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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Sanskrit literary works in our times (Shobha Saraiya)
   2. Re: Sanskrit literary works in our times (Upendra Watwe)
   3. Re: Description Frogs at the first Rain Fall (Jay Vaidya)
   4. Re: Krishna and the Gopi (Krishnanand Mankikar)
   5. Anyokti Poetry - a gem in the hand of a monkey - 1st
      installment of the week - (hn bhat)
   6. Re: Anyokti Poetry - a gem in the hand of a monkey - 1st
      installment of the week - (Phillip Ernest)
   7. The Galaxy of stars - A Sanskrit verse with pun (hn bhat)
   8. Re: The Galaxy of stars - A Sanskrit verse with pun (narayan iyer)
   9. Re: [grammar] [l2] vyAkaraNa vaibhavaM - part 7 - sandhi  2
      (Sai Susarla)
  10. [l2] [grammar] vyAkaraNa vaibhavaM - part 8 - sandhi 3
      (Sai Susarla)
  11. Re: [l2] [grammar] vyAkaraNa vaibhavaM - part 8 - sandhi  3
      yathasamkhyam anudeshaH (hn bhat)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 10:58:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Shobha Saraiya <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Sanskrit literary works in our times
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Namaste all,
I subscribe to this magazine it has so many diffrent topics. 
As a novice student of sanskrit it has helped me a lot.
I recommend it to everyone. 
Here is the weblink to subscribe. 

Hari Om
--- On Fri, 12/4/09, vedantham chary <> wrote:

From: vedantham chary <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Sanskrit literary works in our times
To: "Sanskrit Mailing List" <>
Date: Friday, December 4, 2009, 4:26 PM

Dear Members Hi 
I want to know how to get this sambhashana sandesh magazine to my USA addresss 
.Is it put on web to read of course with payment

Retired Civil Engineer
U 51 6th Main Road
CHENNAI-600 040
Mobile: 9444925605

--- On Fri, 12/4/09, Naresh Cuntoor <> wrote:

From: Naresh Cuntoor <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Sanskrit literary works in our times
To: "Sanskrit Mailing List" <>
Date: Friday, December 4, 2009, 7:17 AM

Every month the sambhAShaNa-sandesha magazine publishes a list of new
releases. It may be of interest to you.

Reminds of me of the old saying 'give a man a fish and you feed him
for a day, teach a man how to fish and you have feed him for life'.
Looks like that is not enough either. Perhaps it is time to add 'teach
every man in every place how to eat fish, and you feed the fishermen
and the people for life'. Increase the readership base so that it will
automatically encourage Sanskrit writers and poets to churn out
original work. The readers will have food for thought and the writers
will have money for food :)


On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 5:51 AM, Phillip Ernest
<> wrote:
> Actually I have been thinking about asking the group about this for some 
> time, about modern Sanskrit literature. ?I have a great desire to read some 
> of it, but Sanskrit will always remain work for me (being non-Indian and 
> having learned it late in life), so time is a problem. ?Yet the continuation 
> of Sanskrit culture is very important to me, I am glad to know that hundreds 
> of pages of new writing, of al kinds, are published every month. ?So far as 
> kavya is concerned, I imagine that the readership of new kavyas such as those 
> mentioned in this thread must be small, in the hundreds at most?
> Phillip
> Naganathapura, Bengaluru
> ? ? ?The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 
> _______________________________________________
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To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 15:43:45 -0500
From: Upendra Watwe <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Sanskrit literary works in our times
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Namaste Shobhaji,
Thanks for sharing this wonderful link with us.
I am planning to start sanskrit classes for kids in our area in Rocky hill,
CT, USA  and would like to seek the blessings and guidance from all learned
members like hn bhat, naresh cuntoor and many others.
The link showed me where I could purchase sanskrit workbooks for kids.

Thanks again.
(Hope to be able to write my next letters to you all in sanskrit).
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Message: 3
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 14:02:39 -0800 (PST)
From: Jay Vaidya <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Description Frogs at the first Rain Fall
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Many thanks to hn bhat for giving this sUkta. 

