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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Bahu shabda stri linga (Vimala Sarma)
   2. Re: Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach - Lesson 8
      (S. L. Abhyankar)
   3. Re: Bahu shabda stri linga (Vasuvaj .)
   4. Re: Fwd: Announcement of gItA anvaya sandhi vigraha group
      (S. L. Abhyankar)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 16:39:47 +1000
From: "Vimala Sarma" <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Bahu shabda stri linga
To: "'Sanskrit Mailing List'" <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Anupam - Ji
I think it is declined like dhenu (cow)

1st - bahuH, bahU, bahavaH
2nd - bahum, bahU, bahUH
3rd - bahvA, bahubhyAm, bahubhiH
4th -bahvai, bahubhyAm, bahubhyaH
5th - bahvAH, bahubhyAm, bahubhyaH
6th - bahvAH, bahvoH, bahUnAm
7th - bahvAm, bahvoH, bahuSu
Sam. - baho bahU, bahavaH


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of anupam srivatsav
Sent: Saturday, 29 May 2010 7:08 PM
To: Sanskrit Mailing List
Subject: [Sanskrit] Bahu shabda stri linga

Dear members,

Can anyone decline the shabda 'bahu' in stri lingam?

With regards,
To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
and follow instructions.


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 09:48:14 -0400
From: "S. L. Abhyankar" <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach - Lesson
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I found some corrections myself also. Corrected as follows

Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach - Lesson 8
> Here is an interesting ????????? very onomatopoetically  composed. Also it
> displays the flight of imagination of the poet. He leaves it to the reader
> to draw the moral.
> ???????????????? ???????? ?????????? ?
> ??????????????? ???????? ????????? ?
> ????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ?
> ?? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ?
> Let us start with our new style of study - phrase by phrase, word by word.
> ???????????????? = ??????: ????????
> ??????: = Night
> ???????? = will pass
> ???????? ??????????
> ???????? = will be or will become
> ?????????? = good morning
> ??????????????? = ???????? ????????
> ???????? = one who has splendour; sun ??? + ???
> ??? = splendour
> ???  A Suffix which helps to make a derived noun, meaning "having". Here
> ??? + ??? becomes a derived noun, with meaning "having splendour" One
> commonplace example is the word ??????
> ???????? = will rise
> ???????? ?????????
> ???????? = will smile
> ?????????
> ???? = ???? ????? ??? ??????
> ??? = mud
> ???? = in mud
> ? =  ????? = is born; grows
> ? is a sufffix, which is used to render a meaning "born of" or "born at" or
> "is born"
> ?????? = that which grows in mud = lotus
> ????? = glory
> ????????? = ??????? ?????, ????? ???????? ???? glory of lotus
> ????? ???????? ?????? ????????
> ????? = thus
> ???????? = thinking; ???????? is masculine, seventh case singular of ??????
> ?? a present active participle, derived from the causative of the verb ??
> + ???
> ??????
> ?????: = ???? ??:, ?????? ???????? ????
> ???? = into the treasure, into the bosom
> ??: = gone This is masculine first case singular of the past passive
> participle of root verb ???
> ?????? = having gone into the treasure
> ????????
> ???????: = ???? ???? ???? ??, ????????? ???? One who has two wings
> ???? = two
> ???? = wings (?), tentacles (?), pitch as of double-pitched noise (?). If
> ??? is to mean "wing", term  ??????? can mean any bird. But it is mostly
> used for a honeybee. Then what is meaning of ???, that it applies mostly
> to honeybee ?
> This phrase ????? ???????? ?????? ???????? merits special attention. Three
> words ???????? ?????? ???????? are all in seventh case ??????. This style
> of composition makes the phrase, a sub-clause. The meaning in seventh case
> of each word is not to be taken. As a phrase, the meaning becomes, "(as) the
> honeybee had gone into the bosom and was thinking.." or "(as) the honeybee,
> which had gone into the bosom, was thinking.."
> ?? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ???????
> ?? ???? ???? = interjection, mostly to express sadness
> ?????? = ??????? Second case singular of ????? meaning "lotus"
> ?? ??????? = ??: ???????
> ??: = elephant
> ??????? = uprooted, This is declension in past tense, third person,
> singular of root verb ??? +  ??  meaning "to uproot"
> The overall meaning becomes -
> As the honeybee, which had gone into the bosom (of a lotus), was
> thinking...
> "..night will pass and good morning will dawn,
> sun will rise and glory of (this) lotus will smile.."
> Oh God ! an elephant uprooted the lotus !!
> Moral ?
> Never think that things will work out the way you would like. The honeybee
> possibly thought that it will have all the time of passing of night until
> sunrise and opening of the petals of the lotus, all that time, to enjoy the
> nectar at the bosom of the lotus to its heart's content. But alas, an
> elephant came along and uprooted the lotus itself !!
> Man proposes, God disposes !!
> Never do over-indulgence; always take risk-factors also into account.
> I had another idea also in mind, in taking up this ?????????. In these
> four lines we have ????????, ????????, ????????, ????????, ????????, ???, 
> ???????
> all verb-forms - either declensions or participles. Even the suffix ? in ????
> has a derivation from a verb.
> Of these ????????, ????????, ????????, ???????? are all declensions in
> future tense, third person, singular of different root verbs ???, ??, ??? +
> ???, ???
> ???????? is masculine, seventh case singular of ???????? a present active
> participle, derived from the causative of the verb ?? + ???
> ??? is masculine, seventh case, singular of past passive participle ?? of
> root verb ???
> ??????? is declension in past tense, third person, singular of root verb ???
> +  ??
> Verbs in Sanskrit become a subject of interesting, but very comprehensive
> study. It is possibly no exaggeration to say that Sanskrit owes much of its
> charm for how one can play around with verbs ! Prominently,
> 1. A root verb is called as ????
> 2. Verbs in Sanskrit are of ten classes called as ??
> 3. Some verbs may belong to more than one ??-s
> 4. The patterns of declension are of two types, called as ?????????  and
> ?????????
> 5. When a ???? has declension of both patterns ????????? and  ????????? it
> is called as ??????
> 6. Declensions of verbs are influenced by tense or mood, person and number
> 7. There are ten tenses and moods -
> the tenses are seven
> Present Tense ???????? ???
> Three types of Past Tense ???? ???? ??? ????
> Three types of Future Tense ???????? ???? ???? ????
> and the moods are three
> Imperative Mood ???? ????
> Mood typically indicated by "should" in English ???? ????
> Mood of benevolent wishes and blessings as indicated by "May God bless you"
> in English ????? ????
> 8. There are three persons - first person (I, we) second person (you),
> third person (he-she-it, they)
> 9. Numbers are three - singular, dual, plural
> In the dictionary, one will usually find a verb identified as follows -
> ????:??:???? ????. ??. ??. ??.?. ??. ??. ??.1???1?.????????2??1?.???????3?
> ?? + ???1?.??????-?? ??????4???1?.????????5?? + ??? (???????)1?.????????
> ???????6??? +  ??1?.???????-????????
> In the above table
> ?. = ?????????
> ?. = ??????
> ????. ??. ??. ??. = ???????? ?????-????????? ???????
> ?. ??. ??. ??. = ??????-???????????? ??????????? ????????
> There are many adjectival and adverbial derivatives obtained from verbs.
> 1. Past passive participles such as ??
> 2. Present active participles such as ????????
> 3. Adjectives obtained from verbs ????????? ?????? by using suffixes ?
> ???? ????
> 4. Infinitive obtained by using suffix ????
> 5. Adverbial derivatives obtained by using suffix ???? e.g. ????? means
> "upon going"
> In Sanskrit, words are formed
> 1. by declension of nouns, pronouns and adjectives influenced by gender,
> case and number
> 2. by declension of verbal roots influenced by tense or mood. voice,
> causative, person and number
> 3. by declension of adjectival derivatives obtained from verbs
> And there are of course the
> 4. indeclinables - among them adverbs, conjunctions and interjections
> 5. adverbial derivatives obtained from verbs, which also are indeclinables.
> For doing word-by-word study we can use five structures to present a study
> of words of these five types.
> For example we can see a presentation of words in this ????????? in the
> following manner.
> ????:???????  ????:???????:?????????????:?????????????:??????:??????????
> ????????????.????????.night
> ????:???????  ????:???????:??:????????????? ???????:???: ?? ????: ???????:
> ?????????????:?????????????????????1?.????????????????:?????:??.will go,
> will pass
> ????:???????  ????:????????:?????????????In this manner, thus
> ????:???????  ????:???????:???????:??:????????????? ???????:???: ?? ????:
> ???????????????:?????????????: ?????????. ?. ??. ??. ?????????? + ???1?.???
> = Yes???????????????.????????.when thinking
> In the table for ???????? please note ?. ?. ??. ??. = ??????
> ????????????????  ??????????? ????????
> Wow! We already have structures for four of the five types of words in
> Sanskrit !
> And what a study !
> Do not these structures give a very satisfactory and confidant feeling that
> "well, the ????????? is really thoroughly understood !" ?
> As an exercise, you can compile a study of all the other words !
> ???????? |
> *-o-O-o-*
> Very honestly and very earnestly, I seek comments on this lesson to make it
> error-free, so that, the structures in particular can be carried forward in
> forthcoming lessons. I have a doubt on the meaning of the word ??? also. 
> Please
> help !!

