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Today's Topics:

   1. A sloka A Day: Bhagavad Gita: 2.17 (anupam srivatsav)
   2. Re: sanskrit Digest, Vol 58, Issue 7 (Guru deva dasi)
   3. Source of 'brahma satyam..' quote (Naresh Cuntoor)
   4. Question on aSTAdhyAyI : sArvadhAtukamapit (Jay Vaidya) (V Srini)
   5. lot lakara of Kru dhaatu (anupam srivatsav)
   6. A sloka A Day: Bhagavad Gita: 2.18 (anupam srivatsav)
   7. Re: lot lakara of Kru dhaatu (P. Vasu)
   8. Re: lot lakara of Kru dhaatu (Subramanya hiriyannaiah)
   9. Re: lot lakara of Kru dhaatu (Mukesh Goel)
  10. A sloka A Day: Bhagavad Gita: 2.19 (anupam srivatsav)
  11. Request for the source of the Mantra dEvIm ... (Bandaru Viswanath)
  12. Sanskrit goes chic (Vis Tekumalla)
  13. Re: Request for the source of the Mantra dEvIm ...
      (Navneet Kumar Verma)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 11:05:34 +0530
From: anupam srivatsav <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] A sloka A Day: Bhagavad Gita: 2.17
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

??????? ?? ????????? ??? ???????? ???? ?
????????????????? ? ?????????????????? ? ?.??

??????? = ? ?????? ???? ???: ????????? (?,?)  ( I have a doubt here.  Why is
it not ??????? ?)
?? = ??????????
????????? = ?? ?????? = ???? ?????? ???? ?????????????????
??? = ??? (?,?)
?????? = ???? (?,?)
???? = ???? (?,?)
???? = ??? + ???:, (?,?)
??????? = ?????: (?,?)
???????? = ??????? (?,?)
???? = ???? (?,?)
? = ??????????
??????? = ???? + ???? (???????)
??????? = ?? + ?????? (???????)
?????? = ????? ??? ?????????????????
-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 14:50:40 +0530
From: "Guru deva dasi" <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] sanskrit Digest, Vol 58, Issue 7
To: <>
Message-ID: <000001cab144$f2af07d0$d80d17...@com>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Thank you Naresh Ji.
This is not exactly the same, only the first part is the same. Do you have
an idea where is the full quote?

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 6:25 PM
Subject: sanskrit Digest, Vol 58, Issue 7

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"Re: Contents of sanskrit digest..."


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 09:56:11 -0500
From: Naresh Cuntoor <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Source of 'brahma satyam..' quote
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

 [Subject was: sanskrit Digest, Vol 58, Issue 7]

Ah. My bad.
There is another shloka which says

shlokArdhena pravakShyAmi yaduktaM grantha-koTibhiH |
brahma satyaM jagannmithyA jIvo brahmaiva nAparaH ||

Re: where this shloka appears, my mind is drawing a blank right now.

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Guru deva dasi <>wrote:

>  Sorry if I was unclear.
> The verse from Vivekacudamani which had been referred by you is using the
> first Pada of the quote I brought, but not the second
> ????? ???????? ????:?
> pada  my question is where is found the verse which contains the 2 Padas:
> ?????? ????? ?????????? ???? ???????? ????:??
> *From:* Naresh Cuntoor []
> *Sent:* Friday, February 19, 2010 5:37 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Sanskrit] sanskrit Digest, Vol 58, Issue 7
> Namaste,
> I am not sure I understand your follow-up question. The often-quoted brahma
> satyam jaganmithyaa it only a pAda of the shloka that I mentioned. As I
> cited, the shloka appears in VivekachUDaamaNi, a work of Shankara
> BhagavatpAda.
> Naresh
>  On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 4:20 AM, Guru deva dasi <>
> wrote:
> Thank you Naresh Ji.
> This is not exactly the same, only the first part is the same. Do you have
> an idea where is the full quote?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On
> Behalf Of
> Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 6:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: sanskrit Digest, Vol 58, Issue 7
> Send sanskrit mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
> "Re: Contents of sanskrit digest..."
> _______________________________________________
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Message: 4
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 12:33:14 -0800 (PST)
From: V Srini <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Question on aSTAdhyAyI : sArvadhAtukamapit (Jay
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Shri Dhananjay,
Thanks for your response. I am not chellenging your concepts, but I still do 
not completely comprehend them.

