
The following project was submitted to Savannah. It needs evaluation to
become a GNU package, can you give it a look, please ? 

Submitter: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Project Full Name:  Passcheck - A password sanity tool
Project System Name:  passcheck
License:  lgpl
Approval URL: https://savannah.gnu.org/admin/groupedit.php?group_id=4623
Description: Pass check is a password sanity checker, designed
to be used as a tool by the various password 
changing programs.

This is a drop in replacement or rewrite of the 
original cracklib, and shares no code with the 
original(note: as they do the same thing, 
there are a few similar algorithms).

The intent of this rewrite is to:

1. to provide an updated version of the somewhat difficult
to find cracklib

2. to allow DIY'ers a ready to use cracklib

3. to make an even more thourough and accurate cracklib

4. to provide a LGPL'd free software implementation, versus the
questionable (Original) Artistic license(listed as non-free at gnu.org)

Unlike the original cracklib, this library uses the standard
system dictionary, and requires no further special files.

Current Source Code:


 -- the Savannah admin

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