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Today's Topics:

   1. a beutiful situation (P.K.Ramakrishnan)
   2. Re: Another beautiful imagination (thirunarayanan thirunarayanan)
   3. Subject:  [l2] vyAkaraNa vaibhavaM - part 5 (rahul vedi)
   4. The rule of a king superior to the rule (of Grammar) by
      Panini (hn bhat)
   5. Another Anyapadesha verse - the deceitful sanyasin-s and
      pious householders (hn bhat)
   6. Another Anyapadesha verse - the deceitful sanyasin-s and
      pious householders (hn bhat)
   7. Re: Another Anyapadesha verse - the deceitful sanyasin-s  and
      pious householders (hn bhat)
   8. Re: Subject:  [l2] vyAkaraNa vaibhavaM - part 5 (RSridhar)
   9. Double mistake (P.K.Ramakrishnan)
  10. Re: Double mistake (Balaji)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 13:09:22 +0530 (IST)
From: "P.K.Ramakrishnan" <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] a beutiful situation
To: sanskrit digest <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

???? ??? ????
??? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ??????
???? ?????????
???????????????????? /
??????????? ???: ???????; ????????:
???????? ???
????? ????? ??????? ???????? ????: ???? ?:  //

raamo naama babhuuva hum tadabalaa siiteti hum tau pitur
vaachaa panchvaTiivane viharatastaamaaharat raavanaH /
nidrartham jananiikathaamiti hareH humkaarataH shruNvataH
saumitre kva dhanur dhanur dhanuriti vyaaghraa giraaH paatu vaH //

This is shloka from Krishnakarnamrutha of Bilvamangalaswami.

Meaning is simple.
While making child krishna to sleep yashoda was narrating the story of 

Rama. Then Krishna behaving like Rama shouts "Lakshmana where is the
bow etc".

P.K. Ramakrishnan

      The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.
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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 15:15:33 -0800 (PST)
From: thirunarayanan thirunarayanan <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Another beautiful imagination
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

very good samiiciinam 
?ra tirunaaraayaNaH

--- On Fri, 13/11/09, hn bhat <> wrote:

From: hn bhat <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Another beautiful imagination
Date: Friday, 13 November, 2009, 11:29

Another beautiful picture:

?????? ????????? ??????????? ???????? ??????
???????????? ??????????????????????????????????????
?????????? ????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ??????
???????????????????????????????????????? ??????

O king Ballala, the girl of hunter tribe roaming in the city of your enemies 
(who fled away to the forest to hide away from you) collected the gems 
scattered (in the streets) mistaking them for the burning charcoal of khadira 
wood and piles the sandal wood on them. Blowing air into it with her mouth 
closing her eyes (to kindle the fire), ?creates the illusion of smoke rising by 
the bees attracted by the fragrance of ther expirated air.

The above is a beautiful picture of a ignorant tribal girl who has never seen 
the gems. The context described presents us the picture of the valour of the 
King, fearing destruction from him, his enemies abandoning their belongings in 
the city scattered, had fled away to the forest. A tribal girl from the forest, 
happened to be in the vacated city and found the gems scattered in the streets 
red coloured like the charcoals. Mistaking them for the burning charcoals of 
Khadira tree (she used to make fire in the forest), she heaped them and putting 
the sandal wood on them, bending her face to kindle the fire, she blows aire 
with her mouth. The bees are attracted by the fragrance of her exhaled 
respirated air surround the place and created the illusion of smoke arising out 
of the fire (she is kindling).?

Thus the picture is complete of kindling the fire from the charcoals putting 
sandal wood giving rise to a cloud of smoke.?-- 
Hari Narayana Bhat B.R.

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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 04:55:42 -0800 (PST)
From: rahul vedi <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Subject:  [l2] vyAkaraNa vaibhavaM - part 5
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

bhoH sai varya
namo namaH
bhavaan vyaakaraNasya viShaye samiciinaM lekhaM preShyati tadarthe koTishaH 
dhanyavaadaH |
paaThasya pancam bhaagasya devanaagarii fonts samyak na pradarshayte |
sarave naagaryaaH akSharaaNii "?" iti paThyate |
katham naagaryaaH akSharaaNii samyak pathitum shakyate aham na jaanaami |
kim bhavaan sahaayyam kartum shakyate vaa |

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Message: 4
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 19:43:35 +0530
From: hn bhat <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] The rule of a king superior to the rule (of
        Grammar) by     Panini
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

? ???? ???????? ? ??? ???? ???????????-

???????? ????????? ???????? ? ?????? ?????????

???? ?? ?????????? ??????????? ?????

