On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 09:52:09PM +0000, Karl Berry wrote:
> FYI: Chris Bryant (user chrisbryant_ucla) wrote maintain...@gnu.org
> about resuming his work on the gug-la nongnu group
> (https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/gug-la/).  Although it's a
> savannah question and not a GNU question, with my savannah hat on, I saw
> no reason for him not to resume work on it since it was his project in
> the first place, and there were zero other members (admins or otherwise)
> of the project, so I approved his membership request in the normal way.
> (I also know Chris personally and am sure he is not doing anything
> questionable.)

Ok, I'm a bit surprised because the same Chris recently retracted his
offer to contribute to Savane due to unexpected time constraints.


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