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> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 14:05:40 +0200
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Koch)
> Subject: [Samba] Samba creates User-ACL's
> Dear Readers:
> I'm using Samba 2.2.8a with ACL-support and noticed the
> following behaviour.
> If a MS-word document with owner u1, group g1 and
> permissions 660 is edited by user u2 wich belongs to
> group g1, the owner of the file will be changed to u2
> and an ACL will be created for u1

Technically, the ACL/owner is *not* changed. You have a new file ... the
old one with the original ACLs was deleted.

> This is very annoying since
> a) we don't need this ACLs (u1, u2, u3 are all members
>    of g1)
> b) if users are removed from group g1 we don't want
>    them to have write-Access to the files. But thea
>    still have write-access to some files, namely those
>    they have changed
> ian our case group g1 contains
> all user that should have write-permission to the file
> and if one user is removed from group g1 he should no
> longer have write permissions.
> But after a user has been removed from group g1 he
> can still change all files the were changed ba him
> at least once.
> Here's an example:
> -rw-rw----  u1 g1 example.doc
> Now example.doc is changed by u2:
> -rw-rwxr--+ u2 g1 example.doc
> # file: example.doc
> # owner: u2
> # group: g1
> user::rw-
> user:u1:rw- #effective:rw-
> group::rw-  #effective:rw-
> mask:rwx
> other:---
> Now example.doc is changed by u3:
> -rw-rwxr--+ u3 g1 example.doc
> # file: example.doc
> # owner: u3
> # group: g1
> user::rw-
> user:u1:rw- #effective:rw-
> user:u2:rw- #effective:rw-
> group::rw-  #effective:rw-
> mask:rwx
> other:---
> Any ideas how to prevent this !!

Try with a non-microsoft product, and you will see there is no problem.
Your problem is that MS Word creates a new file when the original file
is edited, and when the edited file is saved, MS Word copies it over the
old file. It thus retains the permissions of the *new* file.

File a bug with MS, or use good defaults on your shares.


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|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
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