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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: A good charming list of some 115 idioms,      phrases and
      proverbs in Sanskrit (Krishnanand Mankikar)
   2. ???? ??????????? ?????????? ?????? (S. L. Abhyankar)
   3. Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach - Lesson 1 (S. L. Abhyankar)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 08:12:35 +0530
From: Krishnanand Mankikar <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] A good charming list of some 115 idioms,
        phrases and     proverbs in Sanskrit
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

??????? ?????,

???? ?????????

??????????????? ???????????


2010/5/20 S. L. Abhyankar <>

>  A good charming list of some 115 idioms, phrases and proverbs ! I have
> tried to give my own translations and also some appending comments. I am not
> able to get satisfactory interpretation of phrase #26. Help or comments
> solicited.
>    1. ??????????????? (= ??????????? ??????) = Familiarity breads
>    contempt. Beginning of a ????????? "??????????????? ?????????????? ???? ?
>    ???? ????????????? ??????????????????? ?????? ?" meaning, "Familiarity
>    breads contempt and frequenting brings disrespect. (For example) a tribal
>    woman in Malay mountains would burn sandalwood as firewood."
>    2. ??????? ??????? = Greed will kill (is poison)
>    3. ??? ??????? ???????? = Excess of anything should be avoided (is bad)
>    4. ??? ?????? ? ???????? = Too much hankering is bad
>    5. ??????? ????? ???? = More the merrier
>    6. ???????????? ?? ????? = Codes should not be transcended
>    7. ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? = Time is short and obstacles are many.
>    8. ??????????? ???????? = Trading in non-tradeables. In
>    ???????????????? "???????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?" This is only
>    line which is repeated ditto in the whole of ???????????????? first at 3-35
>    and also at 18-47. It is that important. It means, "It is advisable to be
>    with one's own inherent character, howsoever unimpressive. (Thinking of
>    adopting) character of others is frightful."
>    9. ?????? ???? ????? = Non-violence is the supreme code of conduct
>    10. ?????? ???? = Unattainable gain, A windfall. For example, being
>    able to meet a dignitary, whom you would have never dreamt of being able to
>    meet, becomes an unattainable gain, a windfall.
>    11. ?????? ????? ?? ??????????????????? ?? (???????????????????
>    =??????????? ?????????) = Good or bad, can anyone avoid or evade the
>    destiny? In Hindi, ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?
>    12. ????? ?? ???? ???????? ?????? = Money only is the true friend.
>    13. ???????????? ?????????? ?????? = Personality of a crane, but looks
>    of (hovering eyesight like that of) a crow
>    14. ??? ????? ????? ????? ???????? (=???? ??????) ???????????? = Hate
>    the Moneys which prove troublesome whether by income or outgo
>    15. ?????? ???????? ????? ? ??????? = Sugarcane, even if it is sweet is
>    not to be eaten along with its roots.
>    16. ??? ???? ??????? = This side a dug well and that side a trench
>    17. ??? ??????? ??? ??????? = Unethical here, unethical there
>    18. ?????????? ?????? = God's will prevails
>    19. ??????????? ????????? ?????????? ??????? = Dreams of the poor crop
>    up and vanish
>    20. ???????????? ??? ?????? = People are given to festivities
>    21. ????????? ?????????????? (= ??????? ?? ?????? ????????) = Use a
>    thorn to remove a thorn
>    22. ???????? ????????? = Keep company of the noble. In ???????? ???????
>    says, "?????? ???? ????????? ????? ????????" It means, "Better to seek
>    prayers of the better ones, even if they may not fructify, than to seek 
> from
>    the mean ones, even if they may have better chance of getting fulfilled."
>    23. ???? ??? ? ???????? = Is there anything that is beyond the
>    imagination of poets?
>    24. ??????????????????? ???? ?????? ??????? = Intelligent people engage
>    themselves in poetry, sciences, entertainment. An interesting quote in
>    similar vein is, "The knowledgeable ones discuss thoughts, commoners 
> discuss
>    events, the unintelligent discuss people."
>    25. ????? ????? ??? = Time and tide wait for none. In similar vein, ?
>    ????? ??????? meaning, "Time is the best healer."
>    26. ????? ?? ???????? ?????? ?????????? (?????????? = ? + ????????? or
>    = ? + ?????????) = ?
>    27. ????? ?? ???????????????? (= ??????? ??????????) = What is
