Follow-up Comment #6, task #13451 (project administration):

hi again brenton,

regarding the fsf assignment. i am well aware of the policy.  the point is
that this new project is not part of gnu grep, but rather a new package based
on gnu grep.  unless the ultimate goal is for your work to get folded back
into grep, but i didn't get that impression.

i see that you did an assignment for grep years ago in your own name, and then
in 2013 for grouse.  that's great, but that's about your contributions to grep
itself, not new stuff you do outside of grep.  the fsf does not accept
copyright assignments except on official gnu packages (like grep, unlike

thus, i still believe that new material you write should be copyrighted in
your name.

p.s. regardless of all this niggling, the project itself sounds great!


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