Your interpretation centered on the idea that "vibhASA" is attached to the list 
of items in the column "entity to have new property"(which, in the present 
case, "iT" of the sutra "vija iT"). 

Using that methodology, when I apply to "vibhASA jasi", I get "vibhASA, jas, 
dvandva" in the second column.

Then move on to "prathamacaramataya . . . ". When dvandva is dropped here, how 
come we did not drop "vibhASA" and "jas" as well ? We can argue that since all 
the words "prathama, carama . . . " etc are all in gaNapATha, if we drop all 3 
of "vibhASA, jas, dvandva", then there is no meaning in this sutra. However, 
why do we choose drop dvndva alone and retain the other two (namely vibhASA and 
jas). If we explain that it is because we cannot make dvandva samAsa with these 
words? That is not true, since we can think of meaningful dvandva compounds 
with alpa, and carama.

Summarizing, my original question of why "vibhASA" did not apply to 
"sArvadhAtukamapit", further extends to "why did we not apply dvandve to 
prathamacaramataya . . . "


PS: You stated that in case of "vibhASA jasi", the vibhASA got terminated 
eventually because a "change in topic". This seems like a very agreeable 
notion, but "topic" seems to be a too strong a notion not to be mentioned by 
Panini or any other grammarians that wrote the vyAkhyAnams to aSTAdhyAyi or its 
derivative works. Is there a mention of such/similar notion in any book? 

Once again, thanks for the time and effort in responding.


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 13:49:02 +0530
From: anupam srivatsav <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] lot lakara of Kru dhaatu
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Dear Friends,

The lot lakara of kru dhaatu is:

karotu, kurutaH, kuruta
kuru, etc...

But, what is

kurushva? (madhyamapurusha, ekavachanam, lot of kru dhaatu)

How the above is formed?
With regards,


Message: 6
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 13:51:53 +0530
From: anupam srivatsav <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] A sloka A Day: Bhagavad Gita: 2.18
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

???????? ??? ???? ?????????????: ??????: ?
????????????????? ??????????????? ???? ? ?.??

???????? = ????: ?????? ????? ???, ????????????: ?????? ???????? (?,?)
??? = ???? (?,?)
???? = ???: (?,?)
???????? = ?????: (?,?)
?????: = ??? + ???: = ????: (?,?)
??????: = ???? ????? ????? ? ??????? (?,?)
??????: = ? ??????? ???: ??? ????:, ????: ???? ???: ? ??????? (?,?)
?????????? = ??? + ?? + ??? (??? ???) = ??????:, ? ??????: ???????:, ????
???: ?????????, ???? (?,?)
??????? = ?????????
???????? = ???? ????: ???? ????????????????? (See my post with the title 'lot
lakara of Kru dhaatu')
???? = ????????
-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 7
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 14:50:07 +0530
From: "P. Vasu" <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] lot lakara of Kru dhaatu
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I suppose you mean Kru (to do) verb?

kurushva is (madhyamapurusha, ekavachanam, lot of kru dhaatu) in aatmanepad
kurushva kurvaathaam kurudhvam

Also, in Parasmaipad  lot prathamapurush , I think it is
karotu krurutam kurvantu
and madhyamapurush , kuru .....etc

I would also like how this verb transforms in passive voice and is

P. Vasu

On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 1:49 PM, anupam srivatsav <> wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> The lot lakara of kru dhaatu is:
> karotu, kurutaH, kuruta
> kuru, etc...
> But, what iskurushva? (madhyamapurusha, ekavachanam, lot of kru dhaatu)
> How the above is formed?
> With regards,
> Anupam.
> _______________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
> and follow instructions.
-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 8
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 16:12:09 +0530
From: Subramanya hiriyannaiah <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] lot lakara of Kru dhaatu
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dear Anupam,
All the forms of 'kru' Dhatu  in 10 lakaras and 3 purushas are tabulated
below for your information
1. Lat lakar       Prathama purusha         karoti
kurutah                   kurvanti
                       Madhyam Purusha
karoshi                         kuruthah                 kurutha
                       Uttam purusha
karomi                         kurvaha                   kurmaha