????????????????????? ?? ?????? ????????

na lopo var??n?? na khalu parata? pratyayavidhir

vik?ro n?sty eva kvacid api na bhagn?? prak?taya?|

gu?o v? v?ddhirv? satatam upak?r?ya jagat??

muner d?k??putr?d api tava samartha? padavidhi?||

There is no Lopa (loss or defection) in the VarNa-s (the syllables, or the
four caste system); nor there is any obligation for Pratyaya (a suffix, or
confidence) before another (word or syllable; or any other person); never
there is any inflection or abnormality anywhere, nor the Prakriti-s (the
stems to which  suffixes are augmented; or the councillors and the subjects)
are split (both literally and physically);  Either Guna (a technical term in
Grammar deoting a, e and o  in common, or virtuous quality) or Vriddhi
(another technical term in grammar used for long a, ai and au in common), or
prosperity) if any, is only there to help the people; Thus it is your
administration of kingdom (padavidhi = literally the discharge of your duty
in the post of a king) is more efficient (samartha) than that (padavidhi) of
Panini, the son of Dakshi (whose efficient rule over the words; also there
is a grammar rule in Ashtadhyayi "samarthaH padavidhiH") .

In the "padavidhi" (the grammar of language) of Panini is helps the people
with the loss of syllables, assigning suffixes after the words
(pratyaya-vidhi), There is inflection everywhere and the *prak**?ti-*s are
split from the inflexed forms. Either the *gu**?a* or *v**?ddhi* is
applicable to those vowels to which they are prescribed, and not for all.
Thus the pada-vidhi of the king is superior to that of P??ini as these are
not to be found in that of the king.
In the administration of the king, there is not any defection from the four
varna-system; there is no need for confiding on others (to take decision in
administratio, as he himself capable of it);  he is never taken hold by any
emotions or passions and there is no splitting among the ministers and
subjects. In administration, every kind of virtues and prosperity is
available for all people indifferently. This explains how his pada-vidhi is

Hari Narayana Bhat B.R.
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Message: 5
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 21:20:08 +0530
From: hn bhat <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Another Anyapadesha verse - the deceitful
        sanyasin-s and  pious householders
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

??????? ?????????????? ????????? ????????? ????????
???????????????????????????????? ???? ?????? ?
?? ?????? ????????????? ? ??? ?????????????? ???
????????????? ????????? ??????? ?? ?? ??????????????? ??
Even though the lotus pond is full of scholls of fish, the swans live only
on the freely available lotus fibres happily, giving consideration to keep
up their whiteness (i.e.purity). The cranes, which look whiter than the
swans, always immersed inmeditation as if devoid of duality,  silently (in
secrecy)  fill in their belly with aquatic creatures.

???? ???????????? ????????? ???? ??????? ? ????????? ?????? ????? ?????
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???????? ? ?? ????????? ??????????? ??????, ?????? ????????????? ?? ???????
?????????? ????????? ?????????, ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ?????????? ????????
??????? ???? ??????????? ???????????? ?

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???????????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????????, ?? ?? ??????????? ??????? ?????
??????? ??? ?

????????? ????????????????? ??? ????? ? ?????? ? ?? ?????? ?????? ??,
???????????????????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ?

Hari Narayana Bhat B.R.
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Message: 6
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 21:20:27 +0530
From: hn bhat <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Another Anyapadesha verse - the deceitful
        sanyasin-s and  pious householders
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

??????? ?????????????? ????????? ????????? ????????
???????????????????????????????? ???? ?????? ?
?? ?????? ????????????? ? ??? ?????????????? ???
????????????? ????????? ??????? ?? ?? ??????????????? ??
Even though the lotus pond is full of scholls of fish, the swans live only
on the freely available lotus fibres happily, giving consideration to keep
up their whiteness (i.e.purity). The cranes, which look whiter than the
swans, always immersed inmeditation as if devoid of duality,  silently (in
secrecy)  fill in their belly with aquatic creatures.

???? ???????????? ????????? ???? ??????? ? ????????? ?????? ????? ?????
???????? ?????????????????? ??????????? ???? ??????? ???????? ???????? ? ???
? ???????? ???????? ????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ???????? ??????????? ?
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???????? ? ?? ????????? ??????????? ??????, ?????? ????????????? ?? ???????
?????????? ????????? ?????????, ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ?????????? ????????
??????? ???? ??????????? ???????????? ?

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???????????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????????, ?? ?? ??????????? ??????? ?????
??????? ??? ?

????????? ????????????????? ??? ????? ? ?????? ? ?? ?????? ?????? ??,
???????????????????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ?

