
The Great Women behind Great Men (part 1 of 3): The Mother

Behind every great man stands a woman; behind every man stands a great
woman; behind every successful man stands a woman.  These are three
different versions of an old saying, best remembered as a feminist slogan
of the 1960s and 1970s.  When you think about it however, it rings true.
How do we respond when we hear about the man whose mother gave up
everything to give him an education, the woman who worked 3 jobs to raise
her children, and the woman who stands silently in the background as her
husband rises to power as a statesman, businessman, politician, or
educator? Men rise to soaring heights when the women in their lives
nurture, support and encourage them to be the best men that they can be.
Even the Prophet’s of God benefitted from the wise counsel of the women in
their lives.

Today we start a series of articles about the great women who stood, not
behind but at the side of the men in their lives.  These great women, in
their own individual ways, supported and encouraged men whose lives were
fraught with danger and monumental change.  Mothers, wives, daughters; the
influence these women have over the men in their lives is remarkable.
Islam calls these women the best of humankind

*‘The best women of humankind are four: Mariam, daughter of Imran, Assiya,
the wife of Pharaoh, Khadija, daughter of Khuwailid, and Fatima the
daughter of the Messenger of

The key to success for any woman is to live life according to God’s
guidance.  As we know, this guidance is contained in and completed by the
Quran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad.  Let us begin with mothers;
Islam emphasises their significant role on numerous occasions.  Prophet
Muhammad says that paradise lies at the feet of
Prophet Jesus says, “...and He has made me blessed wheresoever I be,
has enjoined  on me prayer, and alms, as long as I live, and dutiful to my
mother, and made me not arrogant, unblest.” *(Quran 19:30-32)*

And when the angels said: ‘O Mary!  Verily, God has chosen you, purified
you,and chosen you above the women of the worlds of mankind and jinn.’
(Quran 3:42)

Prophet Muhammad’s son in law and close companion Ali,  said, *“I heard the
Prophet of God saying Mary, the daughter of Imran was the best among women.”
*[3] <http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/5048/#_ftn17556>

Maryam, the Arabic word for Mary, means maidservant of God.  Mary, the
mother of Jesus, was dedicated to God before she was born.  Mary’s mother
dedicated her child to the temple and by doing so she secured Mary’s
freedom because she understood that true freedom was only attainable
through complete submission to God.

Mary grew up having complete trust in God and her story can be found in
Quran, particularly in chapters 3 and 19 named for Mary’s father and for
Mary, respectively.  In chapter 5 of Quran Mary is referred to as a *siddiqa
* (truthful one) and the Arabic word *siddiqa* implies more than just
speaking the truth.  It indicates one who achieves a very high level of
righteousness.  It means that one is truthful, not only with themselves and
those around them, but also with God.  Mary was a woman who fulfilled her
covenant with God, Whom she worshiped with full submission.  She was pious,
chaste, and devout; the woman chosen above all other women to be the mother
of Jesus.

After the birth of Jesus, Mary faced incredible hardship. Even though she
was a young woman of faith, character and self control, try to imagine the
courage it took for her to return to her village with a babe in arms. She
left the village a young woman not much older than a child but with a
reputation for piety and righteousness.  She returned as an unmarried
mother of a new born babe. Imagine the talk, the gossip and accusations.
When the townspeople surrounded and questioned her she followed God’s
instructions and did not speak.  Jesus himself, a baby cradled in Mary’s
arms, spoke, declaring himself to be a prophet from God. *(Quran 19:30)*

Islam tells us very little about the life shared by Jesus and his mother
Mary. Of course we can surmise that Mary was a woman of her time. With the
exception of her education and possibly her ability to read, Mary would
have lived and learned just like the other Jewish girls around her. She
would have kept house, cooked, cleaned, sewed, walked to the well for water
but above all she was an educator. It is easy to imagine Jesus sitting on
her lap or at her feet listening to the stories of her people and their
prayers. He would also have experienced at close hand Mary’s profound love
and trust in God. How much of Mary’s character influenced Jesus as he grew
up?  A great deal, is the most probable answer.

As Jesus grew and began his mission, Mary must have behaved like any other
mother. She probably swallowed her fears and encouraged her son to strive
to please God. Mary would have sensed the danger of Jesus’ mission yet
undoubtedly she held onto her total trust in God and conveyed her sense of
contentment with God’s will to her son.

The mother’s role is both monumental and overwhelming. Not only does she go
through both the joys and difficulties of pregnancy and giving birth, she
dedicates her entire life to nurturing and caring for her children.  It is
her responsibility to raise and to educate them to be righteous and pious
human beings.  She cooks, cleans, nurtures and educates, she is also
responsible for their spiritual, emotional and physical health and
well-being. A mother’s role does not end when her child grows and begins a
life of his or her own, it goes on and on and continues to influence her
children and grandchildren.

In this day and age when the role of motherhood is being undermined at
every turn, women should draw strength from great women such as Mary the
mother of Jesus.


[1] <http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/5048/#_ftnref17554> Saheeh
Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim

[2] <http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/5048/#_ftnref17555> Ahmad, An

[3] <http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/5048/#_ftnref17556> Saheeh

 *For more information about Islam, you are welcome in a live free private
chat  at** ***



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