Interestingly, nearly all the comparisons are made using the "it is not" 
construction. Except the very first Rk. In the second Rk
dRtiM na sarasI
not-leather (but) lake... = lake bed like leather

vatsinInAM gavAM mAyur na, maNDUkAnAM vagnuH...
not the lowing of cows with calves, (but) croaking of frogs = croaking of frogs 
like the lowing of cows with calves

Enough of the vedic words and forms are different, that even in a seemingly 
simple Rk, where I can recognize the majority of the words, the meaning escaped 
me, and I had to refer again and again to the translation that bhat mahodaya so 
kindly provided.


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Message: 4
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 09:46:26 +0530
From: Krishnanand Mankikar <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Krishna and the Gopi
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

  ???? ??????

2009/12/3 Lee Goldberg <>

>   I suppose that would make "Harry Potter"  ???? ???????
> ;)
> --- On *Thu, 12/3/09, <
>>* wrote:
> 2009/12/2 hn bhat 
> <<>
> >
>> An interesting dialog between a cow-herd girl and Krishna when he knocked
>> on her door in the midnight::
>> ?????????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????
>> ?? ????? ??? ?????? ? ?? ??????? ??? ?????????? ????????? |
>> ???? ??????????? ????? ????????? ???? ??? ?????????
>> ??????? ???????? ???????????? ???? ?????????????
>> "Who is knocking the door with fingers?
>> --- Oh cunning girl, it is (me) Madhava."
>>  O is it Vasanta , the Spring Season?
>> ---- No, I am Cakrin, (holding the wheel.);
>> Oh is it the potter (holding potter?s wheel in his hand)?
>> ----No, no. It is me the up-lifter of earth (in the incarnation of boar,
>> Varaha).
>> Oh, then are you the lord of serpents with two tongues, Adisesha? (who
>> supports the earth).
>> --- No I am the one who tamed the serpent which lived in the river;
>> Oh are you the Garuda, the king of birds?
>> ---- No, I am Hari. (also the word Hari denotes a monkey as Krishna)
>>  Oh, are you then Hanuman, the king of monkeys.?
>> Thus, Krishna, discomfited by the cowherd girl (Gopi) by tit for tat
>> replies, may protect you.
>> Here is a beautiful play on words using pun on the words (highlighted in
>> the text) with double meaning by which the Gopi teases Krishna
>> --
>> Hari Narayana Bhat B.R.
>> EFEO,
> _______________________________________________
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Message: 5
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 11:16:05 +0530
From: hn bhat <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Anyokti Poetry - a gem in the hand of a monkey -
        1st     installment of the week -
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear fellow members,

This is the first installment of my submission of poetry to the mailing list
for appreciation for the week. Wait for three days for the next, digesting
this one at your leisure.  The whole of the poetry gives a picture what
happens if a precious gem happens to fall into the hands of a monkey
notorious for its mischievous acts.

??????? ??????????? ????????????? ????????????

??????? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??????

?? ??????? ??????? ????? ??? ??????????-

?????????????????????? ?????????? ????????

*?ghr?ta? paricumbita? parimuhurl??ha? puna? carvita?*

*tyakta? v? bhuvi n?rasena manas? tatra vyath?? m? k?th??|*

*he sadratna tavaitadeva ku?ala? yad v?nare??dar?-*

*danta?s?ravilokanavyasanin? c?r??k?ta? n??man?*||

O Precious gem, (Sad-Ratna = also, a most virtuous wise man) Smelt, kissed,
licked around repeatedly,  and bit and then without anything appealing to
its mind, (you were) thrown on the ground --- don?t worry much about it.
Consider this that you are safe (lucky) in that much that the monkey, by
natural desire to see what is inside, it did not break you into pieces with
a stone.

