Hi !

Le Tuesday 10 March 2009 15:25:30 fruity, vous avez écrit :
> # output to a icecast server
> output.icecast.theora(port=8000, password="passwd", host="icecast",
> mount="test.ogv", name="test.ogv", protocol="http",
> genre="Experimental,Eclectic,Free pirate radio", description="Online
> since 1997", public=true, final)

I don't see anything ovbiously wrong here. You can check the maximun source 
limit in your icecast.xml config file, since the same error message is 
triggered when icecast refuses the source when there is already the maximun 
number of them...

Ha, also, I am currently struggling to enhance the synchronization between 
audio and video in our streams. Clearly, this kind of videos, with a single 
image and audio, is very hard to stream: there can be a fairly important time 
without video keyframe (main image, in jpeg, the other ones are coded by 
difference with this one), and then the player is confused because it has 
nothing to display for the video.

mplayer is generaly not very good for decoding live Theora streams, while vlc 
behaves quite good. Also, you can expect a commit to enhance this very soon.


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