kosnickx wrote:
> David Baelde wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 2:06 PM, kosnickx <kosni...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So in order to achieve this i was thinking (actually it was Romain that
>>> mentioned this a while ago but i thought i should try it now) that
>>> input.harbor may help me with this.
>> That could work, yes. You woud distinguish different harbor inputs by
>> their mount: one mount per DJ. This means that you won't be able to
>> distinguish them if you want to use shoutcast clients, which can only
>> use mount "/".
>> Otherwise you may be able to use only one input.harbor and tweak the
>> authentication function to only accept the right DJ at the right time.
>> I think someone is doing, or has tried to do that, and there are some
>> glitches. You're welcome to try and report problems, which we'll try
>> to fix. The first solution is best if it fits your needs, though.
>> Cheers,
> First of all thank you for your (quick) answer, David
> Well as i have seen here
> http://savonet.sourceforge.net/doc-0.9.1/http_vs_harbor.html
> in the sample code
> there is some "global" settings for the bind address, the port and the 
> password.
> I believe this has to be set in my script file somewhere but then this 
> means that is would be the same for all the producers, right? I mean 
> the producers have all the same password, right? Oh now it got in my 
> head , i could use different mount point for every producer , keeping 
> the password the same for everyone. In this way i could distinguish 
> each producer (and of cource each input.harbor) through the mount 
> point and not through the password
> Oh and yes i am talking about icecast.
> Is that it?
finally i found myself some time and did tried what David proposed.
Actually i chose the first solution, the one with the different mount 
point for each dj (because i didn't understand the thing with the 
password and the username for each harbor)
and IT WORKED just fine!
but i discovered something i would like to change if there is a solution.
In my script i use "switch" also
for example
out = switch([

and goes on for each day
this means that
monday00o equals to input.harbor("monday00o)
monday02o equals to input.harbor("monday02o)
and so on
in that way each dj (streaming from his/her own place to the harbor 
he/she "owns") can stream only in specific hours. Well i have tried that 
and indeed it works (in a way...). I mean that any dj can stream to 
his/her "own" harbor but only the corresponding one will be "on the air" 
(because liquidsoap will let his/hers stream go to the icecast server 
and finally stream out "on air")
If the dj that streams to harbor "monday00o" does not stop his streaming 
to the harbor when he/she is supposed to, then liquidsoap will let 
him/her go on his/her streaming constantly which means that the next dj 
("monday02o") will not be able to go "on air" (this next dj will be able 
to connect to his/her harbor but liquidsoap will keep having "on air", 
meaning sending the stream to the icecast server, the previous dj).
To make things a bit clear: i want liquidsoap to be able to cut djs that 
are not supposed to stream and let those that are. But seems that the 
way i have built the script (with the "switch") is not working.
Could someone give me a hand with this?
Thank you in advance

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