   This Anyokti addresses the grief of a most virtuous wise man, who found
himself insulted by some idiot rich man. He was safe in that much that he
did not attempt on his life out of their zeal to test his power.  It is the
nature of the monkey to break out anything to see if there is anything
inside it to eat.  Finding nothing interesting in it, it threw it on the
ground, by chance that saved the gem.
Dr. Hari Narayana Bhat B.R.
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Message: 6
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 17:17:24 +0530 (IST)
From: Phillip Ernest <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Anyokti Poetry - a gem in the hand of a monkey
        - 1st   installment of the week -
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

--- ???, 7/12/09 ??, hn bhat <> ?? ????:

> ??????: hn bhat <>
> ????: [Sanskrit] Anyokti Poetry - a gem in the hand of a monkey - 1st 
> installment of the week -
> To:
> ??????: ??????, 7 ??????, 2009, 11:16 AM
> Dear fellow
> members,This is
> the first installment of my submission of poetry to the
> mailing list for appreciation for the week.


Pardon my possibly hilarious ignorance, in case you have quoted something 
famous, but: is this poetry written by you?


      The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.


Message: 7
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 16:25:33 +0530
From: hn bhat <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] The Galaxy of stars - A Sanskrit verse with pun
To:, "P.K.Ramakrishnan" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Here  is the 2nd installment of my promised post of a shloka with pun:

 ??????????? ?????????????????? ??????? ??? ??????

???????? ??????? ???????????? ?????? ????????????

??????????????????????????? ?????????

?????? ?????????????? ????? ???????????? ??

*?r?ka??hasya sak?ttik?rttabhara?? m?rti? sad? rohi??*

*jye??h? bhadrapad? punarvasuyut? citr? vi??kh?nvit? *

*di?y?dak?atahastam?lagha?it????h? makh?la?k?t?*

*?reyo vai?rava??nvit? bhagavato nak?atrap?l?va va?||*


Let the auspicious figure of Lord Shiva like the gallaxy of stars bestow
wellfare on you, which possesses the (ornamant made of) the skin (*
sa-k?ttik?*), providing protection to the oppressed (*?rttabhara??*),
(better *?ttabhara??)*, ever growing (or red coloured : derived from either
rohin = that grows ever or rohita = red coloured >>> *rohi??*), the
excellent (*jye??h?*), secure place (for the devotees) (*bhadrapad?),  *again
possessed with wealth (*punarvasuyut?*), bright couloured  (*citr?*),
accompanied with Skandha (his son) (*vi??kh?nvit?*), holding the
*p?l??a *inside
the palm of his auspicious hand (*ak?ata *is thename of Shiva also) (*
hastam?lagha?it????h?*), decorated in the sacrifices (*makh?la?k?t?*) and
accompanied with Kubera (the lord of treasures).

Here, *k?ttik?, bhara??, rohi??, jye??h?, bhadrapad?,  punarvasu, citr?,
vi??kh?, hasta, m?la, ????ha, makh?** and ?rava??a re the names of the
starts identified in the adjectives applicable to the body of Shiva by pun
to form the comparison complete.*
Hope you will enjoy this also.

Dr. Hari Narayana Bhat B.R.
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Message: 8
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 06:46:53 -0800 (PST)
From: narayan iyer <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] The Galaxy of stars - A Sanskrit verse with
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Respected Sir,

Why did you leave out moola nakshatra??   " ??????? "



 "--- On Thu, 12/10/09, hn bhat <> wrote:

