:40:20, 0] lib/debug.c:reopen_logs(578)
  Unable to open new log file /var/samba/log.btech2vm: Aucun fichier ou
re de ce type
[2003/12/05 14:40:20, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(677)
  '/home/public/ads' does not exist or is not a directory, when
connecting to [a
[2003/12/05 14:40:23, 0] lib/debug.c:reopen_logs(578)
  Unable to open new log file /var/samba/log.btech2vm: Aucun fichier ou
re de ce type
[2003/12/05 14:40:23, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(677)
  '/home/public/test' does not exist or is not a directory, when
connecting to [
Each time I try to connect to these shares (“test” and “ads”)
I don’t understand because these folders are here :
ls -la /home/public/
drwxr-xr-x    2 DOMAINEVM+Administrateur DOMAINEVM+Admins du domaine
4096 déc  5 11:16 ads
drwxrwxrwx    3 DOMAINEVM+Administrateur DOMAINEVM+Admins du domaine
4096 déc  4 22:05 test
See hereafter my smb.conf
 netbios name = xd1ads
 #realm = ATECH.LOCAL
 workgroup = DOMAINEVM
 domain master = no
 local master = no
 prefered master = no
 os level = 33
 server string = Serveur de Fichiers XD1
 # security = ads
 security = domain
 encrypt passwords = yes
 password server = *
 #smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
 #guest account = invite
 log file = /var/samba/log.%m
 #password server = btechnt.atech.local
 winbind uid = 10000-20000
 winbind gid = 10000-20000
 idmap uid = 10000-20000
 winbind enum users = yes
 winbind enum groups = yes
 winbind separator = +
 comment = Share test
 path = /home/public/test
 read only = no
 browsable = yes
 #valid users = %D
 create mask = 0777
 directory mask = 0777
 comment = Share ads
 path = /home/public/ads
 read only = no
 #browsable = yes
 #valid users = %D
 create mask = 0777
 directory mask = 0777
Do I need install  acl patch to see that working ?
I’m lost I don’t know what I can do now?
By advance thanks for your help.
- David -
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