>    impossible for the heartless?
>    28. ???????????? ??????????? = What of sweets to donkeys and pigs? In
>    Marathi, ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ? means, "What taste donkeys have for 
> jaggery
>    ?"
>    29. ?????? ??? ? ????????? = What can not be achieved by pardon ? or
>    What cannot be achieved by saying "sorry" ?
>    30. ?????? ???? ?? ?????????? ??????? = If one trouble succeeds in
>    troubling, it keeps coming back in newer forms. In similar vein,
>    ?????????????? ????? ?????? means, "Once there is a hole, drains increase."
>    31. ??? ? ??????? = Let bygone be bygone.
>    32. ?????????? ???? ? ??????? ??????????? = People conduct rooted in
>    conventions. Rarely there is anyone, who seeks the supreme meaning.
>    33. ???? ?????? ???? = This is last part in a shloka in
>    ???????????????? ?????? ????? ????????? ????????? ? ???????? ? ?????????
>    ????????? ???? ?????? ???? ??-??? meaning, "It becomes a matter of very 
> deep
>     thinking to understand what Karma is. It is to be understood by Karma, as
>    it presents itself , also by its anti-theses and also by its non-being."
>    34. ????? ??????? ????????? = Virtues are respected everywhere.
>    35. ?????????????????? ??????? ? ?????? ? = Sorrows and happiness keep
>    coming and going in cyclic order as a turning wheel. This quotation is, I
>    think, from "svapnavaasavadattam" by dramatist Bhaasa. The quotation at #57
>    has almost identical meaning and is from ????????  by ???????
>    36. ???? ??????????? ?????????? ?????? = Mother and motherland are more
>    respectable than even heaven. (Source ?)
>    37. ??????????????? ?????? ??????? ??? = Drops fill up a pitcher. In
>    Hindi it is exactly translated as ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? In Marathi ?????
>    ????? ??? ???? means, "drop by drop it becomes a lake"
>    38. ???? ?????? ?????? = Lives survive, one on another. Another version
>    of this is ???? ?????? ?????? means "one life is food of another."
>    39. ???????? ???????? ????????? ???? = Relationship severed, quarrel
>    pacified. In Marathi, "?? ???, ??? ?????" means "One stroke, two pieces!!"
>    40. ?????????? ????? ????? = Dharma i.e. righteous conduct is the
>    guiding light, beacon, in all three worlds (here, in nether world and in
>    heaven)
>    41. ??????? ????? ???? ???????? ???? ???????? = Difficult i.e. not in
>    everyone's luck to be borne in India. It is further difficult to born as a
>    human being.
>    42. ????? ??????? ?????? = Mountains are beautiful from a distance. In
>    Marathi, this is exactly translated as ????? ????? ?????
>    43. ???????? ????? ???? = All can be commanded by wealth
>    44. ????? ?????? ?????? = Religion is a friend of the dead (?)
>    45. ????? ?? ???????????? (???????????? = ?????? ?????) = The bold
>    conquer obstacles
>    46. ?????? ??????? ????? = There is no religion equal to the Truth
>    47. ? ??????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ???? = It is no use digging a
>    well when the house is on fire
>    48. ? ???? ? ???????? = Hasn't been, shall not be. The phrase is used
>    to describe an unparalleled event or person. For example, a Mahatma like
>    Gandhi has not been, shall not be.
>    49. ? ?? ??????? ????? ????????? ??????? = There is nothing as
>    sacrosanct as (true) knowledge. This is first line in a shloka in
>    ???????????????? where the second line is ???????? ??????????? ???????????
>    ??????? ||?-??||
>    50. ? ??????? ???? ????? = There is no happiness more sublime than
>    peace
>    51. ????????? ???????? ???????? ????? = Hiding the hen cannot stop the
>    sun from rising
>    52. ??????????? ???? ???????? = What use is putting oil in a lamp,
>    where the flame is put out ? Locking the stable after the horse is stolen.
>    53. ??????????? ???? ????????? ????????? = In a plant-less desert, even
>    a shrub of castor looks like a (banyan) tree.
>    54. ??????????? ???? ???? = To a person, who has transcended all
>    desires, the whole world is but a blade of grass.
>    55. ? ?????????????? ???????? ????? = The determined never halt until
>    they achieve their goals
>    56. ????????? ???? ????? =Can a poor be happy ?
>    57. ????????????????? ? ??? ?????????????? = Our conditions go
>    cyclically up and down like the spokes of a wheel. See #35 also.
>    58. ??????? ?????? = Other's sorrow is cool (is no sorrow).
>    59. ??????????????? ?????? = This body is for service unto others