Hari Narayana Bhat B.R.
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Message: 7
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 09:44:44 +0530
From: hn bhat <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Another Anyapadesha verse - the deceitful
        sanyasin-s      and pious householders
To: trupti patel <>,
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Here are the verses you asked for translation in their correct form:

???????? ???????????? ??????? ??????
????????? ???????? ?????? ?????-??????
????????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ????????????
pit?devi pit?jye??he mah?devi mah?bale
pret?sane di??v?se nair?ti ?o?ita-priye
g?h???va namana? cema? sapatya? rak?a garbhinim ||1||

You have not mentioned from where you got this verse. If you can give more
details a better translation could have been made. In the absence of such
details, I can give only literal meaning for the shloka:

O nairR^iti, the goddess of our forefathers and the foremost of our
ancestors, the superior goddess endowed with great powers, who has got a
dead body (preta) as seat and the directions as her cloths (or it may mean
who resides in the South-West direction as the guardian in her male form)
(?) Accept this salutation and protect the pregnant with her child.

There is some information related to this deity in this page. Besides there
are several pages that give information, but I could not find the source of
the shloka you have sent.<>

????????? ??????????? ???????????????-??????
????????? ???? ???? ???????? ???? ????????????
p??cajanya prabh?vyakta kaustubhoddyota-bh?skara
g?h???va namana? cema? s?paty?? rak?a garbhi??m||2||

O Pancajanya, (the conch of Lord Vishnu is called by this name)  emerging
with radiation of light, the Sun having the rays of Kaustubha (the gem worn
on the chest of Vishnu)! Please accept this salutation and protect the
pregnant with her child.

Without the context, the translation is a loose translation, without
precision of meaning. If the source is known, it could have been translated
The second seems to be incomplete.

Any how, thank you for writing to me personally.

Hari Narayana Bhat B.R.
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Message: 8
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 09:40:42 +0530
From: RSridhar <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Subject:  [l2] vyAkaraNa vaibhavaM - part 5
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

                                 ??? ?
????? ??? ????????????? ?????????  ???????? ?? mime/html 
?????? ? ?? text/plain| 
???? ?? ?????? ????? ?????? '?' ????????? |
??? ? ???? ???? ??? ??? ????????? ??????? ????? ???????? ?? ??
???????????????????? ???????? |

???? ????? ??????? ????????????? ???? ? ????? ???? ???????? 
? ?????? |

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Your mail reader may or may not support MIME digests. In general MIME
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RSridhar <>

On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 04:55 -0800, rahul vedi wrote:

> bhoH sai varya
> namo namaH
> bhavaan vyaakaraNasya viShaye samiciinaM lekhaM preShyati tadarthe
> koTishaH dhanyavaadaH |
> paaThasya pancam bhaagasya devanaagarii fonts samyak na pradarshayte |
> sarave naagaryaaH akSharaaNii "?" iti paThyate |
> katham naagaryaaH akSharaaNii samyak pathitum shakyate aham na
> jaanaami |
> kim bhavaan sahaayyam kartum shakyate vaa |
> bhavadiiyaH
> raahula
> _______________________________________________
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Message: 9
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 16:00:44 +0530 (IST)
From: "P.K.Ramakrishnan" <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Double mistake
To: sanskrit digest <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

??????????????????? ????????? ???????:
???? ????????????????? ????? ??????????????
palAsha kusuma bhrAntyA
shukatunDe patatyaLiH    /
sOpi jambUphala bhrAntyA
tamaLiM grastumicchati  //
The palAsha tree has flowers which
look like parrots. 
A bee looks like a jAmUn fruit?
Thinking that it is the flower of palAsha
a bee falls into the beak of a parrot.
The parrot tries to grab the bee
thinking that is the jAmUn fruit.-----------------------------------
P.K. Ramakrishnan

      The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.
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Message: 10
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:43:09 -0000
From: "Balaji" <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Double mistake
To: "Sanskrit Mailing List" <>
Message-ID: <9ea0905dddd6401c89e2bd68ea3b5...@balajimain>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Beautiful concept! I wonder what finally happened to the Ali?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: P.K.Ramakrishnan 
  To: sanskrit digest 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 10:30 AM
  Subject: [Sanskrit] Double mistake

  ??????????????????? ????????? ???????: /

  ???? ????????????????? ????? ?????????????? //

  palAsha kusuma bhrAntyA

  shukatunDe patatyaLiH    /

  sOpi jambUphala bhrAntyA

  tamaLiM grastumicchati  //

  The palAsha tree has flowers which

  look like parrots. 

  A bee looks like a jAmUn fruit?

  Thinking that it is the flower of palAsha

  a bee falls into the beak of a parrot.

  The parrot tries to grab the bee

  thinking that is the jAmUn fruit.

  P.K. Ramakrishnan

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.


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End of sanskrit Digest, Vol 55, Issue 10

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