> ???????? ,?????????????????? ???????? | ???????? ?????? ????????? ?
-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 14:26:32 +0000
From: "Vasuvaj ." <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Bahu shabda stri linga
To: <>
Message-ID: <snt115-w16d653665ad6f8fa5f0bcda3...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Vikalpena anyaroopam api asti.

Like 'nadii' ,  'bahvii' can also be declined


 bahavah baalikaah gacchanti - shuddha roopam asti
bahvyah baalikaah gacchanti  -   shuddha roopam asti

> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 16:39:47 +1000
> Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Bahu shabda stri linga
> Anupam - Ji
> I think it is declined like dhenu (cow)
> 1st - bahuH, bahU, bahavaH
> 2nd - bahum, bahU, bahUH
> 3rd - bahvA, bahubhyAm, bahubhiH
> 4th -bahvai, bahubhyAm, bahubhyaH
> 5th - bahvAH, bahubhyAm, bahubhyaH
> 6th - bahvAH, bahvoH, bahUnAm
> 7th - bahvAm, bahvoH, bahuSu
> Sam. - baho bahU, bahavaH
> Regards
> Vimala
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of anupam srivatsav
> Sent: Saturday, 29 May 2010 7:08 PM
> To: Sanskrit Mailing List
> Subject: [Sanskrit] Bahu shabda stri linga
> Dear members,
> Namaste.
> Can anyone decline the shabda 'bahu' in stri lingam?
> With regards,
> Anupam.
> _______________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
> and follow instructions.
> _______________________________________________
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or customize your subscription or topics of interest, visit
> and follow instructions.
Hotmail is redefining busy with tools for the New Busy. Get more from your 
-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 4
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 10:43:57 -0400
From: "S. L. Abhyankar" <>
Subject: Re: [Sanskrit] Fwd: Announcement of gItA anvaya sandhi
        vigraha group
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear Mr. Ramakrishna Upadrasta,

I am excited to learn of the group for study of ????.
I had started off on a ?????? study of ???? in ?????.
Specimen below is just on the phrase ?? ???????????????? |
Then I thought it better to first do ????? of all ??????? | I did that for
all the eighteen chapters, 700 verses.
I have conserved all that effort at another of my blogs <>
I hope, you will like the  posts of ?????s in particular.

?????? ???? ?????? - ?????????
||?? ???????????????? ||

?? ?????? ???? ?????? ????????, ???????????? ?????? ???. ???? ?????? ??????
???, ??????? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????. ?????? ?????? ?????????, ?? ??? -->

????????? ?
?? ???????????????? ?

?? = ???? ?????? ????. ???? ?? ???? ????? (??? ? ??????) ???. ?? ???? ?????
???? ???, "???? ?????? ????", ???? ??????? ?? ??????????? ??? ????. ??????
"?? ????????????????" ??? ??????? ????? ???. ?? ???? ?????????, ??????
?????? ????, ?????? ?????? ??????? ????.