>    60. ???????? ??????????? = Sporting wisdom in advising others
>    61. ????????? ???? ??????? = Lives of the noble are for gracing others
>    62. ???? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ? ????????? = You may wash coal again
>    and again, but it will never become white.
>    63. ?????? ?????? ??????????? = Many people, many minds. Literally,
>    every brain has a different mind. This line is actually the beginning of a
>    ?????????. The other lines are ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ? ???? ???? ??????? 
> ???
>    ???? ???? ???? ? meaning "every pond has different water, every community
>    has its own rituals, every mouth has different speech."
>    64. ????????????? ???????? ??????? = Lamp of knowledge is lit
>    65. ??????????? ??????????? = Find a fly in the first sip.
>    66. ????????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ????????? = There are only three
>    true jewels - water, food and good sayings. This line is actually the first
>    line of a ?????????. The other line is ????? ???????????? ?????????? 
> ???????
>    meaning, "fools call bits of stone as jewels."
>    67. ??????? ????????? ???????? = A person slow of hearing is better
>    than a deaf.
>    68. ?????????? ?????????? = For the good of many, for happiness of
>    many.
>    69. ???????? ???????? = Earth is a treasure of jewels.
>    70. ??????? ????? ???? = Crying is the strength (weapon) of children
>    (to get, what they want).
>    71. ??????? ????????????? = Actions cultivate the intellect.
>    72. ???????????? ??? ???? = He is strong, who has intelligence. "Pen is
>    mightier than the sword" sounds synonymous.
>    73. ????? ???????? ????????? ????? = Gods! May we get to listen only
>    good things by our ears!! The Shaanti-mantra of many stotras, e.g.
>    ????????????????????? and others, especially those corollary to 
> Atharva-Veda
>    begin with this phrase. The next phrase is ? ????? ?????????????????????
>    meaning "May we get to see, after our prayers, only good and benevolent
>    things by our eyes". These two phrases bring to mind idols of three monkeys
>    one having eyes shut, another having ears shut and the third having mouth
>    shut."
>    74. ?????? ??????????? ???????? ??????? = Providence provides doors all
>    over.
>    75. ????????????? ???? = People have different tastes. This fact of
>    difference in tastes ?????????: has been very beautifully employed by the
>    great poet ??????? in ?????????????????? saying, "????????????????? ?????
>    ?????? ?????? ????????? ? ???????????????????????? ???????? ??????? ?????? 
> ?
>    ?????????????????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ? ?????? ????????????????
>    ???????????? ????????? ?" meaning, "The Muni's say, (a drama) is a divine
>    ceremony very dear to Gods. By his communion with Uma, Rudra put it forth 
> in
>    two aspects (laasya and taaNDava) by division of his own body. Likes and
>    dislikes of people are seen to be different as they show different shades 
> of
>    the three characteristics (sattva, rajas and taamas). Yet a (good) drama
>    would give enjoyment to all."
>    76. ??? ??????? ?????????? ????? ?? ??????? = Has honey on the tip of
>    the tongue, but poison in the heart.
>    77. ??? ???? ???????? = Act by your own discretion.
>    78. ??????????????? ??????? = Dreams know no holds.
>    79. ???? ???????? ????????? = Death is natural to everyone born. A good
>    way to give solace to the ones bereaved by the death of near and dear ones.
>    See, also in ????????????????, "?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ... ??-??? 
> meaning,
>    "what is born, will die."
>    80. ?????? ??? ??? ? ?????? = Two different meanings of this. (1) Great
>    are those who followed this path (2) That should be the path, by which the
>    great ones went. In meaning (1) "this path" means the path in search of the
>    ultimate truth. This quotation is Yudhishthir's answer to one of the 30-odd
>    questions asked by Yaksha the ????????????
>    81. ???????????? ?????????? ?????? = Once efforts are undertaken, they
>    will succeed. "Try and try forever and you will succeed."
>    82. ???????? ?? = Be one who would respect mother as God. I would
>    consider ???????? i.e. ???????: as a compound word ???? ?? ???? ????? ??
>    (??????? ????????? ????)
>    83. ???????? ?? = As above, "Be one who would respect father as God"
>    84. ?????????? ?? = As above, "Be one who would respect teacher the
>    preceptor as God"
>    85. ????????? ?? = As above, "Be one who would respect a guest (an
