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Today's Topics:

   1. help in composing a poem (Sai)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 16:16:27 -0600
Subject: [Sanskrit] help in composing a poem
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I am going to put online, a really intense sanskrit shataka called 
'bhavAnI bhAratI' written by Sri Aurobindo sometime during India's
Independence struggle, which is very relevant today. English translation
was also provided by him. See below for a few excerpts.

i want to put my own little intro to this SatakaM in 
toTaka vR^ittaM (112 112 112 112    112 112 112 112)
    aravinda praNItamidam Satakam    paripIDita bhAratamAtR^i ravam
    tamasAvR^ita chetasi vajrasamaM  nava jAgaraNAya prachodakaraM

(My intended meaning:
    This Sataka (100-versed poem) written by Aravinda is the cry of
an intensely tortured/harassed Mother India. It is like a thunderbolt to
lethargy-enveloped minds (i.e., it suddenly shakes them up to their
foundations), and is the call/command for a new awakening).

My question is, can we say 'prachodakaram'?
        pracodaH = instigation
        prachodana = instigating , exciting MBh. ; direction , order , command
        prachodaka = instigating 
prachodakaM would have been more natural, but it doesn't fit the chhandas.    
Any suggestions?
- Sai.

BTW, the shatakam is written in a metre that is a combination of
indravajra and upendravajra vR^ittas, (called AkhyAnaka?).
        indra vajraM         upendra vajraM
        ta  ta  ja ga ga     ja  ta  ja ga ga
        221 221 121 2 2      121 221 121 2 2

To read the poem, which still needs to be proofread, click on

Here are a few samples:
sukhe nimagnaH shayane yadAsaM  madhoshcha rathyAsu manaschachAra |
sa chintayAmAsa kulAni kAvyaM   dArAMshcha bhogAMshcha sukhaM dhanAni ||

sukhaM mR^idAvAstaraNe shayAnaM  sukhAni bhogAnvasu chintayantam |
pasparsha bhImena kareNa vakShaH pratyakShamakShNoshcha babhUva kAlI ||

4.    Lying at ease on a soft couch and dreaming of pleasures,
enjoyments and wealth, I felt on my chest the touch of a dreadful hand
and to my eyes grew visible the shape of Kali.


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End of sanskrit Digest, Vol 16, Issue 26

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