???????????????? = (?) ???? ??????? ??????? ??? ???? ????, ??????? + ????? +
???? ?
(?) ????? ??? ??? ????? ???????????? ?? ??????? ???? ??????. ?????? ??????
"???????? ??????" ???. ???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???????? ????.
(? ?) ??????? ? ????? ? = ???????????? ??? ?????? ???????
(?) ???????? = ??????? ???? "???"-??????????? ????????? ????????? ??????
??????? ?????. "????" ???? ??????????? ?????? "???" ?? ??????? ????? ???????
??? ?????? ???? ????.
(?) ???? = ???????, ????, ?????????????? ??? ???? ???? ??????? ???????.
??????? ??????? ???? ??? "????" ????. ?????? ???? ????????? ???????? "????"
?? ????? ????? ????. ???????? ?????? ???? ????????, ???????? ????????? ???
??????. ?????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????? "????" ?? ????? ?????? ?????,
?? ????? ???. ?????????? ????? ???? ? ??????? "????????" ???????.
(?) ?????? = "?????" ???? "???"-??????????? ????????? ????????? ??????
??????? ?????. "??" ???? ????????? ?????? "???" ?? ??????? ????? "?????" ???
?????? ???? ????. ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ???
?????? ???. ?????? ???????????? ?? ??????? ???? "???????? ??????" ??? ??????
?? ??????? ?????? ???????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ????.
(?) ?? ???? ??????? ??????????? ???????-??????? ????????? ?? ???? ???? ????
(?) ?? = ????. ???? ??? ???????? ???? ??????, ????????? ??????? ?????????
???? ??????, ????????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ???? ????. ??? ????????
????????? ????????????????? ????? ?????. ????????? ?????? ???????????
??????? ???? ???? ? ?? ?????? "??????" ????. ??????? ???? ????. ?????
??????????????????? ????????????? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ????. ??
?????? ????? "??????"? ??????.
(?) ?? = ????. "?????" ????? "???" ???? ?????????? ???? ?????? ???. ???? ???
??? ??, ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ????????? ??????. ??????? ???
?????? "????" ??? ?????? ?????, ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ???.
?????? ???? ?????, ?? ????? ??????, ?? ??????.
(?) ?? = ???, ???. ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????. ?? ?????? ???,
????????????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????.
(?) ??? ??? ??? = ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????.
?????? ??????? "??? ?????" ??? ???? ?????? ?????. ?? ??? ?? ?????????? ????
"???? ?????" ????? ????. ???? ?????? ?????? ???????????. ?????? ???? ???????
??? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????????
???? ?????. ?? ??? ?????????? ??????? ????. ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ??
???? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ?????. ???????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???????
??????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????.
(?) ???????????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? "????", ????? ???????????????? ????
??????? ??????? ?????? "???????????? ????".
(??) ???????????? ??? ???????????? ???? ???????, ???? ?? ??????????,
????????? ?????? ??????? ?????, ???? ????????????? ???????.
(??) ???? = ?? ???? ??????? ????????? (? ?.) ???????? ?????? ??????????
????????? ????????? ??????????? ?????? ??????? ?????. ???? ???????.
(??) "????????????????" ?? ?????? ???????? ????. ?????? ?????? "????????????
????". ?????? "????????????????" ???? ??????? ???? ???????????????? ???????,
???? ?????????? "????????????????" ??? ?????? ???. ??? ??? ??????????? ???.
???? ??????? ??? ?????? ???, ??? ??????????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????
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?????????" ?? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ?????. "???????" ?? ???? ??????????? ???.
?????? ?????? ???????? ???????????? ?????? ????. ?????? "????????????????"
?? ???? ??????????? ???. ??? "????" "????" ??????, ??? ???? ??? ?????? ???,
??? ?????? ?????? ??????????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ????. ?????? ?? ?????
????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ????. ???.
(??) "?????????????????? ?????????" ??? ?????? ???? ???????? ????????
???????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ???? ????? ???. "??????????????????
?????????" ???? ?????? ???? ????????? ????. ??????, ???????? ??????, ????
??????. ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????.
???????? ????.
(??) ??? ?? ???? ?? ???????? ???? ?????. ???????????? ??????????? ?? ???????
???. ????????? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ??????????? ???????? ?????? ????,
?? ???. ????????????? ??? ??????????? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ??????? ?????? ??????
? ?? ??. ?????? ???????? ??????????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? !
???????? ,
?????????????????? ???????? |
???????? ?????? ????????? ?