> From: hn bhat <>
> Subject: [Sanskrit] The Galaxy of stars - A Sanskrit verse with pun
> To:, "P.K.Ramakrishnan" <>
> Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:25 PM
> Here ?is the 2nd installment of my
> promised post of a shloka with pun:
> ????????????
> ?????????????????? ???????
> ???
> ??????
> ????????
> ??????? ????????????
> ?????? ???????????? 
> ???????????????????????????
> ?????????
> ??????
> ??????????????
> ?????
> ????????????
> ?? 
> ?r?ka??hasya
> sak?ttik?rttabhara?? m?rti? sad?
> rohi??
> jye??h?
> bhadrapad? punarvasuyut? citr? vi??kh?nvit?
> di?y?dak?atahastam?lagha?it????h?
> makh?la?k?t?
> ?reyo
> vai?rava??nvit? bhagavato nak?atrap?l?va
> va?||
> =============================================?
> Let the auspicious figure of Lord
> Shiva like the gallaxy of
> stars bestow wellfare on you, which possesses?the
> (ornamant made of) the skin (sa-k?ttik?),
> providing protection to
> the oppressed (?rttabhara??), (better
> ?ttabhara??), ever
> growing
> (or red coloured : derived from either rohin = that grows
> ever or rohita = red
> coloured >>> rohi??), the
> excellent (jye??h?), secure
> place (for the devotees) (bhadrapad?),?
> again possessed with wealth
> (punarvasuyut?),
> bright couloured? (citr?),?
> accompanied with Skandha (his son) (vi??kh?nvit?),
> holding the p?l??a
> inside the palm of his auspicious
> hand (ak?ata
> is thename of Shiva also)
> (hastam?lagha?it????h?),
> decorated in the sacrifices (makh?la?k?t?) and
> accompanied with
> Kubera (the lord of treasures).
> ?
> Here, k?ttik?, bhara??, rohi??,
> jye??h?,
> bhadrapad?,
> ?punarvasu,
> citr?, vi??kh?, hasta,
> m?la, ????ha, makh??and??rava??a re the names of the starts identified
> in
> the adjectives applicable to the body of Shiva by pun to
> form the comparison
> complete.Hope
> you will enjoy this also.
> -- 
> Dr. Hari Narayana Bhat B.R.
> -----Inline Attachment Follows-----
> _______________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of
> interest, visit
> and follow instructions.



Message: 9
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 22:21:03 +0530
From: Sai Susarla <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] [grammar] [l2] vyAkaraNa vaibhavaM - part 7 -
        sandhi  2
To: sanskrit <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

To digest the pANini rule types introduced earlier, let's try to 
identify the type of each of the sUtras I introduced in
lesson 7.
[Here are my guesses. Please correct me if wrong]

??????? - vidhi
??????????? ?????????? ???????? = paribhaaShaa (how to interpret sUtra text)
?????????????? = paribhaaShaa
???? ? = vidhi
???? ??? ??? = vidhi
???????????? ???? = vidhi
???????????? = paribhaaShaa

As hari Bhatta mahodaya has pointed out, my explanation of the last two 
sUtras was a bit confusing.
how sudhI + upaasyaH became suddhyupaasyaH
sudhI + upaasyaH = suddhy + upaasyaH
here, saMyogaantasya lopaH means, if a padam has a cluster of two or 
more consonants at the end, the last consonant disappears. However, 
there is a *vaartika *right next to that sUtra that says 'yaNaH 
pratiShedho vaachyaH'.
vaartika means a caveat introduced by AchArya vararuchi who is the 
vaakyakaaraH after paaNini. That vaartika says,
if that last consonant is a yaN varNa i.e., y v r l, this rule doesn't 
apply. Which means the 'y' in suddhy stays, getting us the final form, 

Another misunderstanding of mine was: where the 'alo.antyasya' rule applies.
I just learned that it stipulates how to interpret a ShaShTii vibhakti 
padam in a sUtram. So, obviously it's a paribhaaShaa sUtram.

For instance, in the sUtra 'ikaH yaN achi', the aadesha kaaryam happens 
on the antya al varNa i.e., the last letter
i.e., the last ik varNa of the previous word should be replaced. In 
sudhI + upaasyaH, the 'ii' varNa will be replaced by 'y'.
That way, in the sutra 'saMyogaantasya lopaH', the stipulated kaaryam is 
the lopaH or disappearance.
To know what should disappear, look for ShaShThi vibhakti padam in the 
sUtra i.e., "saMyogAntaH' should disappear.
So, '????????????' sutra is a paribhaaSha to explain how to interpret 
both ??????? as well as ???????????? ????
Is that clear? (Is my explanation correct?)
- Sai.
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Message: 10
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 22:40:31 +0530
From: Sai Susarla <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] [l2] [grammar] vyAkaraNa vaibhavaM - part 8 -
        sandhi 3
To: sanskrit <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Let's move on to the next cluster of sUtras on sandhi rules.

