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Juri Linkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Emacs Categorizing Information Manager
System name: ee
Type: GNU

Ee is the categorizing information manager for Emacs.

It works by collecting data from different sources and converting data

to a relational or associative Emacs database. It uses fields of

database table records to build the category trees, which are

displayed in the Emacs view buffer in tree views (outlines).

Ee allows to manipulate data by operating on displayed tree views

(expand/collapse outlines, mark and delete data, create new data

records, change field values of existing records, call functions on

a selected data record or group of records, etc.)

A view buffer can have different views which can be switched between.

Views are stored in a separate database which have fields

describing how different views are created from data.

Thus, Ee provides a simple and uniform interface for information

display and editing in Emacs.

The source code can be found at http://www.jurta.org/emacs/ee/.

Other Software Required:
Ee depends on Emacs. It can work with some Emacs packages or

external programs, but they are not required for normal work of Ee.

Other Comments:

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