Why not store DOS bit modes in an accompanying dot file? (The DOS modes then read by smbd if it (the dot file) exists)

Ron ;)

On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 10:04 AM, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:

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On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Esh, Andrew wrote:

I have a question about the following piece of code in HEAD smbd/dosmode.c,
at line 139:

if (S_ISDIR(sbuf->st_mode))
result = aDIR | (result & aRONLY);

This causes the DOS mode "HSA" Hidden, System, and Archive bits to be
stripped off if a folder is being processed. This makes it impossible to
store these bits on a Samba server. Windows allows them to be stored for
folders, except for the "S" System bit.

Why are these bits being stripped off folders?

Shouldn't it be:

if (S_ISDIR(sbuf->st_mode))
result |= aDIR;

When I made that change, folders began to retain DOS bits like the ones
stored on Windows do.
The e(X)exute bits are special on folders. For example, if you remove the
archive (user 'x' bit) from a directory, you will not be able to change to
that directory.

The DOS mode bit stuff really needs a better solution.

cheers, jerry
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