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ramakrishna Upadrasta <>
> To: Sanskrit Mailing List <>
> Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 17:55:38 +0200
> Subject: [Sanskrit] Fwd: Announcement of gItA anvaya sandhi vigraha group
> namaste saMskRita-priyaaH,
> OM shrii gurubho namaH
> You may be interested in joining the 'gItA anvaya sandhi vigraha'
> google group whose link is at the end of this mail. Briefly, joining
> this group would send you one mail per day, with some number of gItA
> verses, along with their sandhi vigraha. It assumes that you have a
> reasonable understanding of the gItA and can understand devanaagari.
> (Running a similar group which does the same in ITRANS is also in
> consideration, provided there is a request).
> Here is the group description from the group page:
> ========================================================
> Welcome to gItA anvaya sandhi vigraha newsgroup. This newsgroup is
> devoted to studying some number of gItA verses everyday, along with
> their sandhi vigraha. It is based on the theme of Samskrita Bharati, a
> great organization, which has published books with the theme of
> teaching Sanskrit using Gita and teaching Gita using Sanskrit
> concepts.
> By subscribing to this mailing list, you will receive some number of
> gItA verses along with the padachheda of the verses and the
> sandhi-vigraha.  The honor code to join the newsgroup is that the
> reader would read the messages posted on that day itself.
> Some sample verses are the following:
> ???????? ????????? ???????????????? .
> ?????? ??????????? ???????? ??? ????????????? .. ?.??
> ????????? ????\-?????? ????\-???\-????????? .
> ??????? ????\-???????? ???????? ???? ???????? ?????? .. ?.??
> ????\-?????? ????????? ????\-???????? ???????
> ????\-???\-????????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????? .
> ?????????????????? ???????? ??????????? .
> ???????? ?????????? ?? ? ?????? ?????? .. ??.??
> ???-????-???? ???-???? ???-????? ????-??????? .
> ???????? ????-?????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?????? .. ??.??
> ?? ??????! ?? ???-????-????, ???-????,
> ????-??????? ????-?????? ???????? ???-????? (?????),
> ?? ???? ??? .
> ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??? .
> ??????? ?????????????????????????????????? .. ?.??
> ? ???? ??????? ???? ? ????? ??????? ??? .
> ????? ??? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ??????-???????? .. ?.??
> ???? ???? ? ??????? ??? ????? ? ??????? . ??????-???????? ??
> ????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? .
> ?????? ???????? ??????????????????????? .
> ?????? ????????????? ??????????? ??????? .. ??.??
> ?????? ????-????? ??? ?????? ?????-????-????? .
> ?????? ????????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? .. ??.??
> ???? ??? ?????? ????-?????, ?????? ?????-????-?????, ??????
> ????????? (?????), ?????? (?) ?????? ??????? .
> ??????????????????????? ????????????? .
> ???????? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ? ??????? .. ??.?
> ??????-????? ???-????? ????????? ??????? ??????? .
> ???????? ???? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??????? .. ??.?
> ???????? ???? ??????? (????? ??) ????????? ??????-?????
> ???-????? ??????? ??????? . ?? ??? ???, ?? ??????? (??? ??????).
> The text which we would be using is written by Shri Sunder Hattangadi.
> The document we would be using is available at the following link at
> Sanskrit Docs location:
> Many sincere namaskaarams to Shri Sunder-ji for the original, and the
> people at Sanskrit docs for putting this (as well as lot of documents)
> online.
> May your study be successful!
> ========================================================
> The link to the group is at the following location:
> praNAmaH
> Ramakrishna
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End of sanskrit Digest, Vol 62, Issue 2

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