2. Lit                 P
chakAra                       chakra*t*uh                  chakruh
chakartha                     chakra*th*u                  chakra
chakAra-chakara          chakR^va                 chakR^ma

3. Lut               P
kartA                           kartArou                      kartArah
kartAsi                        kartAsthah                   kartAsha
kartAsmi                      kartAvah                    kartAsma

4. LR^t              P
karishyati                     karishyatah               karishyanti
karishyasi                     karishyathah           karishyatha
karishyAmi                    karishyAvaha         karishyAmah

5.   LOt             P
karOtu -kurutAm            kurutAm                kurvantu
                        M                                   kuru-
kurutAd                kurutam                  kuruta
                        U                                   karvANi
                      karavAva               karavAma

 6.Lang           P                                   akarOt
akurutAm             akurvan

                        M                                  akarOh
akurutam              akuruta
                       U                                   akaravam
akurva                akurma

7.  vidhi ling     P                                  kuryAt
kuryAtAm            kuryuh
                        M                                  kuryAha
kuryatam            kuryAta
kuryAm       kuryAva              kuryAma

8. Ashir Ling     P                                 kriyAt
kriyAstAm            kriyAsuhu
kriyAha        kriyAstam            kriyAsta
                        U                                  kriyAsam
kriyAsva               kriyAsma

9. Lung           P                                  akArsh*I*t
akArshtAm            akArshuhu
                       M                                  akArshIh
akArshtam            akArshta
                       U                                  akArsham
akArshva             akArshma

10.LR^ng        P                                   akarishyat
akarishyatAm     akarishyan
                      M                                   akrishyaha
akarishyatam    akarishyata
                     U                                    akarishyam
akarishyAva      akarishyAma

I hope this will give all forms of lakars
Subramanya UH
Note: kindly bring to my notice if there are typo errors or transliteration.
I have tried my best.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 1:49 PM, anupam srivatsav <> wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> The lot lakara of kru dhaatu is:
> karotu, kurutaH, kuruta
> kuru, etc...
> But, what is
> kurushva? (madhyamapurusha, ekavachanam, lot of kru dhaatu)
> How the above is formed?
> With regards,
> Anupam.
> _______________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
> and follow instructions.

Warm regards
U H Subramanya
080-23284740, 9341323940
#39, 11th Cross, I Main, Prashanthanagar, Bangalore 560079
-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 9
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 10:45:13 -0800
From: "Mukesh Goel" <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] lot lakara of Kru dhaatu
To: "Sanskrit Mailing List" <>
Message-ID: <snt134-ds197499d794a90d524ff396c2...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

?? dhatu is ?????? (that is it can be conjugated in both ????????? and 
?????????). Following verb forms are given for ?????????. There would be a 
similar set for ?????????. When you conjugate in ?????????, ???? ???? ????? 
????? ????? is '???????'


From: Subramanya hiriyannaiah 
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 2:42 AM
To: Sanskrit Mailing List 
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] lot lakara of Kru dhaatu

Dear Anupam,
All the forms of 'kru' Dhatu  in 10 lakaras and 3 purushas are tabulated below 
for your information
1. Lat lakar       Prathama purusha         karoti                          
kurutah                   kurvanti
                       Madhyam Purusha          karoshi                         
kuruthah                 kurutha
                       Uttam purusha                 karomi                     
    kurvaha                   kurmaha

2. Lit                 P                                   chakAra              
         chakratuh                  chakruh
                        M                                    chakartha          
           chakrathu                  chakra
                        U                                    chakAra-chakara    
      chakR^va                 chakR^ma

3. Lut               P                                    kartA                 
          kartArou                      kartArah
                       M                                    kartAsi             
           kartAsthah                   kartAsha
                       U                                     kartAsmi           
           kartAvah                    kartAsma

4. LR^t              P                                   karishyati             
        karishyatah               karishyanti
                        M                                   karishyasi          
           karishyathah           karishyatha
                        U                                    karishyAmi         
           karishyAvaha         karishyAmah

