Eric Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to Jim Meyering on 12/4/2006 2:21 AM:
>> So far, no one has objected to my proposal to convert gnulib development
>> from cvs to git.  If there are any nay-sayers, it's time to speak up.
>> I've just gone through the conversion process once more, and
>> pushed the result to the usual place:
> Is this archive now up-to-date, or is there some issue still holding back
> the conversion process?  The more I have used git over the past few weeks,
> the more impressed I have been with it.

I updated it a couple of weeks ago, but not since then.

I suggested that once we've switched gnulib to git,
it'd be nice to have an automatic process that would mirror each
git delta to the (legacy) CVS repository.  Then, if somehow,
something catastrophic happens to the git repo and we need to go
back to using CVS, we can simply throw away the GIT repository
and switch back to using CVS.

I hadn't spent time on that, but am doing so now.

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