Hi !

Le Wednesday 24 December 2008 12:16:45 perik...@daleteradio.com, vous avez 
écrit :
> 1st: I have a playlist xmas that play one song randomly after 3 songs of
> the main playlists. This is not happening... If i start liquidsoap and the
> first song is from xmas list, it plays only xmas songs. If liquidsoap
> starts with c_rock playlist, it continues only with c_rock songs.(At this
> moment of writing this mail, i remove the playlist.makesafe(...) and
> replace it with only playlist(...), maybe this corrects the problem)

The crossfade operator removes the track limits (note: isn't this fixed with 
0.9.0 ?), so the random operator doesn't work at this line:
> pl = random(weights=[1,3],[ xmas,pl ])

You should add the crossfade after the random.

You should also remove the random at this place for instance:
> c_rock = random([playlist("/home/perarg/playlists/c_rock.m3u")])

random operates on a list of sources, here it will not be used since there is 
only one source. I you want to randomize the files in the playlist, there are 
options for that into the playlist operators (see online documentation, or 
liquidsoap -h playlist).

> 2nd: I get in log file, the message "We must catchup 1.04 seconds!". Is my
> liq script somehow havy for the processor or i have misconfigure the whole
> thing ?

Liquidsoap wants to acheive real time operations. However, from time to time 
it can be late with regards to this constraints, so it states it in the log. 
However, this is not generally an issue. If the line only happen once from 
time to time, then liquidsoap is able to catchup and it is fine. The main 
problem is when this delay remains constant.


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