Hi all !

I have prepared the second and hopefully last RC candidate for the 0.9.0 
release !

So far, all known bugs have been closed, so if nothing bad happens for the 
next 7-10 days, we should release liquidsoap 0.9.0 !

Before the release is done, we would also like to update the gentoo ebuilds. 
Are there gentoo users among you who could kindly update them ?


PS: here are the instructions that were sent with RC1:

You can test this candidate in two main directions:

 * Experiment with new video support. This is nice to get an idea of what it 
is possible to do and have ideas for later extensions. But, please, don't 
expect too much stability in this part. We have done our best, but shit 
happens :)

 * Try audio support in production conditions: new audio features, on the 
other hand, should not be a serious trouble now. It should be possible to 
seriously test stability and long-term runs for audio streaming.

The list of current issues, fixed or known, can be found there:

The list of modifications for this new release can be found in liquidsoap's 
CHANGE file, though it might not be exhaustive at this point.

If you encounter an issue which does not seem to be listed, you are 
welcome to submit it and help hunting as much issues as possible !

However, before submitting a new issue, you should have in mind the following 
 * Am I sure that the bug is liquidsoap's fault ?
  -> Check memory and load on the machine
  -> Look at exotic things in your script
 * Can I reproduce the bug ? Is it deterministic ?
  -> Try to find a script as minimal as possible that reproduces the issue
  -> Not all issues are deterministic, however, you should at least experience
       it regulary.
 * If the bug didn't appear before, in what circumstancies did it ? Did 
   anything external changed before ? Does the bug disapear if I switch 
   back to the old settings ? 
   In particular, the daily debian packages repository contains many
   old versions, that you can install with:
     "apt-get install liquidsoap=version"
   A very interesting information then is the precise version or svn commit
   where the bug hapened, or, at least, an date interval..

You should also try to give us as much information as possible:
 * What version of liquidsoap did you use ? 
 * How did you install it (debian, gentoo, from source) ?
 * Attach a script that reproduces the issue (as minimal as possible)
 * Attach the corresponding log
 * Explain any details, in particular concerning the topics mentioned above.

All issues should be submited to our trac site at this place:

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