>    uninvited guest also) as God" ?????: is actually ????? ? (?????) ???? ?? -
>    (??? ????????? ????) one who does not come by an appointment, so ?????: =
>    uninvited guest
>    86. ???? ?????????????????? = Fools (people of low intellect) will only
>    follow. Only intelligent one can lead.
>    87. ???????? ???????? = Softness is encompassing. Most true of softness
>    of speech. Have harsh words ever helped anybody?
>    88. ???? ?????????????? = Silence is golden
>    89. ??? ???? ????????? = As you sow, sow you reap.
>    90. ??? ???? ??? ????? = As the king, so the subjects. Almost identical
>    is ???? ?????? ?????? = Responsibility will finally vest with king (the
>    chief executive) In ???????????????? also "?????????? ???????? ???????????
>    ??? ? ? ??? ??????? ??????????????? ??-???
>    91. ????? ????? ???????? = Garbage in garbage out. Last phrase in a
>    ????????? "???????? ???????? ???? ???????????? ? ???????? ????????? ..
>    meaning Think of a monkey, gets drunk, is bitten by a scorpion and is
>    further afflicted by a ghost.. the result is anybody's guess!
>    92. ????? ????? ???? = Speaks whatever!
>    93. ????? ????? ???????? ??????????????????? = Like dogs, a beggar
>    purrs at another beggar. There is another ????????? ??? ??????? ?????? 
> ?????
>    ? ?? ??????? ? ???????????????? ??? ???? ? ????? ? meaning, "A crow  crows
>    to call other crows. But one beggar does not call another. Between crows 
> and
>    beggars, the crow seem to be the better ones!
>    94. ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ???? = As you sow, sow you reap.
>    95. ?? ?????????? ? ??????? = One who exemplifies by own conduct is
>    really the knowledgeable.
>    96. ???????? ??? ????? = "War-stories are entertaining." What if you
>    have to yourself go to the battle-front?
>    97. ??? ??? ???????? ????????? ?????? ????? = Do anything to become
>    known ? The previous line is ??? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ??????????
>    ??????????? break the pots, tear the clothes or bray like a donkey. ... Do
>    anything to become known
>    98. ?????????? ??????? = Good managers are rare.
>    99. ???? ?????? ?????? = Responsibility will finally vest with king
>    (the chief executive)
>    100. ????? ?????? = I bow to Mother
>    101. ????? ?????????? = One in ten thousand may be a good speaker
>    102. ???? ??? ???????? = Why have poverty in speech?
>    103. ???????? ??????? ??????? = The magi are respected everywhere. Last
>    phrase in a ????????? where it is also mentioned ???? ??????? ???? meaning,
>    a king is respected in his own country
>    104. ????????? ?????????????? = Wealth of knowledge is the most
>    precious wealth
>    105. ????????? ????????????? = In bad times, all discretion is lost.
>    106. ??? ????? ??????? = Tit for tat
>    107. ?????????? ??? ?????????? = Doing any good work demands, first and
>    foremost, physical fitness
>    108. ???? ??? ?????? = Character is the most precious ornament. This
>    was the motto of our high school in Jamkhandi. Last phrase in a ?????????
>    "?????????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ..."
>    109. ???????? ????? ??????? = May you have a safe journey. KaNva munee
>    to Shakuntalaa in ?????????????????
>    110. ???? ???? = May everything be fine
>    111. ??????? ???? ??????? = Inscription on India's emblem. ???? ??
>    ?????? ... ????????? ??? ???
>    112. ????? ??????? ?????? = Truth is the right ornament for the throat
>    (neck). Part of a ?????????
>    113. ????????????? ????? = Easier said than done. ????? ???? "?????
>    ????? ???????????"
>    114. ?????? ??????????? = Together we prosper. Panchatatra story of
>    Birds caught in a net fly carrying the net itself
>    115. ??????? ?????????? = Basic character is difficult to change.
>    "Habits die hard"! ????? ???? "???? ???? ??? ??? ??? ????."
> ???????? ?
>  ??????? ???????? ????? "????????"-??????-?????? ?????????? ???????? ? ???
> ?? ???????????? ??????????? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ? ???????? ???? ????????
> ????? ?
> --
> ???????? ,
> ?????????????????? ???????? |
> S. L. Abhyankar
> "God is ready to listen. Have I time to pray?
> ?????? ?? ???? ???????????? ? ????? ????? ???? ??????????? ?"
> _______________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 09:34:03 -0400
From: "S. L. Abhyankar" <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] ???? ??????????? ?????????? ??????
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