?????????? (vidhi sUtra)
achi pare, ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? syuH iti
e/o/ai/au + ach = ay/av/aay/aav + ach
However, which will replace which?
That is clarified in the following interpretation rule (paribhaaShaa):

???-?????? ??????? ????????
The aadesha kaaryam happens in the corresponding numerical order 1st by 
1st, 2nd by 2nd etc.
i.e., e by ay, o by av, ai by aay, au by aav.
hari + e = har + ay + e = haraye (for Hari)
viShNu + e = viShN + av + e = viShNave (for ViShNu)
nai + akaH = n + aay + akaH = naayakaH (leader)
pau + akaH = p + aav + akaH = paavakaH (agni, fire)

I couldn't understand the LSK explanation of the above sUtra which says,
????????? ????? ????????? ???????
What does samasambandhii mean?
- Sai.


Message: 11
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 10:03:03 +0530
From: hn bhat <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] [l2] [grammar] vyAkaraNa vaibhavaM - part 8 -
        sandhi  3 yathasamkhyam anudeshaH
To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

> I couldn't understand the LSK explanation of the above sUtra which says,

????????? ????? ????????? ???????

What does samasambandhii mean?

?????????? ??????? ??????? =

 ????????? ????? ????????? ???????

??????? ??????? =  ????????? ????? , ?????????? = ????????? ???????

yathaasaMkhyam (adverb) means respectively. This has been included in the
interpretation of the Sutra itself, in the Vritti, as kramAd which you seem
to have missed.
?????? is taken in the general sense VidhAna (or Vidhi). (only here it is
samAnAm = that are in equal in numbers. (both the Sthani, and Adesha here)
This is qualifying anudesha. Hence the ShaShThI is interpreted in the sense
of saMbandHa. Making it to mean, a Vidhi related to those (Sthanin or
Adesha, Agama, lopa etc.) in equal numbers as you can see in the line quoted
by you.

In short, any Vidhi related to those equal in numbers will be applicable
respectively (in the order they are listed). The application of this
respectivity is indicated by the vRitti in respect of this sUtra only kramAt
... ity AdeshAH syuH|.

.hari + e = har + ay + e = haraye (for Hari)

viShNu + e = viShN + av + e = viShNave (for ViShNu)

As you have given in the above two examples, it makes one to take it as i
substituted by ay and u >> by av.

The examples are containing internal Sandhi occuring within a single word.
The correct presentation for the above will be:

har*E* + e = har + ay + e = haraye (for Hari)
viShN*O* + e = viShN + av + e = viShNave (for ViShNu)

It is the ??????? ????? ??????? ?? > ? before which ??? and ?????? which
become ???  + e and ??????  + e respectively, from which the e and o are
substituted with ay and av.

Hope you will understand this position. The two others are in order. They
are ?????? formed from the verbs ?? and ?? respectively with the suffix
?????? >> ?? affixed. The sandhi takes place before the final inflexion.
????+?? ???? - ?? >> ?????, ????? respectively.

The examples of external Sandhi-s for the above occur in the ??????
position, where the y-v would be optionally lost according to ??????? These
will be given at another stage under the rule providing for the optional
lopa of the two consonants.

With regards

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 10:40 PM, Sai Susarla <> wrote:

> Let's move on to the next cluster of sUtras on sandhi rules.
> ?????????? (vidhi sUtra)
> achi pare, ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? syuH iti
> e/o/ai/au + ach = ay/av/aay/aav + ach
> However, which will replace which?
> That is clarified in the following interpretation rule (paribhaaShaa):
> ???-?????? ??????? ????????
> The aadesha kaaryam happens in the corresponding numerical order 1st by
> 1st, 2nd by 2nd etc.
> i.e., e by ay, o by av, ai by aay, au by aav.
> hari + e = har + ay + e = haraye (for Hari)
> viShNu + e = viShN + av + e = viShNave (for ViShNu)
> nai + akaH = n + aay + akaH = naayakaH (leader)
> pau + akaH = p + aav + akaH = paavakaH (agni, fire)
> I couldn't understand the LSK explanation of the above sUtra which says,
> ????????? ????? ????????? ???????
> What does samasambandhii mean?
> - Sai.
> _______________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
> and follow instructions.

Dr. Hari Narayana Bhat B.R.
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End of sanskrit Digest, Vol 56, Issue 6

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