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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: some remarks on quizz # 19 answers. (Vis Tekumalla)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 09:33:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Vis Tekumalla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] some remarks on quizz # 19 answers.
To: peekayar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,       sanskrit digest
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Mr. Ramakrishnan:
Thanks for pointing out the mistakes in my answer to Question 3. I am also interested 
in finding out what you and others in the group have to say about the doubts I 
expressed in my answers to Questions 2 (how to use of dvivachanam when a man and a 
woman are involved) and 9 (using ekavachanam on the verb when the karta is not in 

peekayar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:For vivaraaNi mudrayan I had given the meaning as -
 a good person excels in stamping his many good qualities (on that person)
This should have been -
a good person excels in stamping out the faults  of  the other person.
In Vis Tekumalla's answer to quesion 3 he has given
the 4th paadaa as -
kim asAdhya.m sasmitANAm ||-------- 
The Laghu and Guru letters are marked below.
  4th paada    L   L  G  G  G  L   G   G
But look at the other paadas -
 1st paada    U   L  U  U   L  U   U  U
2nd paada    U  U  U   L   L  U   L  U
3rd paada     U  L  U  U   L  U   U  U
Here the fifth syllable in all paadaas should be 
Laghu, whereas it is  Guru in the answer given.
I am giving the definition of a shloka or
anuSTubh metre. I have quoted this earlier also.

pa~nchamaM laghu sarvatra                                 saptamaM dvichaturthayoH .   
                        SaSThaM guru vijaaniiyaat                                      
       etat shlokasya lakShaNam..

1. Sarvatra means in all paadaas.
     The fifth should be laghu.
2.  In the 2nd and 4th paadaas, 
     the7th syllable should be laghu.
3.  The 6th syllable (in all paadaas)
     should be guru.
     This is the lakSaNa of a shloka.
According to this there are two mistakes in the
fourth paada given by Sri Tekumalla -
5th and 7th syllables are guru instead of laghu.

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