??????? "?????-?????" ??? "?????"-????,

?????? ?????? ???? ? ????????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ????? ?
??? ????????? -

(1) Janani Janma-bhoomi-scha Swargadapi Gariyasi" ( Devnagari: ????
??????????? ?????????? ??????, IAST: janan? janmabh?mi?ca svarg?dapi
gar?yas? ) is the national motto of Nepal. It represents the national spirit
of the Nepalese people and is symbolic of Nepali Nationalism.
The motto is taken from the great Hindu Epic Ramayana. This particular
statement is uttered by Lord Ram while addressing his younger brother
Lakshman after their victory over the demon king Ravana.

(2) After defeating Ravan in the war, Vibheeshan requested Ram and Laxman to
visit Lanka.

Ram and Laxman were absolutely struck by the beauty of Lanka. The ponds were
crystal clear and the way to get into was studded with diamonds and precious
stones. The buildings were of fine architecture and the roads were very

Ram was spell bound and was getting attracted to the beauty of Lanka. But he
refrained himself from further seeing the beauty of Lanka by saying


Which translates to - "Dear LAXMAN, may be Lanka is truly Golden and
resembles heaven but the mother and the motherland are more sacred than

??? ????????? ?????? ??? ???? -
??? ????????? ????? ? ?? ??????? ????? ? ???? ??????????? ?????????? ??????
???????? ,
?????????????????? ???????? |
S. L. Abhyankar
"God is ready to listen. Have I time to pray?
?????? ?? ???? ???????????? ? ????? ????? ???? ??????????? ?"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: krishna kaushik <>
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 05:39:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] A good charming list of some 115 idioms, phrases and
proverbs in Sanskrit

???? ???? ???
????????? ? ??? ???
???? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ?
????? ?? ????? ????? ???????
??? ?????? ?????? ????? - ?? ???????? ???????
??????? ??????? ???? ????????? ?????
????? ? ?? ????? ?
???? ???????? ????????? ?????? ?

????? ?????? ? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??????? ????? ?
??? ??
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Message: 3
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 10:01:57 -0400
From: "S. L. Abhyankar" <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach - Lesson 1
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

??????????????? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ??????? ? ?? ?? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?
???????? ?????? ???? ???????? ? ???????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ?
??????????: ?????? ????????? ? ?????? ??????????? ??? ???? ???????????? ?

Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach
Lesson 1

Glossary 1

No.EnglishSanskrit in
transliterationSanskrit in
Devanagari1Youtvam?????2onlyeva??3you onlytvameva??????4mothermAtA????5and
10wealthdraviNam???????11all, everythingsarvam?????12of memama??13Oh Goddeva

Exercises 1
>From the above glossary, prepare the following phrases -

No.PhraseSanskrit in
transliterationSanskrit in
Devanagari1You only mother__________  ____________________  __________2and
Father you only__  _______  __________  _______  ________3You only brother
and__________  __________  _____________  __________  ___4friend you
 ____________________  __________5You only knowledge__________
 __________6Wealth you only__________  ____________________  __________7You
only everything of me__________  __________   __________________  __________
  ________8Oh God ! Oh God__________  ____________________  __________

Now you can write down two phrases in one line. By that it becomes a good
four-line verse, a good prayer !!

I am sure you will like this prayer. Learn it by heart.

Now you have learnt a prayer, of which you know the meaning also.

Say it by yourself whenever and wherever you like. Maybe you can meditate
with this prayer.

If someone prays to God, calling Him mother, father, brother, friend,
knowledge, wealth, everything, very earnestly, He will answer!!

You may find this prayer on the internet in Devanagari. You would find one
small difference.

OK, let me give that to you here itself. In phrase 3, you will find that
 ?????? ? is written as ????????. That difference is simple and logical.

?????? + ? (bandhuH + cha = bandhush-cha). Hence, ????????

A vertical line at the end of each line (?) is really the "full stop" in
Devanagari. Two vertical lines (?) denote the end of a stanza.

Do you really need a "key" to the exercise 1 ?

Anyway, here it is -

?????? ???? ? ???? ?????? ?
?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?
?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?
?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?

???????? (????? + ?????) ?

Blissfulshubham?????be itastu?????Blissful be itshubhamastu????????

???????? ,
?????????????????? ???????? |
S. L. Abhyankar
"God is ready to listen. Have I time to pray?
?????? ?? ???? ???????????? ? ????? ????? ???? ??????????? ?"
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End of sanskrit Digest, Vol 61, Issue 8

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