5.   LOt             P                                   karOtu -kurutAm        
    kurutAm                kurvantu
                        M                                   kuru- kurutAd       
         kurutam                  kuruta    
                        U                                   karvANi             
             karavAva               karavAma   

 6.Lang           P                                   akarOt        akurutAm    
                        M                                  akarOh      akurutam 
                       U                                   akaravam    akurva   

7.  vidhi ling     P                                  kuryAt         kuryAtAm   
                        M                                  kuryAha     kuryatam 
                         U                                 kuryAm       kuryAva 

8. Ashir Ling     P                                 kriyAt          kriyAstAm   
                        M                                 kriyAha        
kriyAstam            kriyAsta
                        U                                  kriyAsam    kriyAsva 

9. Lung           P                                  akArshIt       akArshtAm   
                       M                                  akArshIh      
akArshtam            akArshta
                       U                                  akArsham     akArshva 

10.LR^ng        P                                   akarishyat     akarishyatAm 
                      M                                   akrishyaha      
akarishyatam    akarishyata
                     U                                    akarishyam      
akarishyAva      akarishyAma

I hope this will give all forms of lakars
Subramanya UH
Note: kindly bring to my notice if there are typo errors or transliteration. I 
have tried my best.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 1:49 PM, anupam srivatsav <> 

  Dear Friends,

  The lot lakara of kru dhaatu is:

  karotu, kurutaH, kuruta
  kuru, etc...

  But, what is

  kurushva? (madhyamapurusha, ekavachanam, lot of kru dhaatu)

  How the above is formed?
  With regards,
  To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
  and follow instructions.

Warm regards
U H Subramanya
080-23284740, 9341323940
#39, 11th Cross, I Main, Prashanthanagar, Bangalore 560079


To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
and follow instructions.
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Message: 10
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 13:39:40 +0530
From: anupam srivatsav <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] A sloka A Day: Bhagavad Gita: 2.19
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?
??? ?? ? ???????? ???? ????? ? ?????? ? ?.??

? = ??? (?,?)
??? = (?,?)
?????? = ???? ??????, ????????????
??????? = ?????, ??? + ????, (?,?)
?????? = ??? ???????????? (??????????)
????  = ??? + ???: (?,?)
??? = ?? (?,?)
?? = ??? ????????? (?.?)
???????: = ?? + ??????
????? = ??? + ???? ????????????
?????? = ??? + ???? + ???? ????????????
-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 11
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 18:19:23 +0530
From: "Bandaru Viswanath" <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Request for the source of the Mantra dEvIm ...
To: "'Sanskrit Mailing List'" <>
Message-ID: <003301cab3bd$78de8400$6a9b8c...@com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"



Could you please let me know the source of the following mantra recited in
the beginning of most of the pUja ?





<baraha script>

dEvIm vAcha#manajanayanta d...@vastam v...@shvarupah p...@shavo# vadanti |


<baraha devanAgari>

S?u??q?? u??c??q?l?e?l?r?li? S??u??xi??q?? ?u?????m??? m??z?u???? u?S?li? |


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Message: 12
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 11:23:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Vis Tekumalla <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Sanskrit goes chic
To: Sanskrit <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"



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Message: 13
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 14:51:26 +0530
From: Navneet Kumar Verma <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Request for the source of the Mantra dEvIm ...
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

??? ??????? ????????? ??? ?????? ???????
??????????? ???????????? ? ? ????????

2010/2/22 Bandaru Viswanath <>

>  Hi,
> Could you please let me know the source of the following mantra recited in
> the beginning of most of the pUja ?
> Thanks
> vissu
> <baraha script>
> dEvIm vAcha#manajanayanta d...@vastam v...@shvarupah p...@shavo# vadanti |
> <baraha devanAgari>
> S?u??q?? u??c??q?l?e?l?r?li? S??u??xi??q?? ?u?????m??? m??z?u???? u?S?li? |
> **
> _______________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
> and follow instructions.

????? ??????
????????? ???????? ??????
????? ????
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End of sanskrit Digest, Vol 58, Issue 9

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